Do you ever have trouble remembering when you’re supposed to change out the batteries on your smoke alarms, or when the last time you changed out your emergency bag supplies, or when you changed the air filter in your AC system (yes, house maintenance is part of general PREParedness), etc.? Use your calendar to pre-plan those days when you need to renew your concealed carry license, when you need to do a thorough inventory of food (at end of busy seasons is always a great time to take stock on what you may have used a lot of or hardly any of and adjust accordingly), when you need to review skills again, and other preparedness items that are important to you to get done.
You can use a paper calendar on the fridge. Do you even have one of those in your house anymore? There are also to-do apps for your phones, calendars and alarms for your computer, and other ways to help yourself stay on track to STAYING PREPared.
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