
PREParedness Quick Tip #33: Travel-Sized Items for Emergency Kits

Mom with a PREP | PREParedness Quick Tip #33: Take advantage of the travel aisle to stock your 72 hour kit with all of your personal necessities.

When was the last time you wandered down the travel-sized or sample aisle of your local mega-mart and wondered how you could use those things? They are always so expensive for the size they are, and seem like a waste, don’t they?

But wait. They are perfect for your emergency bags! When you are putting together a 72-hour kit, you’re looking for three days worth of things to get you through until you can return home or find a place to stay. Deodorant, laundry soap, personal hygiene items, and even some foods come in perfect sizes for just a few days, don’t break the bank, and make it to where you can store without bulk.

If you don’t like the cost per ounce of the travel size items, you can purchase reusable travel size containers that allow you to refill with your own product. The smaller sizes save room in your bags for the rest of what you need.

Other places to collect travel-sized toiletries and food:

  • Hotel sample packs
  • Sample foods from store promos
  • Condiments from fast food restaurants
  • Multi-packs of snack items
  • Bag up bulk food into smaller portions
  • Mail samples
  • Dental kits from cleaning visits




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