Rosemary is one of the most resilient herbs and when pruned and cared for properly can actually handle some rough weather.
Dried rosemary can be used in a variety of recipes, teas, spices, and has been said can even aid in cancer prevention.
We’ll be going over everything you need to know about this evergreen herb including how to dry rosemary as well as grow it.
It remains one of the most popular herbs to grow at home as it is for versatility in both food and natural medicine. Rosemary is also generally resilient to changes in weather. Somehow it requires little maintenance and upkeep.With the right planning and pruning, a rosemary plant will pay for itself several times over. Learning how to grow rosemary is a simple process. Proper drying techniques will allow you to use the herb for anything, that specially used in baking goods to aromatherapy. Much like other herbs like Rosemary. Rosemary can also provide cleansing properties, mitigate sickness symptoms. Using rosemary can even aid in the prevention of chronic illnesses and cancers. We’ll be going over how to dry rosemary and on how to grow rosemary in almost any climate. As well as discussing the right way to prepare your herb for consumption and use.
Why rosemary?
Rosemary is often recommended to first-time growers because of its ease of growing and wide range of uses.
Rosemary allows cooks to spice up a wide range of meats and sauces. It can be used as a garnish, an ingredient, and even brewed into several different types of teas.
The scientific community has also found several health uses for this evergreen herb. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) found in a recent study that exposure to rosemary essential oils can activate physiological defense.
It also works as a natural antioxidant.
The NIH also found that rosemary’s effects aren’t limited to natural curative properties. While the research remains nascent, rosemary has shows to curb cancerous growths. Rosemary also helps families that were looking for a herb that can stand the elements for whole year-round. Furthermore, you can use rosemary at all times of the year, if your area maintains a mild winter, you don’t need to replant. Rosemary replenishes itself and will grow to fill up whichever contain you’ve chosen for it.
Choosing a growing location for rosemary
Like we’ve mentioned, rosemary grows well in most locations. But your rosemary plant will last longer if you do some planning.
Rosemary is a Mediterranean plant in origin, try to find a suitable location that will keep your plant in full view of the sun and in an area that isn’t too moist.While it may sound counterintuitive, too much moisture will stunt the growth of your plant Direct sunlight is key, so plant your rosemary in the sunniest section of your backyard or garden. Light watering needs for dryer climates, anywhere that is more temperate won’t need constant maintenance. Pots remain the most popular way to grow rosemary and will suit most smaller families. For larger families or families looking to grow rosemary in the long-term. Growing rosemary along with a retaining wall, it ensures that the soil doesn’t become too saturated. If you want to decorate somewhat with your rosemary, consider purchasing rosemary that grows prostrate This so-called “creeping rosemary” will bleed over your retaining walls. Thus giving you a nice, elegant look that also serves as a valuable herb for personal use, you will need a specific plant for this, so be sure to check in with your local gardening authority.
How to grow rosemary
Now that we have our correct spot and correct conditions, we’ll need to start growing.
Rosemary can be grown from both seeds and clippings. Most chose to start with a whole plant purchased at a local garden. Regardless of what you’re starting with, try planting soon after the beginning of spring, to give your plant has the entire summer to stretch out its roots. Standard rosemary will not grow higher than a few feet from the ground fertilizer is an option and is best used. If your climate keeps temperate, the amount of sunlight your plant receives is far more important. Winter in mild climates will not kill the rosemary plant. While living somewhere colder, you can preserve the plant for the next season. Prune off enough clippings to start fresh during the next season; you may grow a smaller rosemary plant indoors. Growing rosemary inside the house is far more difficult; you should be very careful about air circulation and sunlight exposure, in keeping your plant inside for the winter season. Remember to water far less than you would water an outdoor rosemary plant. Remember to keep a close eye out for pests and root rot. In choosing to grow your rosemary inside, try to prune your plant as little as possible.
Drying Rosemary
Dried rosemary is one of the best uses for your rosemary plant. Dried rosemary when kept, will last for years. Rosemary in this state can also be distilled into oil, it aids in basic pain relief, aromatherapies, and as a general antioxidant. Going through the right process when drying out your rosemary. It is crucial for a long-lasting gathering, there are a few ways to do this, and we’ll be going over each in full. How to dry rosemary? The simplest way to dry out your rosemary is to hang bundles together. Trim about six inches or so from each stem of your rosemary plant. Bundle it together at one end, allowing the other end to fan out. Next, you’ll need to find a dry, cool location somewhere in your home to tie the bundle and allow to hang.
How to dry rosemary
While it may be tempting to leave your rosemary bundle hanging outside, you may run into several issues.
Fluctuating temperatures and humidities may make the drying process slower or downright impossible. Likewise, humid places within your home are no more suitable. Attics and cupboards will do for drying your rosemary. Leave your bundle hanging for several days, rotating it periodically to make sure everything dries out.
This process will take a week to two weeks. Until it is all completed once the rosemary becomes completely brittle. Afterward, you can load your rosemary into any clean, airtight container for storage. It needs to be kept in a cool and dry environment. Hanging rosemary to dry is a great way to end the season. If you need dried rosemary as quickly as possible, there are ways to do so without the two-week wait.
Baking with rosemary
Oven-baking your rosemary will strip the stems of their moisture in a fraction of the time to do so,simply spread out your rosemary onto a baking sheet and place into the oven. Bake for several hours on low heat until you find your rosemary to be completely brittle. Remember to allow your rosemary to cool after the baking process to ensure safe handling. Then, transfer either into an airtight container or use immediately. You can Replicate this process with a food dehydrator. Mainly, can free up the oven for other meals that may be cooking at the same time. Load in the rosemary and dehydrate for several hours with low heat and use. While it may be surprising, even the microwave is considered as an option for those looking for quickly dried rosemary. Place on a paper towel and microwave at full power for several minutes until brittle.
Other uses for dried rosemary
Rosemary, fresh or dried, has so many uses. Some you may find just by experimenting with it.
In most cases, adding hot water to dried rosemary will allow the scent to spread throughout your home. This is one of my favorite uses for it.
The distilled oil you can produce with rosemary, it can use in any way other essential oils can be used, Especially includes hair products, skincare products, and even oral health. After taking the time to grow rosemary yourself, you’ll find yourself in quite the position to experiment due to the quick growth of the plant. A word of warning, yet, need to be delivered for those using rosemary. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant in the future. They are pressed to avoid rosemary during the duration of the pregnancy by most reputable outlets. In its original usage and incarnation, rosemary was used to provoking uterine contractions and cause abortions. While this usage lacks scientific research to back its claims. There is enough anecdotal evidence to dissuade any mother-to-be from using rosemary in excess during pregnancy.
In every other case, thankfully, rosemary has been shown to have no ill-effects on the body. If anything, coming home to a fresh and fragrant rosemary plant will become a welcome and relaxing part of your everyday routine.
We hope that we’ve given you a few ways that you can implement rosemary into your life, as well as a guide on how to dry rosemary at home and grow it yourself. Provided you take proper care of your plant and prune conservatively, you will only need one rosemary plant to start your very own rosemary patch to last for years to come.
Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.