Full Review of Breathing Mobile Washer

We all know doing laundry at home certainly contributes to higher utility costs for water and electric or gas. Whether to save money, skip the dreaded laundromat trips, be more eco friendly, or simply as an alternative method of doing laundry during a power outage, many people are turning to low-tech laundry methods like the breathing mobile washer.

For those who are looking for a low tech way to do laundry following a SHTF event, this method is definitely better than scrubbing clothes by hand on a rock in the river. Use it to do laundry following a SHTF event so at least you can have access to clean clothes (at least while at home).

You won’t need to rely on a generator or solar power and you can do your laundry without making a potentially dangerous trip to the river or other fresh water source. In this article, we’ll list the advantages and disadvantages of low tech laundry methods like this and give you a full review of the breathing mobile washer.

Advantage of Low Tech Laundry Methods

  • More natural with little to no carbon footprint
  • Less expensive
  • Conserve water
  • Use for pre-wash, delicates, or “greasy” items
  • No need for electricity
  • Users claim clothes get cleaner
  • Ability to “soak” heavily soiled items

Disadvantages of Low Tech Laundry Methods

  • Often take more manual effort than automatic washers
  • May take more of your time to complete each load (if soaking is needed)
  • You may need to wash smaller loads
  • A separate method for drying clothes is needed (hanging, spin dry, etc.)
  • The process can be messier due to need to wring water from clothes before drying


  • Portable
  • Lightweight
  • Effective cleaning
  • Easy to assemble and store
  • User controlled agitation action
  • Easy for people of all ages to use

When to use the Breathing Mobile Washer

You can use this alternative method of washing clothes in just about any situation such as:

  • Small loads between regular laundry days
  • Washing extremely soiled or greasy items you don’t want in your washing machine.
  • As a backup if your regular washing machine is being repaired
  • For washing clothes while on an extended hiking or camping trip
  • To save laundry fees while on vacation
  • When power is out in your home
  • To wash bulky items that don’t fit in your regular washing machine
  • For washing delicate items and undergarments
  • In your bug out bag or prepping supplies

Why Preppers Use it

  • Conserves water
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Easy to set up
  • No power needed
  • Simple to use
  • Quiet
  • Could operate in river or stream if needed
  • Can use anywhere

How Does it Work?

The breathing mobile washer comes in several pieces, including a wooden handle, and several plastic pieces to form the “plunger” end.

  1. Once assembled, you put your clothes into a 5 or 10 gallon bucket.
  2. Add a small amount of water and a very small amount of your favorite detergent to the water.
  3. Use the plunger and handle to push and pull the soapy water through your clothes for 1-3 minutes. Let clothes soak for 5-15 minutes depending on how soiled they are.
  4. After soaking, agitate by pushing and pulling the plunger for another few minutes.
  5. Rinse your clothes using clean water and wring dry.
  6. You can then hang to dry completely or even throw into an electric dryer to finish the drying process.

Tips for Best Results

  • Use a hand crank clothes wringer to remove rinse water from clean clothes easier than hand wringing.
  • Add a small amount of vinegar to your clean rinse water rather than using commercially made fabric softener
  • Pretreat stains and extend soak periods for heavily soiled clothes
  • Use less force for delicate clothes and more force for heavier items like jeans and towels.
  • Adjust the amount of detergent used to suit your preference. Start with a quarter to half of the amount of detergent you use in electric washing machine.
  • Use all natural detergents to lessen the negative impact on the environment, especially when dumping water outside during camping, hiking, or off-grid use.
  • Listen for the “breathing” of the device which indicates water is being pulled and pushed through your clothing.

What Other Materials & Equipment Are Needed for Breathing Washer?

Bucket or Container

Most people use a 5 or 10 gallon bucket to contain the clothes and water. To make the entire process go more smoothly, you can use one bucket to wash and a second one to rinse your clothes. It is also possible to wash clothes in a small plastic tub, a utility sink, kitchen sink, or in a bathtub.

The container you use to wash your clothes will largely depend on how many clothes you are washing at one time and if you are washing any large or bulky items such as a comforter, rug, or sleeping bag. If in a survival situation, you could even box in an area on a flat rock in a river or stream to use this device.


One of the bonus features of the breathing mobile clothes washer is that you can use any laundry detergent or washing detergent you prefer. In addition to the flexibility to use the detergent of your choice, most users find that they use about ¼ the amount of detergent they typically used in an automatic washer.

Of course, if one of your reasons for using the washer is to help the environment, you’ll want to use an all natural, chemical free detergent.

Method for Drying Clothes

Once your clothes are clean, you will need to have a method for drying the clothes. Many people choose to wring them out by hand or using a device like the WringMaster hand crank clothes wringer.

Once you’ve wrung as much water as possible from your clothes, dry them using a drying rack or clothesline outside. Other users prefer to use a spin dryer.

What Users Say

Many users commented that this product works better than expected. There are several years of five star reviews. One user stated they have been using their device for over five years without an issue.

It is easy to use for people of all ages, including elderly. The only negative aspect I could find to this product is some users have commented on a need to reinforce the handle with a screw to keep it from coming apart during use.

Have you ever used the breathing mobile clothes washer? Can you see a need for it in your home or have you found an alternative that works better for your needs? Let us know in the comments below.

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14 thoughts on “Full Review of Breathing Mobile Washer”

  1. I live on a camping and I don’t always have money for the washing machine there. Especially not while using cloth diapers, which need to be washed pretty much every day, once every other day at the very least. This washer works super good and is very easy to use. What I like most is that I can choose which container I use, which depends on the amount of laundry that needs to be washed. The only issue is the wringing but I guess I just need a separate tool for that.

  2. I wanted to add that I also have a 5-gallon bucket with a Gamma Lid, set aside for use with the washer. I just cut a hole slightly larger than the handle (I’m a bit sloppy).

  3. When I worked at the racetrack, MANY moons ago, the grooms had the metal version to wash out the towels we used under the saddle. They worked really well. Got the dirt and sweat out just fine.

  4. Thanks. I read and research a lot when I review product I haven’t used personally. If you feel I missed something important on this one, let me know. But yes, I’d love to connect with you about how to get products to do a first hand review. Thank you.

  5. While I found this post interesting, I would have preferred a ‘first hand’ report rather than a conglomeration of reviews. I too, can read reviews. I want to hear from someone who has actually used an item, that I know and trust, before I invest in it. (Megan, I an mot trying to be b*tchy here, contact me and I could possibly help you get manufacturers to ‘give’ you their items in exchange for an honest review.)

  6. Zulu 3-6,

    I’ve got one too. Way better than beating my clothes on a flat rock in the river. I use a wash bucket and a rinse bucket.

    As the cheap (frugal?) engineer I think I can easily make one from an inexpensive plunger. I’ve never used rocks at the river; but, I have used a large galvanized tub and a washboard when camping as a kid and teen, mostly when camping.
    I also grew up with both an automatic and an old ringer washer, so I’ve done these chores multiple ways,
    We don’t really need one of these now; but, it might make a nice inexpensive Christmas gift, since the kids are always asking what we need or want and we often have a hard time coming up with something.

    • I used a new toilet plunger in our bathtub when we were a new family, and I had to wash my husband’s work whites before we acquired a old wringer/washer. Still needed to hang them on a line.

      • Bess Trainer,

        I used a new toilet plunger in our bathtub when we were a new family, and I had to wash my husband’s work whites before we acquired a old wringer/washer. Still needed to hang them on a line.

        The important thing is that while it might be something you would not want to repeat, you could do it again and would not be stuck.
        We still use the clothes line in the summer to save energy from the clothes dryer; but, more importantly to save from heating the house in the hot summer months.
        We’ll also use a wooden drying rack for small loads, which in the winter can help humidify the normal dry air.

    • TOP,

      I used a washtub and board as well as a ringer washer when I was a kid. The washing clothes on a rock in the river experience was courtesy of the Marine Corps. All sorts of thrills in those six-years. 🙂

    • TOP,
      These have the holes, unlike a toilet plunger, so that water and soap can do the “push and pull” through the clothes. A regular plunger doesn’t do this. This is also bigger in diameter than a toilet plunger.

      • Almost There,
        They make some rather large toilet plungers and holes are as easy as f few minutes with a drill. I can also purchase the parts locally, get to know what I have before paying, and if @ Home Depot, I can use one of my ”free gift cards so there’s the frugal (cheap?) thing also. LOL

  7. I’ve got one too. Way better than beating my clothes on a flat rock in the river. I use a wash bucket and a rinse bucket.


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