Homemade Ice Cream in 10 Minutes from Food Storage

What you would say it I told you there is a way to make delicious, homemade ice cream in just 10 minutes?

And if I said it only costs about $0.55/cup?

And if I said it could be made from food storage?

And if I said you could make just as much as you wanted to eat right then?

Can you tell I’m a bit excited about this?

I have lots of fond memories from my childhood that surround homemade ice cream and just ice cream in general.  I think it is a favorite treat for my parents and every one of my siblings.  I often crave it, but don’t have any in the fridge (because I try not to buy it or I know I will eat the entire carton in a matter of days).

Well, after reading about homemade ice cream in a bag, and homemade ice cream with Thrive instant milk, I decided to combine the two ideas.  Boy am I ever glad I did!  This was quick, easy, fun for my kids, and so very delicious!  Plus, since it is made with non-fat milk, it is fat free!  My only tip is to be sure you use the THRIVE instant milk as it is hands down the best instant milk I’ve ever tasted.  It really does taste just like fresh.
  home made ice cream recipe


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Homemade Ice Cream in 10 Minutes from Food Storage
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Misty
  • 1 cup water
  • 5 Tbsp. [url href=”https://simplefamilypreparedness.thrivelive.com/instant-milk-1.html”]Thrive Instant Milk[/url]
  • 3 Tbsp. Sugar
  • 2 tsp. Vanilla
  • 1 gallon sized bag
  • 1 quart sized bag
  • Ice
  • 1 cup salt
  1. Mix water, milk, sugar and vanilla in quart sized bag. Seal well.
  2. Fill Gallon sized bag half way full with ice and sprinkle salt over it.  Place quart sized bag inside gallon bag.  Shake and turn bag for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Open gallon sized bag and remove quart sized bag.
  4. Quickly rinse it off with cold water.

Mix water, milk, sugar and vanilla in quart sized bag.  Seal well.  

Fill Gallon sized bag half way full with ice and sprinkle salt over it.  Place quart sized bag inside gallon bag.  Shake and turn bag (do a little dance if you want…we did!) for 5-7 minutes.  
Open gallon sized bag and remove quart sized bag.  
Quickly rinse it off with cold water.  
Open and serve yourself some ice cream!  

home made ice cream

Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

4 thoughts on “Homemade Ice Cream in 10 Minutes from Food Storage”

  1. You can also do this as "kick the can" ice cream, a trick that would nicely use a pantry can containing the ingredients secured with a rubber band, placed inside a #10 can that has the gap filled with ice and salt. Kids roll the can between them, which does all of the mixing for you without the cold hands!

    You can also place in a pre-frozen ice cream maker and add some mix-ins for more flavor options. M&M's anyone?


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