Preparedness Quick Tip
Prepare for an Emergency Situation with #10 Cans
When stockpiling food for a disaster situation, make sure to store your food in #10 cans. Learn all the benefits of a #10 can.
Add Games in Your Emergency Bag (Preparedness Quick Tip #21)
It’s all fun and games till the lights go out. Learn about packing entertainment for your family for emergency situations.
Update Your Emergency Bags (Preparedness Quick Tip #30)
Routinely update your emergency bags of anything used, expired, broken, or worn out. Learn how to update your emergency bags!
Be a Blessing to Others (Preparedness Quick Tip #39)
Not only can you use your preparedness items and skills in case of an emergency, but you can also constantly be a blessing to others!
Wear Helmets During Bad Weather for Safety (Preparedness Quick Tip #27)
You can use a bicycle or baseball helmets to help protect you from head injuries during severe weather! Be prepared during any emergency!
Off-Grid Mixer (Preparedness Quick Tip #37)
Preparedness Quick Tip #37: Create an off-grid mixer for the moments there is no electricity! Learn how to make a off-grid mixer.
Why Tie Your Shoes with Paracord (Preparedness Quick Tip #7)
Learn what’s the best alternative for shoelaces. Use Paracord to tie your shoes and be prepared for any situation!
The Importance of Having an Escape Plan (Preparedness Quick Tip #29)
Learn the importance of always having an escape plan prepared. This is a crucial step in your emergency plan!