Are You Conflicted? A New Prepper Card Game Review

Conflicted - the Prepper card game - wonder how you'll handle situations in a post-emergency world? Find out! Great stocking stuffer! | Mom with a Prep

Have you ever heard scenarios of the post-apocalyptic world and wondered how you’d handle them? Ever felt conflicted about the choices to be made but just didn’t know how you’d make them? Do you ever wonder how your spouse or closest friends and family would make those same choices?

I know I sure have.

So I found this really cool card game called Conflicted: The Survival Card Game! It’s a card game that makes you think!

The deck is full of 52 post-apocalyptic scenarios that you might find yourself involved in. The questions might be as simple as what are the 5 most likely causes of a downfall to very involved, specific scenarios you might find yourself involved in such as “You have enough snake antidote for one person, yet two of your team members have been bitten. What do you do next?” Each one requires you to think about what YOU would do and discuss it with the rest of the group. If you’re so inclined to be competitive about it, score each other on each question and tally up those scores to see who won and should be the leader of your group!

But if you’re like us, the competitive thing went out the window with the first card. My husband and I found ourselves getting into deep conversations about how we felt about everything. It was a great time of discussion, of how we each viewed the sanctity of life, the responsibility we had to our children, the responsibility we had to our fellow man, and putting our beliefs into “action”.

We really worried about the scenarios being played out through moral relativism…changing a moral code to fit a circumstance, which isn’t really a moral code at all, for the most part. But we found out we were both firmly holding to our beliefs, thinking through how we’d approach each of the scenarios with the belief system we hold. We didn’t always share the same answer, but we found we were both coming to the answer in a different way, with the same basic thought structure. It was enlightening, and we find ourselves pulling out a card or two each night after the kids go to bed just to talk a little more.

Conflicted - the Prepper card game - wonder how you'll handle situations in a post-emergency world? Find out! Great stocking stuffer! |  Mom with a Prep

So how would you handle this situation? What would your family do? Do you have a plan in place in case this happened? That’s what makes this card game awesome. You think through things in a way to make you see how you’re prepared, which gives you a better options to get more prepared.

After I contacted the creator about the game, he invited me onto the Prepper Chick’s After Dark radio show to play it, along with Prepper Chick, The Patriot Nurse and some other boys (because boys drool, donchaknow!) Want to have a listen?  (it starts at about 2’10”)

(update, the show playbacks are no longer available – sorry)

I’m telling ya, that Patriot Nurse is one smart chick!

While most of the scenarios of Conflicted are post apocalyptic in nature (meaning you’re living in a post-emergency world for a while), there are questions about general emergencies and martial law that can happen within a day or two of a large-scale emergency. Hopefully, with the new editions of card decks they plan on creating, there will be cards concentrating on natural disasters or emergencies, on practical triage, and on practical day to day emergencies.

Here’s another sample scenario for you

“Put the following resources in order of importance to you: Food, water, shelter, weapons. If you could only pick 3 to bug out with, what would they be and why?”

We actually discussed this particular card with our kids, and changed the circumstance that they found themselves in and to rate according to the circumstance. It was a great teaching tool that water isn’t necessarily your first choice, depending on the situation you’re in at the time.

I hope we never find ourselves in these situations that the Conflicted cards propose, but it’s been great talking through them with those closest to me, knowing we’re going to be in most any emergency together, and we’ve had a chance to think through things that might happen and come up with solutions before we have to deal with it directly. It really makes you think – which is what makes it a great game, in my book!

For those of you who are really not looking at prepping as a sport, but who are trying to be prepared for local emergencies and life’s disasters (like most of us), this card game is intense. But what makes it good for your situation is that even though a scenario might be ‘post-apocalyptic’ in nature, you can dial it down to how it might work in a personal scenario for you.

Here’s a good example of that:

“You didn’t listen and didn’t prepare. All hell broke loose and you don’t have enough ammo, food or water. There is chaos on the streets and open looting is going on. No one who you turned to as far as friends and family would take you and your family in. Would you become a criminal to provide for your family and join the looters or not? If the answer is no, how would you survive?”

This is where you could change this to be a post-tornado event, and you and your neighbors have lost everything you own. How would you cope?

For those of you who are serious preppers, this is a worthwhile game to get to discuss with your groups, and perspective members of your group. Here’s a little more reason why from Dave Kobler, Southern Prepper 1

Know Yourself

Conflicted was designed to help you think about life in a post apocalyptic world. After playing it, you’ll be more aware of your own strengths and weaknesses and areas needing improvement. How far are you willing to go in order to survive, when the choice is life versus your own morals?

Know Your Friends

When you play Conflicted: The Survival Card Game with your friends and family, their answers will tell you all about their philosophy on prepping and survival. What they say or don’t say, their body language – it all matters. You will probably re-think who you’ll bugout with after the first game.

Know Your Enemies

By Playing Conflicted: The Survival Card Game you’ll realize that the thin veil of civilized behavior our current modern society currently portrays is easily torn apart. We all have a breaking point, where our will to live speaks louder than our own morals. That breaking point is at a different place for everyone.


Purchase HERE:  $14.99 + $1.99 Shipping. This makes it a great Christmas stocking stuffer!

Giveaway has now ended and all winners have been notified! Thanks for playing!

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