How To Become a Thrive Life Consultant!

This post was originally written by Misty, the former owner of Simple Family Preparedness. The current owner is not a Thrive Life Consultant, but is leaving this article live to help others see what it was like to be a successful consultant like Misty was! Some information has been updated and will be noted as such. Other information may be dated so be sure to check details if considering joining Thrive Life!

Thrive Life has always been a wonderful company to work with as a consultant. If you were not aware, it used to go by the name Shelf Reliance, but rebranded to Thrive Life.

Below are a few reasons I have enjoyed my time with them:

  • Their customer service is top-notch.
  • The owners are men of integrity and goodness.
  • Their product is extremely high quality, but prices are reasonable.
  • The “parties” given by consultants aren’t really parties in the traditional home business sense. Instead, they are educational classes where people come to learn how to cook everyday with the food they call “food storage.”

In addition to all that, they are fair to their consultants.

I’ve been impressed with their compensation plan since I started as a consultant with them 4 1/2 years ago. The vast majority of their consultants are able to quickly break even within a very short (2-4 weeks) period of time.

After that, everything is profit. But at the same time, it isn’t a “get rich quick scheme” either. It takes work to earn significant part time or full time income.

But work is rewarded, and rewarded well.

My story

About 5 years ago, my husband had just graduated from law school, we were struggling with a lot of school debt, had just had 4 kids in 3 years and then he lost his job.

I went to a Thrive Life class taught by a neighbor of my parents. I was very interested in emergency preparedness as I felt we hadn’t been as prepared as we could have been for this job loss and four littles to care for.

But, emergency preparedness can get costly, right?

As you can imagine, I was struggling to find a way to pay for it. When I learned that I could earn free product and money teaching others about preparedness I was intrigued.

However, I was also very wary about signing up. Party plans and MLMs didn’t sit well with me.

I was nervous it was all “too good to be true” and refused to sign up as a consultant because of those fears. But I dove in and did my research.

I researched the food. I researched other preparedness companies. I researched other MLMs.

I talked to Thrive consultants and other party plan consultants and found out what they loved and what they didn’t love about the company they were with. You can read some of the details of what I learned over those few months here.

After months of research I decided it was safe to enroll as a consultant for Thrive Life.

But I still didn’t believe that I, a stay at home Mom of four kids under the age of 3, could ever earn a real income from it. I simply wanted to get some free food.

I figured if I taught 1-2 classes a month, I’d be able to do that.

Six months later I made $1000 in a month!

While that may not seem like an overwhelming amount, for or family, it was enough to make an impact! I was psyched to do more, and do more I did.

It got even better

Starting on February 1st 2015, Thrive Life made some changes to their commission plan and incentive plans that seriously benefit new consultants. As wonderful as my first few months were with Thrive Life, I wish these programs had been offered then!

Today I wanted to take just a minute to tell you about these changes.

This isn’t to convince you that you should stop what you are doing and join as a consultant with Thrive Life. The time or opportunity may not be right for you.

But I know there are many of you out there wondering, like I did 5 years ago, how you are going to pay for the e-prep supplies you feel are so important. This opportunity just may help you do that and with the recent changes it is even easier than ever to earn a LOT of free product as a consultant.

This opportunity is also great for those who are looking for a full time business. It can absolutely be that (it is for me) with dedication and work.

Alright, onto the changes and the impact they have.

Change #1: Less Expensive Starter Kits

To become a Thrive Life consultant, you must purchase a starter kit.

This includes food, supplies, tips, recipes etc that you will need. There are three starter kits to choose from and they have lowered the price on each of them!

Note: this information was updated July 2023 to reflect the latest pricing for starter kits.

Social Seller Kit (old name) now called the Personal Plus Kit Business Builder Kit Business Builder Plus Kit

Old Price




New Price




Social Seller Kit (now Personal Plus Kit)

If cost is an issue, the least expensive, “Social Seller” kit now costs nearly 1/2 of what it used to!

You can start a business for just $120, and that $120 gives you $220 worth of food and supplies. This is the kit I started with.

Business Builder Kit

If you can afford it, I highly recommend the Business Builder Kit, even if you aren’t plan to go full steam ahead into a business just yet.

Why? Simply because of it’s value!

You get $459 worth of food and products for just $250 including a HUGE variety of food! I started with the Social Seller Kit, but wish I had started with this kit.

My first few classes went well (better than I expected) and I quickly ran out of food to share so I had to purchase more. Getting the $250 kit gives you enough product and food for a couple months worth of classes.

Business Builder Plus Kit

The business builder kit comes with most of what is in the business builder plus kit, and so much more. There are additional coupon codes and a 1 year web tech package included.

One additional change to the starter kits is that they now all come in a gluten free version.

Change #2 New Rewards Program For New Consultants

While it has always been possible to quickly break even as a Thrive Life consultant, it has typically taken 3-6+ months to see a significant income jump.

Thrive wants new consultants to be rewarded more quickly for their efforts.  They have introduced a new rewards program that they are calling the “Fast Track.” 

You can see the details in the image below – this may not be current so be sure to ask when deciding to become a Thrive Life Consultant!

fast track

Now, those details may not make a whole lot of sense to you unless you know what a Q is or what qualifies as a sale. 

To keep things simple, if you teach 2-3 classes per month (about 5 hours per class), you will very likely earn the rewards above which include $255 in free product during your first three months. 

This is in addition to the product and commission you will earn directly from actually teaching those classes. If you met just the minimum requirements above, you’d earn around $600+ in commission and $600+ in free product in your first 100 days as a consultant. 

That free product can be spent on food, shelving or e-prep supplies!

If you want to go the extra mile and invite others to join you in your Thrive business as a consultant, you can earn even more free product. 

You will be given a thermal tote (I love this for taking refrigerated items to classes or just the park with my kids).  Plus, you will earn $50 in free product (in addition to the commission you already earn) for each new consultant you enroll in your first 40 days as a consultant.


If you combine the two (teaching classes and enrolling), and really work this like a business during your first 100 days, you can earn even more!

With just five new consultants, an additional five Qs, and an additional $1300 in orders above an beyond the basic fast track requirements, you get an additional $150 in free product plus a rolling tote that is wonderful to use at parties / classes.


Change #3:  Rank Advancement Prizes

Just like most party plans, when you sell a certain amount of product and have a certain number of consultants on your team, you hit a new “rank.”  In the past, there wasn’t much to-do about these ranks.  It was a fun milestone to reach, but there wasn’t any immediate reward (other than increased commission).

But now, you earn fun prizes each time you “rank up!”

To give you a reference point:

  • Hitting “mentor” is do-able, even for a social selling consultant in 3 months or less.
  • Hitting “Executive” is do-able within 6-12 months even if working at your business part time.
  • Most who hit the higher ranks treat this like a full time business.
  • I hit “Silver Executive” at 12 months and “Platinum Executive” at 24 months (but I didn’t get any prizes b/c they didn’t exist yet!)
thrive consultant prizes


Whew! That is a LOT of info! If you have any questions about becoming a consultant, you can contact me [email protected]. They will be glad to assist you, and if you are ready to get started they will help you!

You can also view details on the Thrive Life commission plan here, and Thrive Life host benefits here.  Remember, as a Thrive consultant you can host your own events and earn commission AND free product when you do (rare in the industry).

Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

6 thoughts on “How To Become a Thrive Life Consultant!”

    • Hi! I’m interested in the products as well as business. I’d love a sample if available. I was also wondering are you having any issues doing demo parties now that Covid is with us now and if so what changes or adjustments are you doing to keep your business going? Have you seen a downturn in parties because of it? What is an average attendance in a party as well as an average total sale? Do your repeat customers stay long term? Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you!

    • Absolutely Hilary!

      The consultant website costs $9.99 / month. Having a consultant website means people can shop online and you get credit for their purchases. You can send them a link to any page on the thrive website via email or whatever and if they click on it and then purchase you get credit. I use this and love it. You can see my basic landing page (all consultants look the same just with a different name attached) here:

      The social media dashboard is a newer system. Through it, you can authorize Thrive to post to facebook and twitter for you and link back to your consultant website or a specific page within it. I don’t use this as I like to have more control over my social media, but it has been great for lots of consultants who aren’t online as much as I am. (-: It is $3.99 a month

      Neither one is required as a consultant.

      Let me know if you have other questions!


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