25 Genius Thrifty Habits That Could Save You a Fortune

Think small changes can’t lead to big savings? These smart habits could help you save a lot without changing your whole lifestyle.

Being frugal isn’t about missing out; it’s about making clever choices that add up. From savvy shopping tips to simple everyday savings, these habits show you how to cut costs while still enjoying life.

We picked these habits because they’re practical and easy to adopt. We left out the less effective or overly complicated tips to focus on what really works.

1. Mindful Money Mapping

control your spending
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Get a grip on your financial flow by meticulously tracking every dime for a month. Whether it’s a nifty app or a no-nonsense spreadsheet, this will shine a light on sneaky spending habits you can trim. It’s not just about axing the big bills, but also about taming those small, repetitive costs that bleed your wallet dry over time. I was surprised to find I had a few subscriptions that I never used but was paying for each month.

2. Blueprinting Your Finances

plan your budget
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Armed with knowledge of your spending, it’s time to plan your budget. Assign dollars to your must-haves, savings, and some fun stuff. Adhering to this financial framework will help you steer clear of monetary pitfalls and accumulate savings without feeling like you’re living in a financial straitjacket.

3. Mastering the Art of Meal Prep

meal prep
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Turn mealtime into a wallet-friendly affair. Sketch out your weekly meals and vow to stick to your plan. This practice slashes impromptu snack runs and minimizes waste. Home-cooked meals save dollars and often trump restaurant dishes in health and taste.

4. The Power of the List

shopping list
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Whether strolling through supermarket aisles or browsing online stores, arm yourself with a list. It’s your shield against the seductive lure of sales and discounts. If it’s not on your list, it doesn’t make it into your cart.

5. Utility Bill Slim-Down

utility bills
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Shrink your utility bills with simple lifestyle adjustments. Embrace energy-efficient appliances, fix those leaky faucets, and be mindful of your electricity usage. Small tweaks can lead to big savings on your monthly bills.

6. Embracing Public Transit

public transport
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Consider public transportation as your ally in saving money. It’s often cheaper and more eco-friendly than maintaining a car. Where public transport falls short, look to carpooling or biking as smart, cost-effective alternatives.

7. Subscription Scrutiny

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Audit your subscriptions and memberships. Are you really watching all those streaming services? Use it or lose it. This cutback can liberate a surprising chunk of your budget each month.

8. Thrifty Thrill of Second-Hand Finds

thrift store
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Dive into the world of second-hand goods for clothing, furniture, and electronics. Thrift stores and online marketplaces are your go-to for quality items without the hefty price tag.

9. DIY Home Makeover

DIY Home Makeover
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Channel your inner handyman for basic home repairs and renovations. The internet is awash with step-by-step guides that can save you a fortune in professional fees.

10. Cultivating Your Green Thumb

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If you have the space, why not grow some of your food? Even a modest garden can make a dent in your grocery bills. In tight spaces, focus on herbs and veggies that cost more at the store.

11. Couponing and Cashback Wisdom

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Leverage coupons and cashback apps to shave dollars off your shopping bills. The key here is discipline – use them for things you’d buy anyway.

12. The Three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
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Embrace a lifestyle of reducing, reusing, and recycling. It’s kinder to your wallet and the planet. Before you buy new, see if you can repurpose or fix something you already have.

13. Impulse Purchase Resistance

impulse b=ing
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Fight off impulse buying. Spotted something you fancy? Sleep on it for a few days. If the urge subsides, you’ve saved some cash. If not, find a way to fit it responsibly into your budget.

14. Savvy Vacation Planning

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Journeying needn’t be a drain on your wallet. Wise planning can turn vacations into budget-friendly adventures. Seek off-season gems, opt for cozy, affordable lodgings, and dine where locals do. Plotting your travels ahead can curb unnecessary spending and maximize experiences.

15. Proactive Health Equals Wealth

Doctor talking to patient about medication
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Preventive healthcare is a long-term financial strategy. Regular health check-ups, maintaining a nutritious diet, and staying active can ward off expensive medical treatments in the future. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially when it comes to your health and wallet.

16. The Stitch in Time Savings

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Hone basic sewing skills to prolong the life of your garments. Mending a tear or sewing on a button can be a simple, cost-saving fix that keeps your wardrobe in rotation longer, delaying the need for new purchases.

17. Library: A Treasure Trove

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Rediscover the local library. It’s a goldmine for borrowing books, magazines, and movies at no cost. Libraries often host complimentary workshops and events, adding educational and entertainment value to your life without the price tag.

18. The Joy of Potluck Gatherings

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Transform social gatherings into potluck feasts. It’s an affordable way to enjoy diverse cuisines and company without the high cost of dining out. Plus, it shares the culinary load among friends and family.

19. Home-Brewed Coffee Magic

make coffee at home
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Daily coffee purchases quickly add up. Brewing your own coffee at home is a small change with big savings. Invest in a quality coffee maker and savor the ritual and taste of a home-brewed cup.

20. Seasonal Shopping Smarts

grocery store sale signs
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Shop for seasonal items during off-peak times. Purchasing winter apparel in summer (and vice versa) during clearance sales can secure quality items for a fraction of their original price.

21. Automated Savings

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Automate a portion of your income straight into savings. Treat it like an essential bill. This ensures a steady growth in your savings without the mental burden of manual transfers.

22. Considering Downsizing

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Evaluate your living space. If it’s more than you need, downsizing can significantly reduce mortgage, tax, insurance, and maintenance costs. It’s a big step that can streamline your financial life.

23. Bulk Cooking: Time and Money Saver

cook meals in bulk
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Cooking meals in bulk and freezing portions is both time and cost-effective. It’s an excellent strategy for utilizing bulk purchases and sales, plus it reduces the temptation to splurge on takeout.

24. The Art of Bartering

Friendly woman tending an organic vegetable stall at a farmer's market and selling fresh vegetables from the rooftop garden, living off the land
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Explore the age-old practice of bartering. Exchange skills with neighbors or friends. You could offer gardening help in exchange for home repairs, creating mutual benefits without financial transactions.

25. Powering Down to Save Up

unplug electronics not in use
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Unplug unused electronics. Many devices draw power even when not actively in use. Unplugging them can reduce your electric bill and extend the life of your electronics.

14 Pieces of Outdated Money Advice That Can Derail Your FIRE Plan

Financial Independence, Retire Early
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FIRE – Financial Independence, Retire Early. That’s the dream, right? Quit the rat race and live life on our own terms. It’s totally doable. Plenty of people join the FIRE movement and manage to retire pretty quickly. And there’s a LOT of advice out there on how to do it. Sadly, much of the advice is outdated or just plain bad.

12 Money Mistakes That Can Leave You Vulnerable in a Crisis

money in an emergency fund jar
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In times of uncertainty, financial stability is more crucial than ever. While prepping for physical emergencies is vital, don’t overlook financial prepping. Avoiding these common money mistakes can help make sure you’re in a stronger position to weather any storm.

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Preparing for a recession is more important than ever in these uncertain times. I understand the challenges and fears you might face, so I’ve compiled these 25 actionable tips to recession-proof your prepping plans. Each suggestion can help you stay ahead, ensuring that you’re surviving and thriving, even in tough economic times.

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