Welcome to week #18 in the “72 Hour Kit Ideas: A week by week approach” series.
This series is all about making it simple and do-able to get a 72 hour kit put together for you and your family.
Creating such a kit can be overwhelming and financially difficult to do all at once. But through this series, I’ve broken it down for you into 26 small steps! You can see all the steps here. Just take one small baby step each week and in 6 months you will have a well stocked, personalized kit!
You can even go through the series a few times over a year or two adding just the most basic supplies the first six months and then a few more “extra” supplies each time you cycle through it again.
Want even more help?
This series is also available as an e-book. Purchasing the e-book gives you a few additional benefits over just reading the free series:
- Additional details and tips
- The ability to print the entire book!
- Pictures of my own kit showing just how I pack each week.
Download “Your Own 72 Hour Kit Plan” E-Book Now!
Last Week:
I hope all of you were able to gather all your important documents into one place last week!
Week#18: Religious Needs
I am very religious and I know that in the event of a disaster and emergency situation, I would want all the comfort and peace I could find.
If you are also religious, I encourage you to give thought this week to those things that are a part of your religion that are of significant importance and will bring comfort to you. Your mental and emotional health during a time of crisis will directly affect your ability to care for yourself and your family physically. It is important.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Many call us “Mormons” or “LDS” (short for Latter Day Saint). However, I recognize that not all of you have the same beliefs. The things that you choose to bring for religious purposes will vary. I will list ideas below that work for my faith in the hopes that they may spark ideas of things you may want to include even if you are of a different faith. I will then list items / ideas left by my blog readers of different faiths. Please understand that this list is not meant to be all inclusive (there are so many religions out there), but simply to spark ideas.
Ideas for Any Religion:
- Scriptures. For me, this includes a paperback King James Bible and a Book of Mormon.
- Phone numbers and addresses of religious leaders in your area.
- Religious music on a small device.
- Small cards with devotionals, scriptures or pictures on them.
Ideas for Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:
- Blessing Oil Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints use this oil when a member of the church who holds the priesthood gives a blessing of healing (Like Christ did in the Bible).
- Copy of your Patriarchal Blessings. These are written blessings that many LDS members receive as youth from a Patriarch who holds the priesthood. They are blessing of direction and help for life.
- Friend Magazine. This is a religious children’s magazine published by the LDS Church.
- Temple Recommend.
- Baptismal records / membership record number
Ideas Listed in the Comments on my Website by Members of Other Religions:
- Rosary Beads / Rosary.
- Holy Water.
- Candles.
- Last rites kit.
- Crucifix.
- Chalice.
- Pure grape juice boxes and Wasa crackers (for communion in certain religions).
- “Sick Call” Cross.
- Frankincense and Myrrh (incense).
- A devotional book.
What we have done in our family:
We have a paperback New Testament and a Book of Mormon, blessing oil, copies of our patriarchal blessings, our temple recommend numbers and two friend magazines. We have phone numbers of our religious leaders in our important documents folder.
How About You?
Are you religious? Do you feel it is important to include such items in your kit? If so, what will you include?
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Week #17: Important Documents | Week #20: Entertainment | Week #1: Packaging Your Kit | Series Into: Survival Kit Series, A Week by Week Approach |
Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.
Just found you through Pinterest. My husband & I were just saying the other day that we needed to update and organize our kits. Thanks for the great info!
I already plan on including a Book of Mormon and copies of our patriarchal blessings, but I totally forgot about including extra consecrated oil for my husband to give blessings!
I might also include a copy of the Gospel Art Book. My 2 year old loves to flip through it and look at the pictures. I think think pictures of the Savior and other scripture stories would be very calming and comforting.
I would take a small Bible
The most important item for my husband and myself would be our Bibles. The Word is GOD and GOD is the Word. We Love the LORD.
I absolutely love this whole idea. I have not started anything yet. I am going to use some old backpacks we have laying around and go from there. You just never know when you will need these. I also love the idea of your emergency book. I think I will do that to, but will have to find a good hiding place for it. Can’t wait to get started.
I am adding an extra Bible with the Romans Road and comforting verses marked and highlighted. You may need these to give the gospel to someone injured or dying after a disater. The Scripture would give you and your family comfort as well as others around you in the event of a crisis. This is why we are here, to glorify God and share the gift of His Son with others.
Thank you for putting this Series together. I just shared it with my parents who are missionaries in Mozambique, Africa. Things can become dangerous VERY quickly over there! Thanks for the help you provide!
I, too, am LDS. For my personal use, I would pack my priesthood line of authority. In case I need to re-establish my connection to the Church, I would pack my baptism date and member record number. As always, I would carry my temple recommend.
Great suggestions Lance! I will add them to the post. Thanks!
We each have a Bible in our packs. We also hide the Word of God in our hearts so that it is with us always. I have found at the Union Gospel thrift stores that they offer two free Bibles to their customers. I have found some KJV New Testaments w/Psalms there for the little ones.
We have a wonderful “palm cross” that is carved of beautiful polished wood- it is small, yet fills ones palm completely as it is held with the thumb and fingers splayed around it creating a ‘grip on the cross’. It is meant to be held during prayer or just held for comfort as a reminder of Christ’s love, teaching and promises. Frankincense and Myrrh (incense) foster a spiritual environment during meditation and prayer and are very small and easy to pack along. I will also have my pendant of a small frog leaping upward. I wear this necklace to remind me to “frog” = Fully Rely On God. It is amazing how many times a day I will unintentionally fidget with this pendant and find myself reminded of the message it represents.
Thank you for your wonderful blog- for sharing your knowledge- and including a sensitive topic that is more important than anything!
I have my bible. But will be adding a copy of the hiding place. By corrie tenboom. Although not specifically religious its a great true story about her struggles through the holocaust and her faith and always makes me feel comforted that God is there and feel more capable to handle my own struggles that are so much less than thiers.
Like other commenters before me I’m ashamed I never thought of this before. My everyday bible is to large and precious to pack away in our BOBs but I will be on the lookout now for a smaller tougher version. Thanks again for the great tips.
as of now I have small motivational books & meaningful jewelry to put in mine…
I too am LDS, so we have a lot of those same things on our list but I hadn’t thought about the oil or the phone numbers for your religious leaders, thanks so much for these ideas, I will be adding those to my kit!
I have a child’s bible in my son’s pack, but I think I’ll add an extra NLT Bible to one of the adult packs this week. I have multiple Bibles and devos on my Google Nexus, but that battery will only last so long.
I never thought of adding my patriarchal blessing. That is such a great idea and I can imagine will be a great comfort.
I have several small bibles around the house, but do not have one in my kit. I think about it and tell myself I need to add one, but it never makes it all the way to the bag. Since it is ‘homework’ for this week’s post I should definitely do it tonight. I also have a small prayer book that will fit nicely in my bag as well.
I am so happy to have found your site! I am also LDS, so my list is the same as yours! I am thinking though that I should copy all of our hymn and children cds to mp3s. Less to pack and will be very comforting in a time of crisis.
I have a small New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs in each of our kits. I also added a daily devotional book to our main kit. Thanks for the suggestions.
Congrats Lindsay!
I have a small book of devotionals in my purse and a larger book of devotionals and our sunday school book in our vehicle. We also have a bible–NIV version. We sure would count on these to keep us uplifted in an emergency!
I would need my King James version and my NIV bible, daily devotional. I am a born again Christain. I attend an Assembly of God church. I have been a member of a Southern Baptist church when I lived in Arizona. Jesus is my Lord and Saviour.;
Yay and congrats for Lindsay! Always o glad when your posts come around again. I had forgotten the oil I was going to add, going to take care of that this minute before I forget again. Thanks!
I’m going to add some children’s quiet books that we use in church. For me the idea of music was new. I hadn’t thought about that. For us I will add a small hymn book.
Along with my Bible, I would also include my favorite daily devotional guide.
Wow! I’m ashamed to admit I had not thought about packing anything for spiritual needs in our BOB. It should be tops on our list — thank you! Rather than lug my heavy study Bible, I would be sure to pack my Nook with a copy of the Bible downloaded. It has quite the amazing battery life and could include a number of religous texts as well as newspapers and magazines (assuming I can find a hotspot in a disaster).
Thanks so much for these weekly tips to remind us of things we might otherwise forget. My Bible would be a must, but I could easily forget to take other devotionals that would give tremendous comfort and semblance of normalcy.