Are you prepared for a disaster? The truth is, no one can be fully prepared for everything, but there are certain things that you can do to increase your chances of survival. One of those things is practicing bugging out.
In this blog post, we will discuss 15 different scenarios that you should practice for. These scenarios could be natural disasters, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, or man-made disasters, such as terrorist attacks or nuclear meltdowns.
No matter what type of disaster occurs, being prepared will help improve your chances of survival!
1. Wildfire
If you live in an area that is prone to wildfires, it is important to have a plan in place. You should know how you will evacuate if a fire starts, and where you will go.
You should also practice packing your car so that you can quickly grab everything you need and also have a get-out-of-dodge bag ready.
If possible, try to find a safe route out of your neighborhood that avoids any areas that could be affected by the fire.
Wildfires can move with surprising speed, so this is not a disaster you want to take lightly even when they are still “way over there.” Wildfires can cause a number of hazards, including heat, smoke, and flames.
The heat from a fire can be so intense that it can cause skin burns at a significant distance and start new wildfires in other areas not directly contacting the flames.
The smoke from a fire can also be dangerous, as it can contain toxic compounds that can cause respiratory problems and asphyxiation.
And finally, the flames of a wildfire can burn down homes, even entire towns, leaving you nowhere to go.
2. Flood
Flooding can occur due to a number of reasons, such as heavy rains, melting snow, or even dam failure. If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, it is important to have a plan in place.
You should know how you will evacuate if a flood occurs, and where you will go. You should also practice evacuating via a number of different routes so you can detour in case one or more of your usual routes are made impassible due to heavy rains.
Flooding entails several hazards including drowning, water-borne diseases, electrocution from downed power lines and energized equipment, and injuries from floating debris.
The water from a flood can also contaminate food and drinking water supplies, putting your health at risk.
And finally, the aftermath of a flood can leave you without shelter, power, or clean water, so it is important to be prepared for all eventualities. Seeking higher ground is always a good bet, and the sooner the better!
3. Blizzard
Blizzards are a particular hazard for those living in the northern states, but can occur anywhere that cold weather and significant snowfall are common.
A blizzard is a severe winter storm characterized by strong winds, low temperatures, and heavy snowfall.
If you find yourself in the path of a blizzard, it is important to take shelter immediately. If you are in your car, pull over to the side of the road and stay put.
Do not try to keep driving, as you will likely get stranded or lost. If you are at home, hunker down and ride out the storm.
Bring all pets inside and close off any unneeded rooms to conserve heat. If you must go outside, dress in layers and make sure to cover your head and face.
Do not try to walk through deep snow, as you will quickly become exhausted and could suffer from frostbite or hypothermia.
A blizzard can last for several days, so it is important to stay safe and warm until the storm subsides.
If you decide to bugout, you should try to get away before road conditions get too bad; getting stranded in blizzard conditions means almost certain death as most rescuers won’t be able to reach you!
4. Riots
Riots can occur for a number of reasons, such as political unrest, economic hardship, or even something as innocuous as the “wrong” team winning a sporting event.
No matter the reason, riots can quickly turn violent and destructive. If you find yourself in the middle of a riot, it is important to try to get away as quickly and safely as possible.
Do not try to confront the rioters, as you are likely to be injured or killed. Instead, try to blend in with the crowd and make your way away from the disturbance.
If possible, avoid busy areas where riots are more likely to occur. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times and be prepared to run if necessary.
If riots are nearing a home or business, the best option may be to leave the area. If you can safely evacuate, do so. If evacuation is not possible, or if it is not safe to leave, try to barricade yourself inside and stay calm.
There are a few things that you can do to help avoid riots in a city. First, try to stay informed of what is happening in the region. If you know that there is likely to be unrest, you can be better prepared.
Second, stay away from busy areas where riots are more likely to occur. If you find yourself needing to leave, try to gather intel before setting off concerning where the mass of the riot is taking place and where participants are arriving from. Use this info to plot your route out of town.
5. Tsunami
A tsunami is a large wave or series of waves that is caused by an earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, or other events.
Tsunamis can cause extensive damage and loss of life, so it is important to be prepared if you live in an area that is at risk.
If you are at the beach when a tsunami warning is issued, get as far inland and on the highest solid ground you can immediately. Do not try to outrun the wave; instead, focus on getting to safety as quickly as possible.
If you are in your car, pull over and park away from bridges and overpasses, taking care to avoid being trapped in your car if you are in the path of the water. Do not try to cross a river or stream until the water has receded and it is safe to do so.
If you are at home when a tsunami warning is issued, stay inside and move to an upper floor. If you do not have an upper floor, go to a room that is furthest from the water.
Stay away from windows and doors, as they may shatter in a tsunami. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour for a tsunami to arrive after the original event. This means that you may only have a short window of time to get to safety.
6. Hurricane
A hurricane is a large and powerful storm that can cause extensive damage to coastal areas. If you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes, bugging out is usually your best option as you will almost always have advance notice of their approach.
A hurricane can cause flooding, loss of power, and severe damage to homes and businesses. In addition, a hurricane can also cause injuries or fatalities from flying debris, as well as from drowning due to storm surges and rainfall.
It is important to have a plan in place for what you will do if a hurricane threatens. This may include evacuation or sheltering in place.
If you are ordered to evacuate by authorities, do so immediately. Do not wait until the last minute, as roads may become blocked, impassible or dangerous as the storm approaches. If possible, take your car and drive inland to a safer location.
If you cannot leave and your home is not directly threatened by storm surge or is otherwise in a flood plain, go to an interior room on the lowest floor of your home and stay there until the storm has passed. Make sure to bring food, water, and any other supplies that you may need.
Gusts of over 100 mph are common with a Category 3 or higher hurricane. This can severely damage or destroy many buildings, and more powerful hurricanes are even worse. If you find yourself in the path of a near hurricane, seek shelter immediately.
7. Invasion
An invasion is a situation where hostile forces enter your country or community with the intention of causing harm. This could be for political, religious, or other reasons.
An invasion can happen with little to no warning, so it is important to be prepared. If you live in an area that is prone to invasions, have a plan in place for what you will do if one occurs.
This may include evacuation or sheltering in place, but if you are able bugging out, way out, is usually your best bet.
If you are ordered to evacuate by authorities, do so immediately. Do not wait until the last minute as roads may be checkpointed or gridlocked with other refugees as the invaders approach.
If possible, take your car and drive to a safe location. But be prepared to use alternate means of conveyance and have multiple, redundant routes in mind.
When fleeing a warzone, it is important to bring as much supplies with you as possible. This includes food, water, first-aid supplies, clothing, and shelter.
It is also important to have weapons and ammunition as well for a means of self-defense but it is imperative that you do not get yourself or your family mistaken for combatants.
8. Earthquake
An earthquake is a shaking or vibration of the earth’s surface that is caused by the release of energy in the earth’s crust.
Earthquakes can occur anywhere in the world and can cause extensive damage to homes, businesses, and infrastructure.
They can also cause loss of life from injuries such as head injuries, cuts, burns from resulting fires and, of course, crushing and penetrating injuries from falling debris and collapsing buildings.
If you are at home when an earthquake occurs, stay inside and move to an interior room on the lowest floor.
Stay away from windows and doors as they may shatter. If you are in bed, do not try to get out. Instead, cover your head with a pillow until the shaking stops.
It can take several minutes for the shaking to stop but when it does move with best speed to a clear outdoor area away from buildings and things that could fall on you.
If you are outside when an earthquake occurs, move away from buildings and power lines. Once you are in a safe area, stay there until the shaking stops.
After all, is over and the aftershocks have passed, do your best to get out of the affected area to seek help as the resulting destruction will make rescue and relief efforts very difficult. Areas that are not as badly affected will improve your prospects.
9. Economic Collapse
An economic collapse is a situation where the value of a country’s currency rapidly decreases in value, often to a fraction of its original worth.
This can be due to many factors such as war, natural disaster, or political instability. With an economic collapse comes inflation, food shortages, and social unrest.
If you live in a country that is experiencing an economic collapse, your best option may be to bug out.
Have a plan in place for what you will do if things get bad and make sure you have the supplies you need to last for an extended period of time. You may also want to consider leaving the country entirely and finding refuge in another land.
Your best defense against the collapse of currency is in hard valuable assets like gold and silver alongside basic staples and necessities that your family requires.
Take care if you are trying to find refuge and work in neighboring countries because they are likely to be inundated with such economic refugees and may be less than welcoming.
10. Nuclear Strike
A nuclear strike is a devastating event that can cause extensive damage to an area and kill large numbers of people.
If you are near the site of a nuclear explosion, you will be exposed to intense heat, radiation, and blast effects.
If you are caught in the open when a nuclear device detonates, lie flat on the ground and cover your head with your hands. Do not look at the flash or fireball as it can cause permanent blindness.
Take shelter as soon as possible to avoid any fallout that may be headed your way. Fallout is radioactive material that is emitted into the air after a nuclear explosion.
It can fall for miles from the explosion site and contaminate anything it comes into contact with including food water, and land.
If you live in an area that is considered to be a high risk for a nuclear strike, it is important to have a plan in place for evacuating.
Make sure you have a bug-out bag packed with all the supplies you will need and know where you will go if you have to leave your home quickly.
Have a backup plan in case the first one fails and make sure you have contact information for friends or family members who will take you in if needed.
Understand that you must shelter in place until the strike is over, and then get away as quickly as you can.
11. Landslide
A landslide is a natural disaster that can occur when the ground on slope, cliff face or other vertical expanse becomes unstable and starts to collapse, moving downward with force and in quantity.
This can be caused by heavy rains, earthquakes, or even volcanoes. Landslides can cause extensive damage to property and infrastructure as well as loss of life.
If you are caught in a landslide, try to stay calm and avoid being swept away by the movement of the soil. If you are buried alive, create a small space around your mouth so you can breathe.
Try not to move too much as this will only make it harder for rescuers to find you. Once the landslide has stopped, assess your situation and see if you are able to get yourself out or if you need help from others.
If you live in an area that is prone to landslides, it is important to be prepared. Make sure you know the warning signs and have a plan in place for what to do if one occurs.
Have an emergency kit ready and know the best route to safety. Be aware of the risks before you travel to any mountainous or hilly areas.
Getting beyond the immediately affected area is usually sufficient as most landslides affect only a small, localized zone.
12. Blackout
A blackout is a sudden loss of power that can last for hours, days, weeks or potentially even longer. This can be caused by severe weather, accidents, or even malicious attacks.
A blackout will cause severe and escalating disruptions to transportation, communication, and essential services.
If you find yourself in a blackout, try to stay calm and use any battery-powered devices you have sparingly.
Rechargeable devices mated to a power bank or solar charger are your best bets for staying powered up.
Understand that blackouts will usually result in serious civic disruption and widespread crime in urban areas, so bugging out as soon as it is practical and safe is your best bet.
Evacuating an area affected by a blackout will likely be challenging. Roads will be jammed with traffic and there is a good chance that public transportation will not be available.
If you have to leave, walk if possible and avoid any areas where crowds may form or violence may break out.
13. Industrial Accident
An industrial accident is an unplanned event that occurs in a factory, laboratory or other workplaces.
This can be caused by human error, faulty equipment, or inadequate safety protocols. Industrial accidents can result in fire, explosion, toxic release and/or structural failure.
If you are caught in an industrial accident, do not try to return to the building to get your belongings. Instead, leave the area immediately and contact emergency services from a safe distance.
If there has been a chemical release, do not breathe in the fumes or drink water that might be contaminated, and cover your nose and mouth with a cloth if possible. Stay away from the affected area until emergency responders have given the all-clear.
Listen for updates from local authorities and plan a long-term bugout accordingly. If you live or work in an industrial area, familiarize yourself with the emergency procedures for the types of accidents that could occur.
Have an evacuation route planned and know where the nearest safe area is. Be sure to stay up-to-date on any changes in safety protocols.
14. Terror Attack
A terror attack is a violent act committed by an individual or group with the intent to cause fear and panic. This can be done for political, religious or ideological reasons.
Terror attacks can occur anywhere at any time and often target large groups of people in public places. If you find yourself near a terror attack, your first priority should be to get to a safe place.
Get away from the targeted area or group and stay mindful of masses of people as sophisticated terrorists will herd victims into tightly defined kill zones for additional casualties.
If you find yourself in the middle of a terror attack, your first priority should be to get to safety. Run away from the attacker if possible and take cover if you cannot.
If you are unable to escape, try to hide and make yourself as small a target as possible. Do not fight back unless absolutely necessary as this could escalate the situation.
Once you are safe, call emergency services and try to give them as much information as possible about the attacker and their disposition.
It is recommended you bug out of an area that has suffered one or more terror attacks. The risk of being in the wrong place at the wrong time is just too high.
If you live or work in a city that is often targeted by terrorists, have an evacuation plan in place and be familiar with your surroundings so you can get to safety quickly at a moment’s notice.
15. Tornado
A tornado is a spinning column of air that forms during a severe thunderstorm. These storms can be very dangerous and cause extensive damage to property.
If you are in the path of a tornado, seek shelter immediately. Basements and interior rooms without windows are the best place to take cover.
Do not try to outrun the tornado as this is extremely dangerous. If you cannot find shelter, lie down flat in a ditch or low-lying area and protect your head with your arms.
Stay away from power lines, trees and other objects that could fall on top of you. Wait for an all clear before emerging from cover.
Tornadoes can cause a lot of damage very quickly so it is important to have a bugout plan in place as, even with relief efforts, surviving and sustaining in the aftermath will prove to be extremely difficult.
If you live in an area that is prone to tornadoes, know where the nearest shelter is and how to get there quickly. Be sure to have an emergency kit ready so you can grab it take shelter without wasting time.
These are just a few of the many disaster scenarios that you should be prepared for. By familiarizing yourself with the dangers and having a bugout plan in place, you can increase your chances of survival should the worst happen. Stay safe out there!