An Awesome Free Tool to Create Your Emergency Encyclopedia

Wish you could print out a page of information to add to your Family Emergency Binder....but want to edit it? Let me show you how to create a printable PDF resource page!

Wish you could print out a page of information to add to your Family Emergency Encyclopedia when a printable isn’t provided? I’ll show you how to print a web page by creating a printable PDF resource page that helps you tailor information perfectly for you and your family.

Using these tools will allow you to create a grab and go binder made exactly to your needs. Can you imagine all of the charts and information that are at your fingertips that can be formatted to fit your needs a little better without simply printing off a webpage, ads, sidebars and all? Now you’ll never have to remember to go back and print off all of those web pages you saved.  OR, you can spend a little time going through your Pinterest files and printing off that information instead of just storing it there!

Find out what a Family Emergency Binder is all about here. You might also know this as a grab and go binder, a 72 hour book or a personal survival manual.

You can use this to create information for your family regardless of what you’re investigating: a recently diagnosed illness, a family chicken handbook, homeschool resources, recipes, etc.

Print a Web Page with the Print Friendly Plug-in

First, you’ll want to check if your favorite web page uses the Print Friendly Plug-in like you’ll find at the bottom of each of my posts.

Wish you could print out a page of information to add to your Family Emergency Binder....but want to edit it? I'll show you how to create a printable resource page!

Simply click on the Print Friendly PDF Icon and follow these instructions.

Tip: If the website you’d love to grab some information from for your own personal binder doesn’t use this plug-in feature on their website, just read a little further down and I’ll give you two more options to create the same page.

You will be taken to a screen like this (don’t worry, once you are finished, the plug-in will take you right back to the page you’d been reading).momwithaprep-print-a-web-page5

  1. Print – Once your finished creating the .pdf you want, you can choose to print from here.
  2. PDF – Once you’ve finished creating the .pdf you want, you can save to your computer from here.
  3. Email – Once you’ve finished creating the .pdf you want, you can email to yourself for safekeeping.
  4. Text Size – When creating your .pdf, you can adjust the text size to fit more or less on a page to make it easier to read for you.
  5. Remove Images – Simply click the box next to Remove Images and it will remove ALL of the images on the page. If you want to only remove a few images, just click the individual images you want to remove.
  6. Undo – Pressing the undo will go back one step that you’ve done, and you can keep undoing one step at a time.

Deleting single items:

If you would like to continue to refine  your .pdf even further you can choose to delete single paragraphs or even single photos.

To delete text, click on the text area  you would like to delete, and the plug-in brings up a highlighted display of that text and tells you to click to delete. Go ahead, do it. If you find that you really didn’t want to delete that afterall, scroll up to the undo button at the top of the page and click it once.  Your text will reappear. Click it any more and previous changes will be undone as well.

Wish you could print out a page of information to add to your Family Emergency Binder....but want to edit it? I'll show you how to create a printable resource page!

To delete single photos simply click on the photo and it will disappear. If you find that you reall did want that photo afterall, simply scroll up to the undo button at the top of the page and click it. Your photo will reappear.

Wish you could print out a page of information to add to your Family Emergency Binder....but want to edit it? I'll show you how to create a printable resource page!

Once you’ve refined the entire page to be the information you really want to have, scroll back up to the top and click the Print, PDF or Email buttons to save the information the format you wish to save it in.

P.S  This information is shared with you on how to make your own, personal, printable documents for your own family emergency resource binder. It’s not meant for you to share the documents (which are copyrighted material from any websource) with friends or online elsewhere. The information your creation is for your own personal use and is still considered copyrighted material, thus not to be shared the public at large unless you have the express permission from the blogger or website owner. Just direct your friends to the page and let them create their own page!


Print a Web Page with

If the website you are reading and want a printed resource of their valuable information for your own personal grab and go binder, follow these steps:

1. Grab the url of the page you’d like to print (just highlight the web address in your browser, right click and choose copy or use Ctrl-C for Windows or Cmd-C for Mac).

2. Open a new tab and go to

3. Paste the url of your resource page into the url field of  Print (click in the field, right click and choose paste or do Ctrl-V for Windows or Cmd-V for Mac).


4. Click Print Preview. You will be sent to a preview page that looks exactly like what I’ve given you instructions for above.


Use the Print-Friendly Bookmarklet

If you’re used to the ease of pinning with the Pin Bookmarklet for Pinterest when sites don’t have a Pin It button on their site, this bookmarklet works the exact same way. Simply click the Print Friendly button and drag it up into your toolbar just like this:

Wish you could print out a page of information to add to your Family Emergency Binder....but want to edit it? I'll show you how to create a printable resource page!

Your bookmarklet in now in your toolbar and you can use it on any website you visit where you want to be able to create a printable resource for your personal Family Emergency Binder.

Wish you could print out a page of information to add to your Family Emergency Binder....but want to edit it? I'll show you how to create a printable resource page!

Now you don’t have to save a million links to remember to go back to and print off, dreading all those images and non-information ads and buttons that will be on your page when you simply print off  or save as a .pdf from your browser. You can customize almost any web page and make it your own!

Another way to save ink and wear and tear on your printer is to invest in a laser printer. They used to be really expensive, but now there are options as low as regular printers. We recently purchased a B&W laser printer that helps cut down the cost of creating our information binder as well as our homeschool printables we use a lot, and save the more expensive regular color printer for those things we really need in color, instead.

Just remember that this information is being shared for you to use on a personal basis. Any information shared on a blog or webpage is copyrighted information and should not be shared outside of your immediate family. Instead of sharing the .pdf, teach your friends how to use Print so that they can begin to create their own useful preparedness documents!

P.S.S. I am in no way affiliated with Print or their subsidiaries. I just love this tool to create .pdf’s and printable pages of information that I find important for our family that we can use in our Family Emergency Binders. I just hope you find this tool as useful as I have!

Your thoughts — was this information helpful to you? Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.

If you found this article useful, please consider sharing it on Pinterest to let others know, too!

Wish you could print out a page of information to add to your Family Emergency Binder....but want to edit it? Let me show you how to create a printable PDF resource page!

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0 thoughts on “An Awesome Free Tool to Create Your Emergency Encyclopedia”

  1. Hi, can you please send me all free information? It will be used and is much appreciated.
    Thank you

  2. Hi, can you please send me all free information? It will be used and is much appreciated.
    Thank you


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