72 Hour Kit Ideas Week #13: Personal Care & Hygiene

Welcome!Week #13 in a step by step 72 hour kit series.  Makes building a robust, personalized 72 hour kit affordable and do-able!

Welcome to week #13 in the “72 Hour Kit Ideas: A week by week approach” series.

This series is all about making it simple and do-able to get a 72 hour kit put together for you and your family.

Creating such a kit can be overwhelming and financially difficult to do all at once. But through this series, I’ve broken it down for you into 26 small steps! You can see all the steps here. Just take one small baby step each week and in 6 months you will have a well stocked, personalized kit!

You can even go through the series a few times over a year or two adding just the most basic supplies the first six months and then a few more “extra” supplies each time you cycle through it again.

Want even more help?Build a robust, personalized 72 hour kit one week at a time over 26 weeks

This series is also available as an e-book. Purchasing the e-book gives you a few additional benefits over just reading the free series:

  • Additional details and tips
  • The ability to print the entire book!
  • Pictures of my own kit showing just how I pack each week.
Download “Your Own 72 Hour Kit Plan” E-Book Now!

* Some links in this post are affiliate links meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may get a small commission if you make a purchase. Some links (those to Thrive Life) actually provide you with a discounted price. Thanks for your support in this way!

Last Week:

I hope all of you were able to add needed medicines to your kit last week.

Week #13: Personal Care & Hygiene

Hygiene is closely related to Sanitation (week #10), but there are many things that were not included in that week that you should consider having in your kit.

This week, add personal care and hygiene items to your 72 hour kit supplies.


  • Toilet Paper (take out the cardboard to smash it flat and keep it in a plastic bag to keep it dry)
  • Soap or Shampoo and Body Wash Combo
  • Conditioner
  • Washcloth(s)
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste and floss
  • Feminine needs (these also make great wound dressings)
  • Chapstick
  • Contact needs and / or an old pair (old prescription) glasses
  • Tissues
  • Wet Naps / wipesBuild a robust, personalized 72 hour kit one week at a time over 26 weeks
  • Waste Bags (completely biodegradable; neutralize odors, breaks down waste into Enviro-Friendly material)
  • Brush / Comb
  • Razor
  • Fingernail clippers
  • Sunblock
  • Bug Repellent
  • Plastic bag for soiled clothing
  • Lotion
  • Deodorant


What we have done in our family:

We have almost everything on the list above. I haven’t been able to find a travel size bug repellent, so for now we don’t have one. We also don’t have a razor. We figure we can go a few days (or even weeks) without shaving if we had to!

How About You?

Leave me a comment and tell me what you will be adding to your kit.

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Week #12: Medicines Week #15: Hand Tools Week #1: Packaging Your Kit Series Into: Survival Kit Series, A Week by Week Approach

Image Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/59937401@N07/

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Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

123 thoughts on “72 Hour Kit Ideas Week #13: Personal Care & Hygiene”

  1. Thanks so much for this great information! Both my husband and I have subscribed and have been talking about our need to prepare our 72 hour bags. I’ve gotten backpacks. Now, this is the week for us to start packing them. I plan to pack soap, washcloth, TP, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, chapstick, old glasses and old sunglasses (both old prescription), tissues, wipes, brush, razor and waste bags (placing order — thanks for making us aware of these). I’m adding nail clippers and a file.

  2. We have most everything on this list. On the conversation about the potty. We have the boon potty bench seat for out toddler. Which we could take with us in the truck if needed . It holds up to 300 lbs. So if we had to it would work. It wouldnt work if we had to leave on foot for any reason but I can’t imagine we would carry any toilet if we had to walk out. It’s much wider than most toddler toilet.

  3. Thanks again for the blog & for all the people who comment…I always learn so much! This wk., I plan on adding some good old handkerchiefs to my kit. I just recently started using them again (haven’t since childhood), since there are lots of seasonal allergies in our family and we go through tissues like crazy! I know that’s not quite as sanitary as a tissue, but they’re washable & reusable. Also, I will add to my kit…one tube of lipstick! I know that’s a li’l crazy & not a “need”, but my grama never left the house without it, & I don’t plan to either! 😉 & it’s my “comfort” item! Thanks again to you, Misty, and everyone who commented!

    • Thanks for your comments as well! Emotional health will be just as important as physical needs, so I think comfort items as very important! (-:

  4. I just started, and I am going to borrow a phrase from Flylady.net. I am “jumping in where I am” I have read your previous lists, and have gathered things that I have easily here at the house, and am jumping in with this week’s list. I have two big boys (10 & 13) so we will have 4 full bags; one for each of them, and one each for me and my husband. Thanks for putting this list together for us. I have been wanting to get this project going for some time, but didn’t even know where to begin. Thanks again! BTW, next Wed. is my birthday, so winning your drawing would be a cool birthday present! 🙂

  5. Being a family of glasses wearing people, adding an old pair to our kit is an excellent idea. I would be in serious trouble should anything happen to the ones on my face. This may prompt me to update my current set so I have another extra pair to put in the pack.

    • I wear contacts, but have lost them while water skiing once. I didn’t have any backup glasses or contacts with me and it was MISERABLE.

  6. I already have a car kit and my small camper is prepared but I am going through this with you week by week to ensure that I haven’t forgotten anything and I am also making my 72 hour kits in backpacks this time to keep in the house to grab on the way out the door–just in case. Also making sure the dogs pack is ready and packed to go.

    I have everything on this except the toilet paper! I cannot believe I forgot that! Oye!

    Found a toilet seat that hooks into the trailer hitch on your vehicle. Interesting. Decided against that because if all goes well, there will be a trailer hitched there and if not, I am not sure I would want to be taking care of business in the open by my vehicle. 🙂

    Dollar Tree has washcloths that are compressed into a little disk. You put them in water and the puff up to be used as a washcloth. I put one in water and it is actually a terry cloth washcloth–not the thickest, but can be used more than once for sure! I chose Batman, Spongebob and Scooby-do. They are int he children’s section of the store by the toys. I think I will put some of these into my dogs bag as well since they really are terry cloth towels.

    I also have Shamwow towels to use for drying. Light, hold a lot of water and don’t take up much space. Great for drying off and a friend even grabbed one when her hubby fell and was bleeding profusely. She put it on the wound and wrapped it tightly with gauze wrap. The EMT’s were really amazed at her inventiveness and how well it worked!

    Oh and I want to win, okay? 😉

    • Toilet paper would not be good to forget! (-:

      I love the idea of the compressed wash cloths. Thanks!

      And, just keep entering, you are bound to win eventually, right? (-:

  7. I have most everything on the list except the waste bags. Those would be nice to have. I am about to go through everyones backpacks and checking clothing sizes to see if they all still fit or if we need to update their sizes. It seems like with this warmer weather, my children have really sprouted up the last couple weeks. Plus I want to be sure to put cold weather clothes in their packs so we are ready for Fall/Winter weather.

    • I would also like to mention that my oldest daughter and I have a P-Style in our back packs. They are kind of like a funnel that you hold up against your body when going potty so you can potty while standing and don’t have to expose your hinder parts to all those mosquitos waiting for fresh meat!!! And you don’t need to use toilet paper while using it. You just swipe it forward when done using. They have come in handy so many times already on long road trips where it wasn’t safe to go outside to potty. You just need an empty cup for collection.

  8. When we go camping, we like to brush our teeth! Someone suggested to me, making toothpaste drops and they are amazing! Similar to making yogurt drops, you just make little dots of toothpaste on tin foil, let dry for a few days, put them in a baggy and take camping. To use, you chew on them for a minute, brush and rinse your mouth with water. A lot easier than toothpaste tubes and not as heavy either! 🙂

  9. I found little pre-loaded toothbrushes with a pick at the end called whisps. They are made by Colgate and come in several flavors. You get 2 for $1 at the Dollar Tree store. Use and dispose–very light and take up very minimal space.

  10. Thanks for linking to GladRags in this informative post! Let me know if you have any questions about cloth pads — we are happy to answer any questions for you.

    • Of course Tracy! I actually may want to pick your brain a bit eventually, maybe do a “interview type” post. Would that be of interest to you? I’ve never used your products myself, but see great value in them. I’d also be interested in offering a review / giveaway if that is something you’d be open to. (-:

      • I’d be happy to do an interview! We just launched our new website today, which will hopefully make it even easier to learn about our products, so I’d definitely recommend checking it out 🙂

  11. I’m glad this topic came up. I am done with the monthly bill, but want to stock up with feminine hygiene products for my family. I don’t know whether to stock disposables or cloth pads. Cloths are good, but would require water to wash them. Water might be limited. But then disposables could run out of supply. What do you guys recommend?

    • I would recommend a few of each Betty!

      And sorry this reply took so long, I’ve had some issues with the comments on my site the last few days.

  12. So, I know I’m kind of extremely late commenting on this, but if you want to save space on the toilet paper roll, you can take out the little cardboard tube. Then the roll of TP will squish down into a smaller size 🙂

  13. Question… most of my posts from yesterday w the links still say they are awaiting moderation. just wonderin if they are viewable by everybody.

  14. Luckily this category is almost completely covered! I do have plans to purchase the disposable waste bags and one of those portable potties (the 5 gallon bucket with the seat top, etc). Looking forward to finding out more about the homemade versions of feminine products…I learn something new everyday!


  15. We keep a portable potty in the back of the car for the kids. It has bags with absorbent things in the bottom and if we run out I’ll just use old grocery sacks and a piece of paper towel. I have every single thing on that list! I found powdered toothpaste and shaving cream on Amazon.com and ordered some with a gift card I had. Our toothpaste leaked in the kit somehow so I think powder is a better option and it doesn’t go bad.

  16. We are good with all the above except waste bags. Need to pick up a outside or portable toilet…not sure if I want the old person toilet chair or camping one or bucket with lid. Will probably add more of the things we do have as we can….hygiene things are important. Also want to add distilled water. I am sure there will add razors (straight edge, knives, and shaving razors as I can).

      • Go Girl… about the size of a roll of life savers but fatter around for the backpack. It’s a new version on a Jane. I keep one in the glove box too.

        We used our HSA acnt to buy the Bedside Toilet at the drug store. guess it’s Medical Equipment/Supplies so it was approved. It’s a metal four legged chair w a toilet seat and removable bucket. Think it was about $80 but will make life alot better in the house if the water supply is out for any length of time. Still plan to get the camping potty bucket that can be tossed in the bk of the truck if we have to evac and can go by vehicle.

  17. As for personal hygiene products, my grandfather was in a work camp in Shanghai during WW2 and occasionally would tell me stories from camp. He always said, “a cake of soap was very dear”. This totally resonated with me and it seems like every time I’m at the grocery store I pick up another 3 pack of Kirks Castile Soap, just in case.
    (Sorry… if there are any guys reading this, they may want to stop now) I LOVE my mama cloth! They’re super easy to sew and very comfortable. Mine are flannel on the top and bottom and the inside is a thin old quilt with cotton batting. Then I sew “wings” on with button closure. I’ve made 3 sizes and never leaked through. My periods have even shortened down to 2 1/2 days from 5. I’ve even converted my sister and a few of my girlfriends. I highly recommend them to everyone!

  18. I was able to get a box of Combination toothbrushes with the toothpaste built in to the handles. They will be very easy to use. Tried one and the toothpaste was fine. I also save the hand wash things you get from KFC as they always throw a bunch in the bag when you get anything there. They are sealed and do not go dry like the diaper wipes can do.

  19. Saw the Gladrags site a few months ago. just googled reusable feminine products and clicked on images. seems there are alotta choices available and instructions pages for DIY…. which is speaking my language since i am able, and the ones for sale seem very expensive. even found the instructions for making knit or crochet reusable tampons. Sounds ewwwwwy…. but it would actually work.

    read somewhere recently that the reusable products are better for your health than the commercial ones due to the chemicals in them. also said they found that their monthly cycle was shorter and milder. we know that our skin absorbs chemicals. haven’t worked on making them yet…. but researching and intend to do so.

    also found a blog site about going green… and not buying anymore of the throw away products… “Paper towels, tissues, sponges, swiffer pads, diapers, wipes, feminine products, toilet paper, the list keeps going.” she has some great ideas. Can i post the link to the blog here?

    • I have used the reusable pads and for someone who’s had horrendous cycles since age 12 they do help make it shorter and aren’t hard to clean and are easy to make… Disposables are a rather new modern concept considering how long women have been having periods 🙂 gem cloth is another good site for these, she sells them and provides patterns for DIY for this and diapers!


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