Family Preparedness: Helping Moms Become Better Prepared through Pinterest
Don’t we all want to learn to better prepared for our families from whatever life throws in our direction? Weather disasters, job loss, local emergencies, extended sicknesses, and all those things that make life uncertain? If you love Pinterest, and want to learn more or just better prepare yourself, come follow the Family Preparedness Board on Pinterest!
The Family Preparedness Board is dedicated to helping us all learn how to be better prepared for our families. With Preparedness Bloggers, women already involved in self-sufficiency and homesteading, and others on the learning journey, we hope to share information specific to helping us all become better prepared for our family’s sake.
Our goal for this board is to keep the focus on family preparedness that makes a real impact on day-to-day living. You won’t find zombies or conspiracy theories or wild political rants, but you will find topics that inspire and encourage you to live a more prepared life.
Topics will include homesteading, homeschooling, canning, self-defense, teaching our kids to be better prepared, sewing, gardening, first aid, prepping, couponing to fill our pantries, money matters, natural cleaning, home remedies and more.