11 Homemade, Frugal, Non-Sugary, Neighbor Gift Ideas

I am busy, busy, busy working with vendors and preparedness companies to find you the best Black Friday deals I can (You should be VERY excited! But…..that means I’ve had less time to write posts for you.

However, because you are wonderful and support me so well, I still want to provide some valuable information for you before I inundate you with sales and deals!

Luckily I have a great network of online friends who have come to my rescue and I have a great list for you today!


11 gifts


I love the idea of gift giving.  I love giving thoughtful things to those I care about.  I like gifts that are meaningful, inexpensive and easy to make or put together.  But somehow around Christmas time, all the neighbor gifts I get (and usually give) seem to be full of SUGAR around Christmas time.  So today I have a list of homemade, NON-SUGAR, simple and thoughtful gifts that you can give to your neighbors!


Jar Meals Meals in a Jar
These are great for the busy holidays.  Just add water and enjoy a quick, healthy meals!
homemade-peppermint-salve-recipe Homemade Peppermint Salve
Great for anyone you know with dry skin (especially if they have allergies)
shea-butter Homemade Body Butter
Whip this out in just 15 mintues.  Only two ingredients!
HOmemade extracts Homemade Extracts
Vanilla, Lemon and Almond!
peppermint-sugar-scrub Peppermint Sugar Scrub
Just Three ingredients!
Whole Wheat Sandwhich Bread Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread
Most everyone love homemade bread, but not every knows how or takes the time to make it.  Share your talent with your friends!
Hard Lotion Bars Hard Lotion Bars
Make them in any shape you want!
Want to eliminate dry skin?  Try these bars!
homemade laundry detergent Homemade Laundry Detergent
Cut down on someone’s grocery bill with this inexpensive gift!
Homemade-Christmas-Homemade-Melt-and-Pour-Soaps Homemade Melt and Pour Soap
So beautiful you won’t want to use them!
lavendar Bath Salts Lavendar Bath Salts
Good quality bath salts are expensive, but the ingredients are CHEAP!  Give a nice gift on a budget.
Calendula-Sugar-Scrub Calendula Sugar Scrub
A very simple and frugal gift!
Gift Labels BONUS!  Printable Gift Labels
Not exactly a gift, but they will make your gifts cuter!

A HUGE thank you to everyone that contributed to this post!  Make sure you check out their sites!


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Sick of sugary, meaningless neighbor gifts?  Try these 11 simple, frugal, homemade gifts




Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

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