Homemade Salsa Recipe

Salsa is super easy to make and allows you to use of the odds and ends from your garden in quite a delicious way. There are many different types of salsa recipes floating around in cookbooks and on the internet, but this is my very favorite.

Our prepping tribe member Matty came up with this concoction, and is is incredible – better than Chi-Chi’s…which is how I measure all salsas.

It takes less than one hour to make this salsa – including chopping time.

mixing veggies into a bowl to make homemade salsa


• 2 tablespoons of garlic – fresh or powder
• 6 and ½ pounds of tomatoes – mix and match whatever varieties you have left in your garden for a unique flavor.
• 1 chopped white onion
• 1 chopped red onion
• ½ pound of green peppers
• 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper
• ¼ cup of lemon juice
• ½ pound of red peppers
• 1 and ½ tablespoons of salt.
• 1 teaspoon of cumin
• ½ pound of chopped jalapeno peppers – reduce or omit if you do not want hot salsa
• ½ pound of chopped yellow peppers – reduce or omit if you do not want hot salsa


1. Wash and chop the onions and peppers
2. Wash the tomatoes
3. Place the tomatoes in a large pot and bring them to a boil to loosen the skins/
4. Pour the slightly boiled tomatoes in a strainer and remove the skins entirely.
5. Crush the tomatoes.
6. Mix the tomatoes, lemon juice, pepper, garlic, and cumin together in the pot and stir thoroughly to combine.
7. Bring the mixture to a boil.
8. Toss the onions and peppers into the pot and maintain a boil.
9. Keep the pot at a boil until all of the ingredients have softened and reached the typical salsa consistency.
10. Remove the pot from the stove and allow to cool before pouring into Mason jars or glass jars with a firm fitting lid for storage.
11. Refrigerate after opening. An opened can of homemade salsa should keep for up to two week in a refrigerator.

What is your favorite salsa recipe? Feel free to share it in the comments section below.

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6 thoughts on “Homemade Salsa Recipe”

  1. My recipe you add one can of tomato paste, and cook it for 20 minutes, and then can it up but yes, cilantro is also added to. It’s almost time to make up a batch of Salsa, to can I have one jar left from last years batch. With the crazy weather it just seems like everything is early or so late coming on.

    • I never thought of adding cilantro, but since y’all say how much more delicious it makes salsa, I am going to add it to my next batch. Mom of Three, you are so right about the weather. It has taken a toll on our garden this year and our wild black raspberry patches, too.


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