72 Hour Kit Series Week #6: Eating

Welcome!Week #6 in a step by step 72 hour kit series. Makes building a robust, personalized 72 hour kit affordable and do-able!

Welcome to week #6 in the “72 Hour Kit Ideas: A week by week approach” series.

This series is all about making it simple and do-able to get a 72 hour kit put together for you and your family.

Creating such a kit can be overwhelming and financially difficult to do all at once. But through this series, I’ve broken it down for you into 26 small steps! You can see all the steps here. Just take one small baby step each week and in 6 months you will have a well stocked, personalized kit!

You can even go through the series a few times over a year or two adding just the most basic supplies the first six months and then a few more “extra” supplies each time you cycle through it again.

Want even more help?Build a robust, personalized 72 hour kit one week at a time over 26 weeks

This series is also available as an e-book. Purchasing the e-book gives you a few additional benefits over just reading the free series:

  • Additional details and tips
  • The ability to print the entire book!
  • Pictures of my own kit showing just how I pack each week.
Download “Your Own 72 Hour Kit Plan” E-Book Now!

Last Week:

I hope all of you were able to add utensils and such to your kits  last week.  Being able to eat is essential!

Week #6: Eating

So, you planned, bought and organized food in weeks #4 and #5.  And last week, you put what you needed to prepare that food into your kit.  Now, you will need to have a way to eat it!  Many mess kits come with a cup or two and you can eat out of the pots.  Some even come with utensils.  However, if you have a large family, you may need more plates, bowls, cups and utensils than 1 mess kit provides.  But, you don’t need to carry multiple mess kits (you only need 1-2 pots, right?)  A few paper goods should do the trick!

Here are a few suggestions of things you might want to consider.  Many of these items you should be able to find already in your home or for very little at the grocery store (paper goods).  But one item I really love is the spork (spoon, fork and knife in one).  I think it is worth the money!

Suggestions / Ideas:

  • Cup
  • Bowl
  • Plate
  • Sippy cup for very young kids
  • Bottle for baby
  • Utensils (knife, fork, spoon)
  • Wipes or napkins


What we have done in our family:

Nathan and I each have a full mess kit.  We have small plastic plates for each child.  We have 5 sporks, a sippy cup for each child, and a lot of wipes.


How About You?

Leave me a comment and tell me how you will eat the food in your kit and what you will include to make that possible.  What are you adding?  Why?  What will you be doing this week?

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Week #5: Food Prep Week #7: Clothes Week #1: Water to Carry Series Into: 72 Hour Kit Series, A Week by week approach


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Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

126 thoughts on “72 Hour Kit Series Week #6: Eating”

  1. We already had disposable plates and cutlery in addition to our mess kit. This time I added sporks, metal cups (can also cook in them), and some wet wipes.

  2. Right now I think i will be adding plastic cultery wrapped in 2 napkins for each bag with a few paper plates and a moist toilette. In the future I want to do what you have done misty and add a full mess kit for me and my husband and appropriate plastic plates/ sippies for my kiddos. Thanks so much!

  3. We have a spork for each person and water bottles to refill. Also a package of wipes for cleaning up. Shopping around for a mess kit for this time around (Second time through the series). Thanks again for the great info!!!


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