The Thrive User Guide

I remember opening the first box of Thrive foods I’d ever received. It was 2 1/2 years ago and the box was actually my consultant kit.


I remember pulling out a can a raspberries and thinking they looked so bright and deep red and smelled so fresh.

thrive raspberriesBut I also remember wondering: “Where are the instructions?”  I felt a little lost and even frustrated.

I wonder if some of you may feel the same way.  You read my recipes, see the pictures and think:

“That looks really good.  It looks like real food.  But I don’t have all those ingredients and I don’t know how to use just the few that I do have.  I don’t know how to use these foods in my own recipes.” 

Or, in other words: “Where are the instructions?”

The Thrive User Guide

Well, now you have “the instructions!”  At the annual Thrive Life convention, an all new Thrive User Guide was released.  This is not a cookbook (although it does include a few recipes). Instead, the Thrive User Guide provides all the “instructions” you need for really using freeze dried foods.

I say all the time that freeze dried foods are easy to use, taste great and work well in my everyday recipes.  Well, the truth is that there is a bit of a learning curve.  If you don’t know how to use them, you can end up with soggy food and frustrated family members.  But once you’ve learned how to use them, they really do taste great and save an enormous amount of time in the kitchen.

Well, that learning curve was just shortened incredibly for you!  I had to learn by experience, trial and error (sometimes lots of error…haha).  But you don’t have to!  Instead, you can have Thrive Life’s Chef Todd hold your hand with step by step “instructions” for using your freeze dried foods to save time while making your own family favorite recipes.

Chef Todd’s new Thrive User Guide gives tips, hydration instructions and fresh product conversion for every Thrive food.  It is a beautiful book and very image rich. I hope you use it to open your food and begin using / rotating it.  But even if you still choose to only store your Thrive, you should have this book.  It will help you use the food your purchased when / if you have to use it.

This retail price on this guide is $22.95, but it will cost just $14.95 when purchased through a consultant.

And right now, there are a limited number available (likely enough for a week or two) for just $7.49.  You can buy yours here.


Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

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