
12 States with the Most Aggressive Traffic Enforcement Policies

Traffic policies are set in place for the safety of drivers and civilians on the road. States throughout the US have different laws and varying degrees of enforcement when it comes to traffic laws. This ranking is based on a weighted point system that assigns points based on each category depending on its importance and sums up the total.

1. Alaska

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Based on three factors, drunk driving, seatbelts, and speeding laws, Alaska has the most aggressive traffic enforcement policies in the entire country. The maximum speed limit in this state is 65, while a speeding ticket can cost anywhere between $250 and $2,000. 

Alaska also imposes a license suspension of 90 days on your first DUI, along with a fee of $1,500 to a staggering $25,000.

2. Oregon

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Oregon takes the second spot with a maximum speed limit of 70 and a speeding ticket fee of a massive $2,000. On your first DUI, your license is revoked for 90 days. 

It also has some of the strictest laws pertaining to seat belt enforcement, where it is mandatory for all riders, irrespective of age, to wear a seatbelt at all times. 

3. Tennessee

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Following closely behind is the state of Tennessee, with a maximum speed limit of 70, and speeding penalties cost you around $50 till ending up in jail for 30 days. On your first DUI, your license gets revoked for an entire year, making this one of the most extended periods of suspension in the US, along with a fine of $350 to $1,500.

4. Virginia

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Virginia takes the fourth spot with a maximum speed limit of 70. The speed limit fine here is calculated based on the number of miles per hour over the speed limit. On your first DUI, your license gets suspended for 30-180 days, with a fine ranging from $250 to $2,500.

5. Iowa

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Iowa has some of the most aggressive traffic enforcement policies, with speeding fines ranging from $625 to 30 days in jail. A maximum speed limit of 70 is employed for drivers on the road, along with a 180-day license suspension on the first DUI. The DUI also has a fine of $625 to $1,200.

6. New York

New york at night
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Coming in sixth is New York, which has a speed limit of 65. Drivers zooming past this speed limit are given a ticket of $600 and/or have to spend 30 days in jail. DUI fees here range from anywhere between $500 to $1,000. Additionally, all riders above eight can wear adult seat belts. 

7. Connecticut

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Connecticut ranks seventh on the aggressive traffic laws list due to speeding penalties of $90 coupled with a speed limit of 65. On your first DUI, your license is revoked for a period of 90 days, and the general DUI fees here range from $500 to $1000. An ignition interlock device is mandatory in this state. 

8. Ohio

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With the eighth position, Ohio has a 90-day suspension period on your first DUI. With a speeding limit of 70 and penalties from $625 to 60 days in jail, the state imposes an aggressive traffic management policy. The DUI fees here range from $250 to $1000, and they also have adult seat belts for kids over seven years of age. 

9. Alabama

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With a maximum speed limit of 70, Alabama takes the ninth spot. This state has a 90-day suspension period for your first DUI, while you must also pay a massive fee of $500 for overspeeding. The maximum penalty for going over the speeding limit here is three months of jail time, depending on the degree of your offense. 

10. Colorado

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Colorado follows closely behind with a relatively more lenient maximum speed limit of 75. On your first DUI, your license here gets suspended for three months. A speeding fine will cost you 100 dollars in this state or/and ten days in jail. When it comes to DUI fees, there is a hefty cost of up to $1,000, which is slightly less than some of the other states mentioned in this list.

11. Illinois

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With speeding penalties ranging from $1,500 and/or 30 days in jail, Illinois tied with Colorado. Your license will get suspended for six months here on your first DUI. Additionally, the state has a maximum speeding limit of 70. 

What gives it the same spot as the previous state is its adult seatbelt restrictions that are allowed for children who are eight years old and over 40 lbs. While in the rear seat, you’re only bound by law if a lap belt is present. 

12. Louisiana

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Last on the list is the state of Louisiana, which has a maximum speed limit of 75. The speeding penalties here will get you a fine of $500 and/or 90 days in jail. However, there is no license suspension on your first DUI, giving it a lower rank. The DUI fines here range from anywhere between $300 to $1,000, while ages 9-12 years and over 60 lbs can wear adult seat belts. 

Source: Finder.

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New york at night
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