
Wear Helmets During Bad Weather for Safety (Preparedness Quick Tip #27)

Bicycle or baseball helmets (any hard sports helmets or construction helmets) are good preparedness items to keep around in cases of severe weather, such as tornadoes or hurricanes. They help protect you from a head injury in the case of flying debris or you being thrown around in the wind. Make sure to have your kids grab their bike helmets before seeking shelter if at all possible!

Preparedness Quick Tip #27: Use a Bicycle or Baseball Helmet to help protect from head injuries during severe weather (such as a tornado or hurricane). Get more PQT's from Momwithaprep.com

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Katy Willis is a writer, lifelong homesteader, and master herbalist, master gardener, and canine nutritionist. Katy is a preparedness expert and modern homesteader practicing everyday preparedness, sustainability, and a holistic lifestyle.

She knows how important it is to be prepared for whatever life throws at you, because you just never know what's coming. And preparedness helps you give your family the best chance to thrive in any situation.

Katy is passionate about living naturally, growing food, keeping livestock, foraging, and making and using herbal remedies. Katy is an experienced herbalist and a member of the CMA (Complementary Medical Association).

Her preparedness skills go beyond just being "ready", she's ready to survive the initial disaster, and thrive afterward, too. She grows 100% organic food on roughly 15 acres and raises goats, chickens, and ducks. She also lovingly tends her orchard, where she grows many different fruit trees. And, because she likes to know exactly what she's feeding her family, she's a seasoned from-scratch cook and gluten-free baker.

Katy teaches foraging and environmental education classes, too, including self-sufficient living, modern homesteading, seed saving, and organic vegetable gardening.

Katy helps others learn forgotten skills, including basic survival skills and self-reliance.

She's been published on sites such as MSN, Angi, Home Advisor, Family Handyman, Wealth of Geeks, Readers Digest, and more.

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