27 Genius Hacks to Outsmart Pickpockets and Keep Your Belongings Safe

Even in places that seem completely safe, there’s always a risk that someone might try to steal your things. This could be a group of skilled thieves or just someone who sees an opportunity to grab something valuable. Losing your stuff can be really upsetting, but luckily, it’s often preventable. By following a few important tips, you can keep your belongings safe and avoid trouble. Let’s dive into these strategies to help you protect what’s yours.

Scan the Scene

shopping centre
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Before settling into a new location or walking through crowded places, take a moment to look around. Identifying exits, noting suspicious behaviors, or even spotting security personnel can give you an edge in maintaining safety.

Secure Digital Data

public Wi-Fi on phone
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Beyond physical belongings, digital theft is a real concern. Use password protection on your devices, avoid using public Wi-Fi for sensitive transactions, and consider VPN services for enhanced security.

Dress to Blend In

two adult tourists
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Avoid wearing flashy jewelry or clothing that draws attention. Dressing more like a local or in a way that doesn’t scream “tourist” can make you less of a target for thieves.

Keep Essentials Close

hidden body wallet
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For critical documents like your ID or passport, consider wearing a slim body wallet underneath your clothes. Keeping these items out of sight reduces the risk of losing them in a crowd.

Learn Local Scams

man holding cards in street game
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Before traveling, research common scams in the area. Whether it’s fake petitions, street games, or overly helpful strangers, knowing what to expect can prevent you from falling victim.

Firm Body Language

woman walking with confidence
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Convey confidence through your body language. Walk with purpose and avoid looking lost, even if you might need to check your map or phone discreetly.

Stay Low-Tech When Possible

tourists reading a map
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In certain situations, consider using less technology and more traditional methods. For example, a paper map instead of a smartphone can sometimes draw less attention.

Regularly Backup Important Documents

cloud storage
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Keep digital copies of crucial documents like your passport, travel insurance, and emergency contacts in a secure cloud storage. This way, even if physical copies are lost or stolen, you have backups readily available.

Choose Seating Wisely

tourist on subway
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In public places like cafes or trains, try to sit with your back against a wall and have a clear view of the entrance or high-traffic areas. This positioning makes it harder for someone to approach you unseen.

Travel Light

tourist travel light
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The less you carry, the easier it is to keep track of everything. Try to consolidate and only take what you really need for the day’s activities.

Protect Your Stuff with Secure Gear

across body bag on man on holiday
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To keep your things safe, especially in crowded places, choose bags and accessories designed to outsmart thieves. Look for features like locks on zippers and straps that resist being cut. Wearing your bag across your body or choosing an anti-theft backpack to wear in front can really help. These options are tougher for a thief to get into, giving you an added layer of defense.

Stay Sharp in Busy Areas

crowded area
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When you’re in a busy spot, it’s crucial to keep an eye on what’s happening around you. Getting too caught up in your phone or other distractions can make you an easy target. Keeping alert helps you spot potential dangers and keeps pickpockets at bay.

Carry Less to Worry Less

making digital payment using phone
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The less you carry, the less you can lose. Think about using digital payments or electronic IDs instead of carrying lots of cards or cash. This way, you not only make yourself less appealing to thieves but also lighten your load, making your journey smoother and more secure.

Smart Storage for Your Valuables

hidden money belt
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For important things like your passport or a lot of money, use secret pockets in your clothes or a hidden money belt. Don’t put these items in easy-to-reach spots. Stashing them in hard-to-get-to places makes it tough for pickpockets to grab your valuables.

Split Your Stuff

credit cards
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Put your money, cards, and ID in different places. This way, if a pickpocket gets one thing, they won’t get everything you have. Splitting your items adds a safety net to your belongings.

Watch Out for Distractions

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Be extra careful if something sudden happens around you. Thieves sometimes cause a scene to distract you while they steal. Being aware can help you tell if it’s a real emergency or a trick to steal from you.

Make Your Things Stand Out

bright suitcase
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Decorate your bag or wallet to make it unique. If your stuff doesn’t look like everyone else’s, thieves might think twice because it’s easier to spot. This can also help you find your belongings faster if they get lost.

Know the Tricks

pickpocket someone on busy platform
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Learn about common tricks thieves use, especially in places you’re visiting. Knowing what to look out for helps you avoid being caught off guard and keeps your valuables safe.

Act Confident

woman Act Confident
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Look confident and aware of your surroundings. Thieves are less likely to target you if you seem like you’re paying attention.

Stick Together

friends out walking together
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Whenever you can, go places with a friend. Having someone with you makes it harder for pickpockets to steal without being noticed, and you can look out for each other.

Protect Your Tech

find my phone app
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Be smart with your electronics. Use apps that can find them if they’re lost or stolen, and try not to show off your expensive gadgets in public. This keeps you from drawing unwanted attention.

Keep Checking

lady check belongings
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Every so often, make sure all your things are still with you, especially when you’re somewhere busy. This keeps you alert and ensures nothing’s been stolen or left behind.

Protect Your Back

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In crowds, watch out for your backpack. Use one with zippers that lock and wear it snug against you. This helps stop thieves from sneaking into it.

Listen to Your Gut

Trust your gut sign

If something feels wrong, listen to that feeling. It might be telling you there’s danger nearby. It’s okay to change direction or ask for help if you’re worried.

Be Extra Careful on Buses and Trains

group of friends on bus
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On buses and trains, hold onto your stuff tightly, especially when getting on or off. Thieves look for busy moments to steal.

Use Things That Make Noise

keychain with metal on
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Noisy keychains or alarms can scare off a thief. They don’t want attention on them, so sounds can keep your belongings safe.

Trick the Tricksters

lady asking for directions
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you think someone’s watching you, try to throw them off. Ask someone nearby for directions or start a quick chat. Changing what you’re doing can mess up a thief’s plans.

38 Things Every Prepper Should Stockpile That Aren’t Water, Food, or Weapons

Get home bag
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This list extends beyond the basic survival trio of water, food, and weapons. It’s a given that we need to stock up on water, food, and a way to defend ourselves and what we have. But what other things will you need in a survival situation? None of us truly knows what TEOTWAWKI will really look like, although most of us have theories we think most likely. But whatever the situation is, there are certain supplies that it just makes sense to have on hand, aside from the obvious trio I mentioned above.

31 Ways to Boost Home Security: How to Fortify Your Fortress and Deter Burglars

home security
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We sadly live in a society where it’s all too common for criminals to want to take what we’ve worked hard to get. The results of a break-in are traumatic, too. Beyond just losing your stuff. Victims often feel violated, anxious, and unsafe, sometimes for years after the event.

Prevention is the best way to stay safe. And, while you shouldn’t have to turn your home into a fortress, that’s the stark reality of our world. But you can take plenty of simple steps to deter burglars and ensure your home is less attractive to would-be thieves.

25 Winter Foraging Foods to Save Money on Your Grocery Bill

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With food prices going up by 15% from October 2021 to October 2023, finding ways to cut down your grocery bills is more important than ever. Winter foraging is an awesome way to add to your pantry for free. Yes, you get free food in the form of wild edibles, but it’s also fun for the whole family, gets you moving, and reconnects you with nature.

Even though foraging in winter seems hard compared to the bounty of late summer, there’s still plenty out there if you know where to look. Plus, if things do go south, you need to know how to get wild foods to survive when there are no old-world supplies to access.

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