25 Items That Will Become Worthless in a Post-Apocalyptic World

When most people think about prepping, they’re thinking about everything they might need, whether planning for a minor issue or a world-altering catastrophe. But it’s equally important to think about all the things you use daily that would have no purpose in a post-apocalyptic world. This can be fun, whether it’s purely hypothetical or if you’re actually trying to conserve space for other essential prepping items.

Before diving into this, it’s important to note that some items may be helpful to a handful of people. But unless you have the skill to actually put various parts to use or craft something new out of it, it probably won’t mean too much to the average person.

1. Old Phones

how to remember phone numbers without a phone
Image credit: Canva.

Your cell phone may be necessary for communication, banking, entertainment, and beyond. But in an apocalyptic event, it will have little value.

Cell towers will essentially be non-existent and non-functional, and finding the power necessary to keep a non-necessity like your phone charged can be extremely difficult.

2. Various Forms of Digital Media

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Whether CDs or DVDs, digital media will probably be one of the first things to go out the window. TVs and essential devices like CD or DVD players will be hard to find and power.

Moreover, entertainment is more of a concern in civilized societies where people have the comfort and free time to seek out an escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. This isn’t going to be a primary focus in a post-apocalyptic world desperately trying to pick up the pieces.

3. Digital Storage

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Flash drives? Hard drives? Mini SD cards? These objects will be useless in a world where technology no longer dominates. There will be no need to hold onto information that might not be readable since there might not be quick access to computers.

Any information that is held onto will likely be in a physical format so that it’s accessible to everyone.

4. Credit and Debit Cards

credit cards in wooden table
Image Credit: rattanakun via Canva.

Banking products like credit and debit cards keep our world going. In the event of an apocalyptic event, we’ll probably want to try to hold onto these objects, but there will be no banks around to keep them active.

In fact, physical cash probably won’t have much value either. When it comes to banking, having a credit or debit card in the apocalypse won’t do you much good unless the bank is still operating and people still care about your digital cash.

5. Fiction Books

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Some people speculate that books will still be valued in a post-apocalyptic world, and many will seek out informational and non-fiction books. But this isn’t likely to hold up when it comes to fiction books.

Books are heavy and take up space. If you plan on carrying books, you’ll want books that help you survive. No one will be trudging along through a wasteland with some of their favorite stories.

6. Magnifying Glasses

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Can magnifying glasses start fires? Sure, if you have a lot of time and patience. Otherwise, these products are meaningless.

You’d be better off holding onto any extra prescription lenses as those will help you see should something happen to your main glasses.

7. Cryptocurrency

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Currency will probably be meaningless in a post-apocalyptic world. But what about cryptocurrency? Seeing as this is only useful in an online world, cryptocurrency wouldn’t help you navigate the apocalypse and successfully trade or barter with those still left alive. Crypto hardware wallets, offline paper wallets, and any other way you hold cryptocurrency will probably be trashed when you start trying to make sure you only have the bare necessities on hand.

8. Fashion Accessories

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Most of us have bracelets, necklaces, and other accessories to incorporate into our wardrobe to mix things up and express ourselves. With the exception of watches, hidden weapon jewelry, and similar accessories, most fashion accessories don’t offer much value in an apocalypse.

In fact, if some people seek valuables because they think they might help them survive in an apocalypse, you might become a target!

9. Non-Solar-Powered Chargers

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Power banks can be a lifesaver in an apocalypse and even in minor developments like a power outage. However, many power banks that need charging via an outlet will only have so much power to give when they run out.

Therefore, their use and usefulness are limited. What you’ll really want in an apocalypse aren’t regular power banks but generators that can be fueled by solar power, as this fuel source will hopefully be abundant in your specific apocalyptic scenario.

10. VR Headsets

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VR headsets sound like they’d be useful, especially when you need a break from the apocalyptic landscape.

But like most electronic devices, they need to be charged regularly, some games require Wi-Fi, and they can distract you and prevent you from seeing or hearing oncoming threats. It might be tempting, but leaving your headset behind is best.

11. Bluetooth Speakers

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You probably think you’d want music in an apocalyptic world. However, most apocalyptic scenarios aren’t too pretty. People are going after others for resources, and blasting music is an activity that will quickly get you discovered by individuals with bad intentions.

Headphones might be useful in some instances, but Bluetooth speakers will make far too much noise, assuming you can operate them without charging them.

12. Precious Metals

gold bar
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Some suggest stocking up on precious metals when you’re prepping. However, like the state of these investments, this is purely speculative.

Most people can’t do anything with precious metals, which makes them worthless when you need certain things to survive. Food and water will undoubtedly be useful for trading, but gold and silver will not.

13. Ice Makers

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An apocalyptic development may drastically change the weather, resulting in more arid environments and higher temperatures. Staying cool is important, but certain things you have, like countertop ice makers, won’t be as useful as you might think.

The biggest challenge would be finding a power source to help them continuously make ice. But even if you were to do so, it’s important to ask, is this the best use of such a scarce resource like water? Probably not.

14. Baking Items

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Cooking is something that won’t go away even in the event of an apocalypse. But baking? That requires much more specialized tools like ovens, which are not easily found in the camping section of your local stores.

Baking items from cookie cutters to piping bags and everything in between won’t serve much purpose once an apocalypse hits. Learn how to cook with limited resources, and you’ll fare much better.

15. Family Pictures

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Many say they’d carry family pictures around with them even during an apocalypse. Obviously, we won’t lose our sentimental touch no matter what happens to us.

However, these items won’t do much, aside from motivation, to help us navigate an apocalypse. You might consider doing this, but you’ll have to ask how many you could really carry and if it’s worth bringing them along where you might lose them or damage them anyway.

16. Medical Tags

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Medical bracelets and medical dog tags can make all the difference in how fast we receive life-saving care should someone find us and not know what happened.

In a post-apocalyptic world, having this information on you will offer limited support, given that medical care and institutions like hospitals will be scarce.

17. Stuffed Animals

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Toys, especially for children, can produce a feeling of comfort. While you may not want to have to take that away, focusing on only the essentials is crucial, especially when you’re expected to care for multiple people during the apocalypse.

If they take up too much room, stuffed animals are something you won’t hold onto, as they’re not as useful as the other items you’ll have on hand.

18. Makeup

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Looking good and feeling good are important in today’s world. There will be little reason to scavenge for makeup in an apocalyptic world.

Looking good won’t matter, and hygiene products like chapstick, face wipes, etc., will ultimately be the makeup-adjacent items that command your focus and take up space in storage.

19. Musical Instruments

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Will music be completely eradicated if the apocalypse arrives? No. But do you need to be the one to make it? The answer is also a resounding no. Besides the fact that musical instruments weigh a lot and will bog you down while you’re on the move, the maintenance they require will be hard to maintain alongside basic survival activities.

Leave them behind. They won’t help you in any way.

20. Empty Cans

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Containers will be worth something in the apocalypse. However, what one defines as a container will vary. The things that people will be looking for include plastic containers and jars. While empty cans might seem like viable storage, they’re not as appealing when you need to count on them to carry things.

They’re also not worth any money like they would be if you could bring them to a recycling plant for some extra change.

21. Pizza Cutters

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Most things you find in the kitchen could serve as a weapon. A pizza cutter, however, could not.

These things often barely do the job they’re designed to do, and you won’t run into too many pizzas in an apocalyptic world!

22. Wax Melts

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Candles can be quite useful in the apocalypse, serving as a reliable light source if you don’t have flashlights or other electronics to light up your space.

But the popular wax melt alternatives don’t do much besides make rooms smell better. If you do have them, you’d need a dish you can melt them in that doesn’t require an outlet, which can be even more challenging to accomplish, making them useless compared to candles.

23. Collectibles

collection of items on a bookshelf
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Collectibles have value in our world because we perceive them to be valuable. But this value will automatically plummet in the event of an apocalypse. No one is going to care about whether or not you have the latest version of a designer purse or the latest minifigure. They and you will be worried about whether you have the necessary items to survive.

24. Lawn Care Products

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Many people consider a perfectly manicured lawn a sign of pride. You might have a collection of lawn care products sitting in a shed.

But should an apocalypse happen, very few of those items will prove useful. Your lawn won’t need constant care, and most lawn care products won’t be good for defense or other essential survival activities.

25. Toilet Plungers

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Most of us take plumbing for granted. Without service, the days of working toilets are numbers. Any number of threats could cause toilets to stop working.

While not a pleasant thought, it’s a reality in an apocalypse. Your toilet plunger won’t do you much good anymore!

31 Ways to Boost Home Security: How to Fortify Your Fortress and Deter Burglars

home security
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We sadly live in a society where it’s all too common for criminals to want to take what we’ve worked hard to get. The results of a break-in are traumatic, too. Beyond just losing your stuff. Victims often feel violated, anxious, and unsafe, sometimes for years after the event.

Prevention is the best way to stay safe. And, while you shouldn’t have to turn your home into a fortress, that’s the stark reality of our world. But you can take plenty of simple steps to deter burglars and ensure your home is less attractive to would-be thieves.

25 Winter Foraging Foods to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill

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With food prices going up by 15% from October 2021 to October 2023, finding ways to cut down your grocery bills is more important than ever. Winter foraging is an awesome way to add to your pantry for free. Yes, you get free food in the form of wild edibles, but it’s also fun for the whole family, gets you moving, and reconnects you with nature.

Even though foraging in winter seems hard compared to the bounty of late summer, there’s still plenty out there if you know where to look. Plus, if things do go south, you need to know how to get wild foods to survive when there are no old-world supplies to access.

23 Smart Ways to Preserve Food

canned vegetables
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Preserving food is an art as much as it is a science, tapping into our ancestral roots and addressing modern needs. Whether you’re looking to avoid waste, prepare for leaner times, or simply enjoy the fruits of your labor year-round, these 23 smart methods will guide you through. I’m a huge fan of preserving things I find on sale, gluts of produce from my homestead, or produce I’ve bartered with someone else.

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1 thought on “25 Items That Will Become Worthless in a Post-Apocalyptic World”

  1. If you have a septic tank, you want a toilet plunger. Grey water is useful for flushing. Also, they work great in a tub or bucket for cleaning clothes. We live on a barrier island and the water is out for weeks after hurricanes. Rain barrel and grey water.


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