How I use Pinterest to Help Me Prepare for Emergencies

How I use Pinterest to help me PREPare for my family. Creating helpful boards with tons of emergency preparedness and homesteading information has really helped!
How using Pinterest has helped me become more prepared to face any of life's emergencies - the Power of Pinterest to help us Prepare! ;) @

I’m a visual person. I’ve always read tons to learn, but find that I’m visual in so many things. I need to see something done or see something organized before I can fully grasp it. That’s why Pinterest has been such a blessing to me.


Then Pinterest came along. What once started out as a site to share beautiful images as become a virtual image reference library. I can quickly ‘pin’ a page I love by the photo contained in the blog (since most blogs have now moved to include photos of the subjects), and I can quickly find what I’m looking for when I look at my Pinterest page. And I can categorize the same way I could create different folders for my bookmarks. It just works better for me in the format that I obviously organize things in my brain.

Mom with a PREP | How I use Pinterest to help me PREPare for emergencies for my family.(I added a graphic to be the cover of each of my pinned boards. Another thing that helps me ‘see’ better than just seeing a bunch of photos – I can get to the one I need specifically more quickly).

I love that I can pin all sorts of self-reliant ideas from gardening to home/organization to self defense to emergency preparedness to silly, geeky zombie stuff. I can find what I need easily, browse what other people have posted into the same kinds of categories, and follow other like-minded folks and learn from them. It’s a great reference tool to have.

Momwithaprep | Pinterest pages

Why not just use bookmarks on my computer?

In the past, saving bookmarks to my computer of places I wanted to go back and visit for reference was the way things had to be done. But I often looked down at the scrolling sea of text that were just links and would get lost. I couldn’t easily see what it was I was after, and spent way too much time searching.

Or, as what happened to me last weekend …. the electronics gods threw everything they had at me, and I had an electronics disaster. Three hard electronics failures that happened together made me lose all the bookmarks I had on my browsers for everything. No, there was no way to recover them. But thankfully, my Pinterest boards allowed me to keep my research in a safe place.

How I use Pinterest:

  • Pin (bookmark) sites for reference in general prepping ideas, survival, defense and skills, food storage, gardening and home organization to help me learn more about prepping and a self-sufficient lifestyle.
  •  Create a wishlist of items we still need to buy or do more research on.
  •  Follow other like-minded people to get ideas. I’ve been able to find resources through Pinterest that I don’t find in my normal searching for info.
  • When I’m ready to sit down and read a bit, I have my bookmarked sites ready for me to peruse at a time I can really pay attention and absorb.

My Top 5 Pinterest Boards:

  1. Emergency Preparedness/Homesteading
  2. Family Preparedness
  3. Dehydrating & Preserving
  4. Mom with a PREP Blog (My posts)
  5. Canning
  6. Garden

Follow Mom with a Prep on Pinterest:

Click here to check out my boards.

How to use Pinterest to help prepare your family for everyday!

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