24 Must-Know Survival Hacks for a Global Blackout That Could Save Your Life

A global blackout can be terrifying, but you don’t have to be caught off guard. These essential tips will help you stay safe and adapt when the power goes out worldwide.

Understanding how to prepare and respond is crucial for maintaining control in a blackout. From securing resources to navigating without technology, these strategies ensure you’re ready for any situation.

We’ve chosen these tips to cover a range of practical survival skills and preparedness measures. Each one is aimed at helping you manage different aspects of life during a prolonged outage, ensuring you’re not left in the dark—literally and figuratively.

1. Understand the Causes

System hacked alert after cyber attack on computer network
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Knowing what can cause a global blackout helps you prepare better. Major events like solar flares, EMP attacks, or cyberattacks can disrupt power grids, though the likelihood of a global blackout from these causes is relatively low. By understanding these causes, you can anticipate the potential duration and impact of the blackout.

2. Stockpile Non-Perishable Food

Stockpile of food and household supplies
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Keep a supply of non-perishable food items like canned goods, dried fruits, and nuts. These foods last long and provide essential nutrients during an extended blackout. Rotate your stock every six months to ensure freshness and nutritional value.

3. Store Clean Water

Man stocking up on water bottles, crisis
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Water is vital for survival. Store at least one gallon of water per person per day for drinking and sanitation. Aim for a two-week supply. Consider investing in large water storage containers and regularly check them for leaks or contamination.

4. Have a Reliable Water Purification Method

Water purification system
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In case your stored water runs out, you need a way to purify water. Water filters, purification tablets, and boiling are effective methods, though filters and tablets may not remove all contaminants. Always have a backup purification method and know the proper procedures for each.

5. Create a Communication Plan

Young family discussing a communication plan
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Establish a plan to stay in touch with family and friends. Walkie-talkies, ham radios (note: these require licensing in many regions), and emergency contact lists are crucial when phones don’t work. Make sure everyone in your household knows how to use these devices and has access to the contact list.

6. Invest in Solar Chargers

Solar-Powered Charger
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Solar chargers can power your essential devices like phones and radios. They are portable and effective as long as you have sunlight, though their efficiency can vary, and they may not be sufficient for high-power devices. Keep your devices charged and understand the charging times for each device.

7. Learn Basic First Aid

young confident male safety instructor teach students to bandage the head in case of injury, students make notes, first aid
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Basic first aid knowledge can be a lifesaver. Learn how to treat minor injuries, perform CPR, and use a first aid kit. Consider taking a certified first aid course to ensure you’re well-prepared.

8. Keep a First Aid Kit Handy

first aid kit
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A well-stocked first aid kit should include bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications. Regularly check and update your first aid kit to replace used or expired items.

9. Use Alternative Lighting

Woman lighting candle at wooden table in living room, closeup
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Candles, lanterns, and flashlights are essential for lighting when the power is out. Stock up on batteries and fuel for these items. Consider investing in rechargeable batteries and solar-powered lighting options, keeping in mind that solar lights depend on sunlight availability and may not be as bright or long-lasting as other options.

10. Stay Warm or Cool

Red flame of oil heater. Kerosene heater; oil stove.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Without electricity, maintaining a comfortable temperature can be challenging. Have warm blankets, thermal clothing, and alternative heating sources like propane heaters. In hot climates, use battery-operated fans with the understanding that they might not be sufficient for extreme heat and lightweight, breathable clothing.

11. Secure Your Home

Young woman seeing in security camera
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Ensure your home is secure to protect against looters. Reinforce doors and windows and consider additional security measures. While a guard dog might not be practical or legal in all areas, install motion-sensor lights and keep your property well-lit to deter intruders.

12. Grow Your Own Food

Greenhouse full of home grown vegetables,
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Start a garden to provide fresh produce. Knowing how to grow vegetables and herbs can be invaluable if food supplies are disrupted. Learn about crop rotation and pest control to maintain a healthy garden.

13. Preserve Food Without Refrigeration

Woman putting cut zucchini into fruit dehydrator machine at wooden table in kitchen
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Learn techniques like canning, drying, and pickling to preserve food without electricity. These methods can keep your food safe to eat for longer periods. Practice these techniques regularly to ensure you can rely on them when needed.

14. Know How to Cook Without Power

Cold fall or winter day. People drinking tea and resting by the stove. power cut
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Solar ovens, camp stoves, and open fires are excellent for cooking when there’s no electricity. Practice using these methods before you need them. Stock up on non-perishable ingredients that are easy to cook with these methods.

15. Create a Waste Management

man pulling out a large green plastic garbage container in front of the townhouse to the roadway of the street. Garbage collection and recycling trash, the zero waste concept. Waste managment
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Disposing of waste safely is crucial to prevent disease. Have supplies like trash bags, compost bins, and knowledge of safe sanitation practices. Plan for the safe disposal of human waste if plumbing systems fail to maintain cleanliness and health in an extended blackout.

16. Keep Important Documents Safe

Stacking or keeping documents safely and neatly in a Transparent Plastic Zipper Bag or plastic sachet
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Store important documents like IDs, insurance papers, and bank information in a waterproof and fireproof container. Make digital copies of these documents and store them on a secure, password-protected USB drive, ensuring to back up and protect digital files from potential loss.

17. Build a Community Network

community, networking
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Form a network with neighbors and local friends. Sharing resources and skills can make survival easier for everyone involved. Regularly meet with your community to discuss and practice emergency plans and resource sharing.

18. Maintain Personal Hygiene

Cute kids having fun, bathing and splashing in old iron bowl on the backyard of wooden house, happy summertime, outdoor lifestyle,
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Good hygiene prevents illness. Stock up on soap, toothpaste, and other personal care items, and have a plan for bathing and laundry. Consider using portable, solar-heated showers and biodegradable soaps.

19. Learn Basic Repair Skills

Older woman working on DIY wood work home construction project in backyard using tools
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Knowing how to fix things can be invaluable. Learn basic carpentry, plumbing, and electrical skills to keep your home functional. Keep a toolkit with essential tools and supplies for common household repairs.

20. Plan for Power Outage Entertainment

Happy family at home in the couch playing classic table games
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Boredom can be a challenge. Have books, board games, and other non-electronic activities to keep you and your family entertained. Create a schedule of activities to maintain a sense of normalcy and routine.

21. Stay Informed

A man holds in his hands a small red portable radio rechargeable with solar panels or manually with a crank and an included flashlight
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Even without power, staying informed about the situation is crucial. A battery-powered or hand-crank radio can provide important updates. Regularly check and replace batteries to ensure your radio is always operational.

22. Manage Stress and Mental Health

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
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A global blackout can be stressful. Practice mindfulness, maintain a routine, and support each other to keep morale high. Engage in regular physical activity and creative pursuits to boost mental health.

23. Prepare for the Long Term

Man showing his small child the solar panels during sunny day. Father presenting to daughter modern energy resource. Little steps to alternative energy.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Think about long-term survival needs. Consider renewable energy sources, long-term food production, and sustainable living practices, keeping in mind that achieving full self-sufficiency involves significant investment and expertise. Plan for scenarios where power might not return for months or even years.

24. Stay Adaptable

Warm relations. Happy old woman mother pensioner young female daughter grown up kid engaged in baking cookies roll dough at kitchen together laugh have fun. Elderly lady enjoy cooking with adult child, learning new skills
Image Credit: Shutterstock.


Flexibility and adaptability are key to surviving a prolonged blackout. Be ready to change plans as needed and stay open to new solutions. Continuously learn and practice new skills to improve your resilience.

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Saving money concept
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Alaska skyline
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