The 90 Most Valuable Items to Trade Following a Societal Collapse

In the shadow of potential societal collapse, understanding which items will be invaluable makes sure you always have something to trade. Post-collapse, there’s a good chance trading and bartering will become the norm, at least for a while.

While nobody really knows what TEOTWAWKI will look like, nor what the aftermath will be, history teaches us that during crises, the demand for certain items skyrockets, changing the landscape of trade and survival. Those items essential for immediate survival, tools for self-sufficiency, and finite old world supplies for rebuilding and industry transform into highly sought-after commodities. This list explores those items, from indispensable survival essentials to materials critical for rebuilding society.

This list is in no particular order, nor does it presume any particular collapse scenario.

Canned Foods

canned foods
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Canned foods are indispensable for long-term food storage, providing essential nutrients well beyond their production date.

Freeze-Dried Food

Freeze-Dried Food
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Freeze-dried foods offer a lightweight, portable nutrition source with shelf lives extending up to 30 years, crucial for survival.

Water Filters and Purification Tablets

water filter camping
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Ensuring access to clean, safe drinking water becomes a top priority, making these items extremely valuable.


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Essential for powering devices, batteries become critical in maintaining communication, lighting, and essential electronics.


bottle of whiskey
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With its long shelf life and cultural significance, whiskey becomes a premium bartering item in post-collapse trade.


bottle of vodka
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Vodka’s high alcohol content and purity make it a versatile commodity for trade, medical use, and consumption. I use vodka as the base for most of my tinctures.


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As a primary fuel source, petrol’s importance escalates, powering vehicles and generators in the absence of conventional energy sources.


diesel can
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Diesel fuel’s efficiency in heavy machinery and transportation makes it a critical resource for rebuilding and trade.

Natural Gas

natural gas
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Used for heating and power generation, natural gas remains a valuable energy source during recovery phases.


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Historically a staple energy source, coal’s role in heating and power generation reaffirms its value in post-collapse environments.


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Wood serves multiple survival needs, from heating and cooking to building shelters, making it a fundamental resource.


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Produced from wood, charcoal becomes a vital fuel source, especially for steel production and cooking.


emergency water storage containers
Image Credit: Canva.

Access to clean water is a fundamental human need, elevating its value above most other resources in a survival situation.


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Beyond seasoning, salt is crucial for food preservation, essential in maintaining food supplies over time.


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As a versatile sweetener and energy source, sugar holds significant value in food preparation and preservation.


cup of coffee
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Coffee’s stimulating effects make it a highly desirable commodity, offering comfort and normalcy amid chaos.


cup of tea
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Tea offers not just hydration but also health benefits and psychological comfort, making it a valuable trade item.


cocoa powder
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The key ingredient in chocolate and various beverages, cocoa adds a touch of luxury and morale boost in tough times.


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Spices like cinnamon and pepper add flavor to food, making them precious commodities in bland dietary conditions.


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In a world where healthcare is compromised, medications for treating common ailments become invaluable.


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The ability to treat bacterial infections makes antibiotics a top-tier trade item in preventing disease spread.


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Essential for managing pain, painkillers become a critical resource in the absence of comprehensive medical care.


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Vitamins are crucial for preventing nutrient deficiencies, especially when diverse diets are not possible.

Anti-inflammatory Drugs

Anti-inflammatory Drugs
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These medications are essential for managing conditions that cause inflammation and pain, making them valuable in trade.


antacid in water
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Antacids offer relief from digestive issues, becoming an essential commodity in stressful and uncertain times.


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Useful for managing allergic reactions, antihistamines become a necessary item in environments where medical care is scarce.


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For those with diabetes, insulin is a lifesaving drug, making it one of the most valuable items in a collapsed society.

Oxygen Tanks

Oxygen Tanks
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Oxygen tanks are critical for individuals with respiratory issues, highlighting their importance in emergency medical situations.

Face Masks

wearing masks in crowds
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In the context of disease and air quality concerns, face masks become essential for protection and hygiene.

Protective Clothing

hazmat suit
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Clothing designed to protect against environmental hazards, including hazmat suits, becomes crucial for survival.


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Guns serve multiple purposes, from hunting to self-defense, making them a valuable asset in uncertain times.


gun and bullets
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The value of guns is directly tied to the availability of ammunition, making it a highly sought-after commodity.


knife for camping
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Knives are indispensable tools for survival, serving purposes from food preparation to self-defense.


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Axes are essential for woodcutting, an activity vital for heating and building in a post-collapse world.

Crossbows/Bows and Arrows

cross bow
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These weapons offer a silent and renewable means of hunting, adding value to survival strategies.

Fishing Gear

fishing equipment
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Fishing gear becomes crucial for securing a steady food source from aquatic environments.

Hunting Gear

hunting rifle
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Equipment for hunting is essential for procuring food and protecting oneself in wild territories.

Animal Traps

Animal Trap
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Traps are invaluable for capturing game, ensuring a food supply without constant human intervention.


growing seeds
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Seeds represent the foundation of agriculture, crucial for restarting food production in post-collapse societies.


reel of copper
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Copper’s widespread industrial use across various sectors makes it a valuable resource in rebuilding and trade.


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Aluminium’s versatility and resistance to corrosion render it invaluable in manufacturing and construction in post-collapse scenarios.


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Iron’s strength and durability make it essential for tools, construction, and weaponry, holding significant value in rebuilding efforts.


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The backbone of construction and manufacturing, steel’s strength and malleability make it indispensable in recovery and rebuilding.


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Nickel, used in stainless steel and batteries, becomes crucial for restoring technology and power solutions.


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Despite its health risks, tobacco’s demand as a recreational and trade item persists in stressful environments.


small gold nuggets
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Gold is universally recognized for its value, serving as a reliable currency and store of wealth through countless crises.


silver bar
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Silver, prized for both its economic and industrial applications, remains a sought-after commodity in times of uncertainty.


platinum bar
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Valued for its rarity and industrial uses, platinum’s worth increases in post-collapse economies, especially in technology and automotive industries.

Precious Gems

precious gem
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Rare gems have historically retained value, symbolizing wealth and serving as high-value trade items in crisis situations.


glasses of wine
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Wine offers not just nutritional benefits but also serves as a luxury item, enhancing its trade value.


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Valued for its complex flavors and high alcohol content, brandy serves as a luxury trade item.


glass of rum
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Rum’s unique flavor and historical significance ensure its place as a valuable commodity in trade scenarios.


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Gin’s distinct flavor, derived from botanicals, makes it a sought-after item for trade and consumption.


organic bio natural fertilizer in a wheel barrow with pitchfork
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Fertilizer is essential for enhancing soil fertility, supporting the growth of crops necessary for sustenance.


Roundup, Pesticides
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Pesticides play a critical role in protecting crops from pests, ensuring food security in challenging conditions.

Farming Tools and Equipment

Agricultural tractors working cultivating preparing planting area, machinery, buoys, saving labor costs in the agricultural industry, agricultural tools, modern farming, smart farms
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Tools for cultivation are vital for food production, including tractors, seed drills, and manual implements like shovels and hoes.


Young boy with a spade in a field, tools
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Shovels are necessary for digging and moving earth, essential in gardening, construction, and burial practices.


Family of rural workers weeding on the corn field with the forest in the background, using a hoe
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Hoes are indispensable for soil cultivation, aiding in the planting and maintenance of crops.


Farmer standing in a field with a Scythe
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Scythes allow for efficient cutting of grass and grains, crucial for forage and food production.


farmer using a Sickle in a field
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Sickles are vital for harvesting crops by hand, ensuring the ability to procure food from small-scale farming.


young girl sitting in a wheelbarrow pushed by a man in a field
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Wheelbarrows facilitate the transportation of materials across short distances, aiding in construction and agriculture.


Horse in a field pulling farm equipment
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Horses offer transportation and labor, playing a critical role in ploughing fields and moving goods.


Donkeys walking up a hill with a man
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Donkeys provide resilient and dependable transportation, especially valuable in rugged or arid landscapes.


A herd of Mules running up a hill
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Mules combine the strength of horses with the endurance of donkeys, useful for transportation and agricultural work.


Farmer feeding cows in farm
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Cows are a source of milk, meat, and leather, essential for dietary and material needs.


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Chickens supply eggs and meat, providing a steady food source and barter items.


2 Goats looking
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Goats offer milk, meat, and fiber, adaptable to various environments and useful in sustainable living.


A sheep and a girl
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Sheep produce wool, meat, and milk, contributing to clothing, nutrition, and trade.


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Pigs are raised for meat, representing a valuable resource for food and trade.


the queen (apis mellifera) marked with dot and bee workers around her - life of bee colony
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Bees not only produce honey but also pollinate crops, critical for food production and biodiversity.


Lady holding a jar of honey
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Honey serves as a sweetener, medicinal ingredient, and preservative, valuable in various survival scenarios.


wax melts
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Wax is used in making candles and waterproofing, essential for lighting and protecting materials.


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Leather, derived from animal skins, is used for durable clothing and goods, important for protection and trade.


Animal skin, fur
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Fur provides insulation and warmth, making it valuable for clothing in cold climates.


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Wool’s insulating properties make it ideal for clothing and blankets, essential for warmth and comfort.


Bed with beautiful silky linens in stylish room interior
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Silk, a luxury fabric, holds value for trade, offering comfort and prestige in clothing and goods.


Woman repairs sews reuses fabric from old denim clothes economical reuse
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Cotton’s versatility in textiles makes it valuable for clothing and household fabrics, essential for comfort and hygiene.


woman wearing a linen top
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Linen, made from flax fibers, is prized for clothing and household textiles, valued for its durability and comfort.


Natural fibers from hemp trees are used to make woven fabrics as folk crafts.
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Hemp fiber is used for textiles, paper, and more, offering sustainability and versatility in post-collapse economies.

Robust Clothing

Woman standing in the rain wearing a raincoat and wellies
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Durable garments are essential for protection against the elements and daily wear, important for survival and trade.

Shoes and Boots

hiking boots
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Footwear, including shoes and boots, is critical for mobility and protection, necessary in varied terrains and conditions.


winter hat
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Hats offer protection from the sun and cold, essential for outdoor work and survival.


winter gloves
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Gloves protect hands during labor and in harsh conditions, critical for maintaining dexterity and safety.


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Blankets provide warmth and comfort, essential for surviving cold nights and maintaining health.

Sleeping Bags

Happy couple in sleeping bags in a tent
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Sleeping bags offer portable warmth and shelter, vital for outdoor survival and emergency situations.


setting up tent
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Tents provide temporary shelter, crucial for mobility and survival in outdoor environments.


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Lumber is used for construction and heating, essential for building shelters and maintaining warmth.


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Bricks are fundamental for durable construction, useful in building long-term shelters and structures.


bag of cement
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Cement binds materials together, crucial for constructing permanent shelters and fortifications in rebuilding efforts.

Best Hunting Rifles of the Last 50 Years

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Choosing the “best” hunting rifle is a pretty personal thing. We all have different opinions and preferences on what we like to hunt with. But still, over the last 50 years, there have been some remarkable weapons. Over the past half-century, the evolution of hunting rifles has seen so many innovations, catering to a wide range of needs from the casual deer hunter to the adventurous big-game enthusiast. What’s your favorite hunting rifle? Which weapons deserve a spot on this list?

14 Most Versatile Hunting Cartridges

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With almost 16 million hunters in the United States, and with such a huge range of game to hunt, the right rifle and the best cartridge is critical. We have some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, with animals ranging from tiny squirrels to gigantic moose. The cornerstone of a successful hunt lies in the hunter’s skill and knowledge but also in the choice of ammunition. The right cartridge can make all the difference, offering the power needed for a clean, humane kill without compromising the quality of the game.

38 Things Every Prepper Should Stockpile That Aren’t Water, Food, or Weapons

Get home bag
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This list extends beyond the basic survival trio of water, food, and weapons. It’s a given that we need to stock up on water, food, and a way to defend ourselves and what we have. But what other things will you need in a survival situation? None of us truly knows what TEOTWAWKI will really look like, although most of us have theories we think most likely. But whatever the situation is, there are certain supplies that it just makes sense to have on hand, aside from the obvious trio I mentioned above.

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