Host a Thrive Life Class!


Ask Yourself…..

  • Would you like to learn more about THRIVE foods and have the opportunity to taste them?
  • Are you interested in earning THRIVE Life products for free? (including their THRIVE Foods, food rotation systems, and line of emergency products)
  • Would you like to meet a successful THRIVE Life (formerly Shelf Reliance) consultant and chat with them for a bit?
  • Would you like some guidance on putting together a 72 hour kit for your family?
  • Do you have questions about emergency water storage?
  • Are you looking for guidance starting an emergency prep plan for your family?
  • Do you have friends and family who are (or should be) interested in healthy convenience food and / or quality food storage?
  • Do you have lots of THRIVE foods, but are unsure how to use them?
  • Would you like someone to teach you how to save time, money and energy in the kitchen?

If you answered yes to any of the above…..

You should host a THRIVE Life class!

THRIVE Class hosts get all of the above benefits and earn free and discounted product!  On average, hosts earn about $250 in free and 50% off product.  But I’ve had some hard working hosts earn thousands in free and 50% off product.


Step #1:  Choose a Class (or classes).

All classes conducted by THRIVE Life consultants are free.  I’ve listed your 3 typical options, but classes offered may vary depending on the consultant giving them:


THRIVE Cooking Class

Thrive Cooking ClassTHRIVE food is the ultimate healthy convenience food.  And most busy Moms and Dads are looking for just that: A way to gather their family for healthy meal (and good conversation) without breaking the bank or making a huge time investment.  So, it is no wonder that this is the most popular THRIVE Life class.  Consultants love teaching it and guests love what they learn.

A THRIVE cooking class is designed to teach you quick cooking techniques using this healthy and delicious food.  You will learn how THRIVE can save you time and money in the kitchen while making meal time less stressful and eliminating food waste.  You will also learn how to have groceries shipped to your door, saving you time as well as money on gas and impulse buys!

A THRIVE cooking class typically runs about 20-30 minutes plus time for sampling and answering questions.


THRIVE Food Storage Class

thrive food storageSince THRIVE foods have a long shelf life, they work very well as “food storage.”  Buy a bit each month (in addition to your groceries) and store it away for “emergencies,” essentially creating a “grocery store” in your own home (the reason my blog is named “Simple Family Preparedness”).  Then, when food is tough to come by because of a job loss, price increases, shortage, crop failure, natural disaster or other reason, you can still feed your family high quality foods.

In this class you will learn about why “food insurance” is even more important than health, life, or car insurance.  Learn how to store food based on recipes instead of just calories so that you can easily use it when / if you need to.  Learn how to store and use / rotate “real” food in addition to wheat, rice and beans.  Learn why pre-made “just add water” meals aren’t always the best option, and which foods you should store first for your family.

You will also learn how to start building a food storage on a budget that works for you without going into debt.

A THRIVE food storage class typically runs about 30-40 minutes plus time for sampling and answering questions.


Emergency Prep Class

THRIVE Life carries a whole line of emergency prep products.  And if you are interested in starting an emergency prep plan for your family, this would be a fantastic class for you!

Learn how to prepare for a power outage or water shortage.  Create a family evacuation plan.  Learn how to properly store and rotate water.  Get tips for putting together a 72 hour kit that will allow you to provide for your family in the case of a natural disaster.

A THRIVE emergency prep class typically can run anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour depending on what you’d like to learn about and the questions you have.



Step #2: Find a Consultant Near You.

Obviously, I don’t live near each of you and can’t come to all of your homes to conduct a class.

Luckily, I have a team of hardworking THRIVE Life consultants all over the nation!  Those listed below are the absolute best on my team.   They are active, reliable consultants who consistently meet or exceed expectations.  I’ve listed them in alphabetical order according to their state.

ps…If you’d like to become a consultant and be listed here, you can join my team, or any of my teammate’s teams!  Learn more about being a THRIVE Life consultant here.


CALIFORNIA, Mary McCartheyMary McCarthey

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Mary is a energetic and fun consultant.  She is also a wife of 18 years and mother of 5 sweet, crazy kids.  Two are adopted and three are biological (her first child is a little boy who was born too early due complications; he is waiting for her in heaven).

Mary offers lots of different options with her classes such as a Kid Friendly Sampler, Meals-in-Jars Workshop, Breakfast Food Bonanza, Soup Bar, Pizza Party, Food Storage Class or Emergency Prep Class.   Mary will travel within a 3 hour (150 mile) radius of her home for a class.   If you have a special event (back to back classes, large show etc), she may be willing to travel further.  Here is just a bit from Mary:

Hello! My name is Mary, and I would love to show you how THRIVE Life can benefit your life. Whether you are interested in saving time, saving money, building a food storage, working from home or simply feeding those you love healthy food, I can show you how THRIVE Life can change your life for the better.  Ready to try our food or earn free products? Just let me know! I am happy to come conduct a THRIVE Life class with you.  I look forward to meeting you and working with you to help your life THRIVE.

Contact Mary about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 530-680-4578




NicholeCOLORADO, Nichole Richardson

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Nichole is an avid outdoors-woman, hiker and is passionate about food.  She is specifically passionate about healthy, and convenient food her three beautiful children are willing to eat!   She is very knowledgeable about different kinds of allergen-specific diets (gluten-free, nut-free, vegan, etc.) and is talented at teaching about ways to eat on budget while sticking to these sometimes difficult diets.   She will travel anywhere within the state of Colorado for a class.  Here is just a bit from Nichole:

Hi, my name is Nichole Richardson and I’d love to help you eat healthier with Thrive Life.  During my THRIVE Life classes, I will show you how to make complete, healthy meals that little kids will love in 20 minutes or less. Also, when it comes to hiking  I can teach you basic first aid and how to best pack your bag so you not only enjoy your hiking or camping trip but ensure that no matter the circumstances you’ll stay comfortable.

Contact Nichole about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 706-691-7345



BrigetteGEORGIA, Brigette Dennis

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Brigette is a fantastic lady with skills and knowledge on a huge variety of  topics that are essential to serious “prepping.”   She likes to give serious information in a way that makes people smile and does not encourage anyone to prep out of fear.  She is a woman of incredible faith and dedication to God.  As for her THRIVE Life classes, she offers a LOT: Thrive Tasting, Cup of Soup Bar, Cooking Demo, Smoothie Party, Nutrition in the Kitchen, Saving Time and Money in the Kitchen, Prepping Party.  Brigette will travel within a 3 hour (150 mile) radius of her home for a class.   If you have a special event (back to back classes, large show etc), she may be willing to travel further.  Here is a bit from Brigette:

To me prepping isn’t something you do; it’s how you live your life. I think the full meaning of being a prepper means you are learning to be self-sufficient, to be able to take care of yourself and others. When I was introduced to Thrive I fell in love with not only the food but also the company because they thought like I did. Thrive isn’t food storage, it’s food for today that just happens to be good in 25 years.  I would love to show you and your friends and family how Thrive can fit into your everyday lives!

Contact Brigette about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 706-207-5340


SOnyaGEORGIA, Sonya Atkins

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You will find Sonya spending time with her family and friends, working with some of her favorite non-profits, enjoying a beautiful day outside, or soaking in the peaceful picturesque view from her back porch.  She is living her dream doing radio shows and inspirational speaking on Holistic Personal Preparedness.  Her most requested class is preparedness nutrition using THRIVE Foods. Everyone participates and learns new cooking techniques with incredibly nutritious meats, fruits, and veggies that also happen to have a long shelf-life as well! Here is a bit from Sonya:

Hi, I’m Sonya and I’d love to help you and your friends learn about holistic preparedness in today’s busy world! It’s easy, fun, and economical!  I teach and inspire folks just like you on the importance of the three preparedness aspects of Body, Mind, and Spirit. When I am teaching classes and power packed workshops, I am blessed to have the opportunity to get to know you and your friends and show you how easy it is to live a lifestyle of readiness!

Having a class with me is a ton of fun! When you attend one of my classes you might learn some eye-opening nutritional facts and its effects on your body that you have never thought about before. You will walk away inspired to begin your readiness lifestyle, with goodies in hand like tasty recipes, and preparedness tips you can implement right away. I look forward to partnering with you in this awesome journey!

Contact Sonya about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 678-450-1150


meganIDAHO, Megan Mecham

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Megan is a fiercely devoted Mother, and full time office manager for State Farm.  She is hoping to turn being a THRIVE Life consultant into her full time job soon so she can spend more time with her adorable little ones.  She has a fun, upbeat, friendly personality and her smile is contagious!  And her classes are FUN!  She may even have your kids helping her cook!  Megan will travel within a 2 hour radius of her home for a class.   If you have a special event (back to back classes, large show etc), she may be willing to travel further.  Here is just a bit from Megan:

Hi! I’m Megan and I’d love to show you and your friends the many things Thrive Foods has to offer. As a working mom time is very important to me and Thrive has helped me in this area. I am able to provide quick, healthy meals for my family while having my kids help too! I would love to show you how this can help you and your family, not only by saving time but money also. Give me a call and we can get together for a dinner class where I’ll show you the ease of cooking with Thrive while learning about the health benefits from it. Plus you’ll get to earn lots of the food for free!

Contact Megan about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 208-908-2575


AmyNEVADA, Amy Stephens

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Amy is originally from France and enjoys traveling, reading a good book, dancing and of course eating good food.  She is one of the most hardworking, never say die people I know.  She is passionate and dedicated.  In addition to the classes mentioned above Amy also offers baby food classes, and a class she calls “organizing your pantry and stop wasting food!”  Amy will travel within a 3 hour (150 mile) radius of her home for a class: that means she will travel to Nevada, Utah, Arizona and California.  Here is just a bit from Amy:

I’m Amy and I love to meet new people. When I first moved here from France, I had a hard time adjusting to the food here!  Everything tasted blend to me.  I gave up on buying certain fresh fruits and veggies at the store because they had little flavor and I felt I was wasting money. I really missed flavorful ripe fruit. When I discovered Thrive I was excited because I found that taste of freshness and flavor I was missing!  The first time I went to a Thrive Life party I was amazed at the taste of fruits, veggies and cheese, oh and let’s not forget yogurt bites..

I am passionate about healthy eating, but believe it is good to have an occasional treat as well: it is all part of a balance diet!  I would love to share the taste and convenience of Thrive with you.

Contact Amy about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 702-350-9767


JodieNEW JERSEY, Jodie Pelinsky

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Jodie is a self-starter with a great attitude and passion.  She loves to enjoy time outdoors with her family skiing in the mountains or at the beach. She also loves a great night out dancing with her friends! Her background is in finance and she worked as a Financial Analyst in the Derivatives field until her first son was born.  Jodie will travel within a 2 hour radius of her home for a class.   If you have a special event (back to back classes, large show etc), she may be willing to travel further. Here is a bit from Jodie:

My name is Jodie and I love experimenting with Thrive foods to make healthier meals for my family while cutting the time I spend in the kitchen! I have found so many ways Thrive foods can help me get a healthy dinner made with whole foods on the table in less than 30 minutes. Let me host a workshop for you and your friends so you can see how Thrive With Jodie Meal Kits can save you time and money!

Contact Brigette about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 706-207-5340


JuliePENSYLVANIA, Julie Kosker

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Julie has been on my team for a while now and immediately warmed my heart with her nonstop questions, ideas & excitement with Thrive Life.   She “moonlights” as a School Counselor, but uses her blog to encourage others towards a greener life as well as to dapple in kid crafts & of course… THRIVE tips, recipes & ideas.  She is an amazingly devoted mother to her beautiful little girls.  Her specialty is using Thrive for cooking in the outdoors and she posts here at Simple Family Preparedness monthly.   She and her husband (a NOLS outdoor educator graduate and avid gardener) have a lot of experience planning meals for wilderness trips and can even help you create a meal plan for your next camping/ backpacking trip.  She also offers lots of fun classes in addition to those mentioned above: Making Your Own Baby Food, Cooking in the Outdoors, Camping Tips and Tricks, Healthy, Easy and Delicious Backpacking Meals, Meals in a Jar Workshops, and Gluten Free Diet Classes.   Julie will travel up to 2 hours for a class.  Here is a bit from Julie:

Hi, this is Julie! Joining Thrive Life has been such an incredible opportunity for me.  It’s something I never thought I’d be doing, but it has helped my family in countless ways.  My only regret is that I didn’t find it earlier 🙂  I would truly love to lead a party/demo/class for you and/or have you join my Thrive Life team.  As a team leader, I support my team online, in person and on the phone.  I love sharing ideas & support as we build our businesses.  Whatever your goal (daily eating, food storage, full-time income, etc), I will help you get there.  Together, we will make the world a better (and tastier) place! If you live in my area and would like for me to host a tasting demonstration or class, please contact me to arrange that! 

Contact Julie about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 814-657-404


vanessaTEXAS, Vanessa Henry

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Vanessa impressed me from the moment she first emailed me about becoming a consultant.  She is a dedicated mother, wife, and friend who is determined to keep her priorities in the right place.  She is my friend and a stay-at-home mom to two boys.  She became a THRIVE Life consultant because she loves THRIVE foods and simply wants to share something she loves with those she cares about.  Her hobbies include dating her husband, being her boys’ mom, cooking, emergency preparedness, and entertaining.  She loves that THRIVE Life enhances each of those.  It provides a way for her to serve her family, saves time, money, and energy in the kitchen, helps her build a home store and emergency supplies and allows her to socialize with others.  She loves doing brunch, dinner, date night, or even kids’ playdate classes and is happy to let you pick the menu!  Vanessa is willing to travel up to an hour or so for a class.  Here is a bit from Vanessa:

Hi, my name is Vanessa Henry and I’m an Independent Consultant with THRIVE Life, a wife, and a stay-at-home mom to my two boys.  I would love to help you host a THRIVE Life cooking class! When you host a class, I will come to your home and show you and your friends how fun and easy it is to cook with THRIVE foods everyday. Everyone will get to sample a variety of items and have all of their questions answered. I can also teach you about building a home store and preparing for emergencies.  All you have to do is invite the guests!

Contact Vanessa about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 801-842-2009

View Vanessa’s Blog

Join Vanessa’s THRIVE Life Consultant Team


Tim and PamVIRGINIA, Tim & Pam Medlin

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I LOVE husband and wife teams and Tim and Pam make a great one!  They have complimentary talents that make their parties extremely well rounded and fun.  Pam is a great cook and Tim know a lot bout camping, prepping and food storage.   Tim and Pam are devoted parents, hard workers and great goal setters.  They have met every challenge I’ve thrown at them since becoming consultants.  Here is a bit from Tim and Pam:

Hi,  we are Tim and Pam! We had been building our family’s homestore for a while when we realized that THRIVE Life already had everything that we needed.  Plus, it is much healthier than the prepackaged meals that most companies offer. Once we realize that, it was an easy transition to becoming THRIVE Life independent consultants.  We would love to give you and your friends or group a class on preparedness, food storage, or simply cooking with your THRIVE foods every day. You will learn how to cook with and store this great tasting food for up to 30+ years. This is also a great opportunity for you to earn lots of free and half-priced food. We live in Chesapeake, VA, but can work with you no matter where you live.

  Contact Tim & Pam about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 757-482-5435

Visit Tim & Pam’s Blog


vickiWASHINGTON, Vicki Sperry

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Vicki is incredible.  She is one of the most kind, generous people I’ve ever known.  Her heart is huge and she welcomes everyone in.    She is a devoted homeschooling mom and can take an idea she is passionate about and run with it.  She is an avid (and very successful gardener), canning expert and hardworking consultant.  Vicki will travel within a 3 hour (150 mile) radius of her home for a class.   If you have a special event (back to back classes, large show etc), she may be willing to travel further.  Here is a bit from Vicki:

Hello, my name is Vicki Sperry and I would love to help you and your friends learn how you can have fresh, healthy food at your finger tips without having to leave your home. Food that is not only healthy, but convenient and easy to prepare. No needing to bring out you cutting board and knives. No messy clean up. Just convenience.
I enjoy getting families, friends and even communities together to learn the easy and time saving techniques of using these fresh, healthy, long lasting foods and incorporating them into their daily meal planning.

Contact Vicki about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 509-720-4683


AndreaWASHINGTON, Andrea Anderson

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I cannot say enough positive about Andrea Anderson.  She is a dear friend and is one of those people you just can’t help but like! She is full of energy, enthusiasm, honesty, and drive.  She loves learning new things and sharing what she learns.  She is an incredibly creative person with a sincere desire to change, improve and grow as well as help others do the same.   In addition to all the options mentioned above, Andrea can also “THRIVE-alize” one of your favorite family recipes!  Andrea will travel within a 3 hour (150 mile) radius of her home for a class.   If you have a special event (back to back classes, large show etc), she may be willing to travel further.  Here is just a bit from Andrea:

I’m Andrea Anderson, author of the blog Project Simple Home and guest blogger here at Simple Family Preparedness. I absolutely love being a THRIVE Life consultant and how it allows me to help my family and others.   If you live near Spokane WA and are interested Thrive, give me a call! I would love to hold a private tasting or a cooking class with all your friends and family.  Learn how Thrive can save you time, money, and change the way you shop!

And if you are looking to start your own Thriving Life,  I would be happy to be your mentor and friend as you start your journey. I offer personalized training to help you meet your goals. I was a member of our PATH training coalition that worked on building and perfecting our new online training program. I have been featured on world wide conference calls, training videos, and local opportunity meetings. I’ve won several contests with prizes ranging from free products to a fantasy getaway in Mexico. I’ve been very blessed by this opportunity, and would like to help you see success!

  Contact Andrea about samples, purchasing or hosting a class: [email protected]; 907-229-7264

Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

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