Tara’s Great Grandmother’s Piccadilly Relish Recipe

Since canning season will soon be under way and all of your dedicated Pack members have been asking about recipes (Dan is working on a recipes section) I am going to share my great grandmother’s piccadilly recipe.

It is a great way to use up what is left over in the garden and to make great use of your typical bumper crops.


• 1 cup of finely chopped red bell peppers – about 1 large pepper
• 1 green bell pepper – finely chopped – about 1 larger pepper
• 5 cups of cabbage – finely chopped, about 1 to 1 and a ½ medium heads
• 1 to 1 and a ½ finely chopped onions
• 3 cups of distilled white vinegar
• 4 cups of green tomatoes – unpeeled and cored, about 8 medium tomatoes
• One-fourth of a cup of pickling spice
• 2 tablespoons of mustard seeds
• 3 tablespoons of salt
• 1 and ¾ cups of water
• 2 teaspoons of turmeric
• 1 cup of sugar


1. Mix together the onions, cabbage, peppers, salt, and green tomatoes.
2. Cover the bowl and allow to sit in a cool dry place for at least 12 hours but overnight is recommended.
3. Strain the mixture and rinse the contents in the colander with cold water.
4. Drain again to make sure all of the water is removed – squeeze away any liquid that still remains in the mixture with your hands.
5. Boil water in your water bath canner pot.
6. Heat the Mason jars in the oven at around 200 degrees to prepare them for use.
7. Put the lids into a pot of water but do not turn on the heat to activate the rubber seal until you are only a few minutes away from filling the Mason jars.
8. Tie in the mustard seeds and pickling spice using a piece of cheesecloth.
9. Combine the turmeric, distilled white vinegar, sugar, drained cabbage based mix, water, and cheesecloth spice bag in a large pot.
10. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium to high heat and cover.
11. Uncover the pot and allow the mixture to sustain a rolling boil for about five minutes – stirring constantly.
12. Reduce the heat and stir constantly for up to 60 minutes until the mixture assumes a relish texture – a thin relish texture.
13. Remove and throw away the spice bag.
14. Fill the Mason jars, leaving the typical half inch of headspace, wipe the jar rim, and seal with a lid and ring.
15. Process the piccadilly relish for 10 minutes in the water bath canner.

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3 thoughts on “Tara’s Great Grandmother’s Piccadilly Relish Recipe”

    • Livinthedream,
      Imagine the two of us being first, and although you beat me by about 6 hours, I imagine Thor1 will not be happy, LOL
      This sounds like a great mix with most of the fixins pretty much ready @ hand. It also falls within our standard practice of tossing things together to taste and not being afraid of trying new things.
      We will no doubt be trying it soon.
      Thanks for posting it.

    • LTD,

      You are very welcome. My mother loves this, she grew up looking forward to it every year after the harvest, so I always can some for her to enjoy.


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