72 Hour Kit Ideas Week #18: Religious Needs

Welcome! Week #18 in a step by step 72 hour kit series.  Makes building a robust, personalized 72 hour kit affordable and do-able!

Welcome to week #18 in the “72 Hour Kit Ideas: A week by week approach” series.

This series is all about making it simple and do-able to get a 72 hour kit put together for you and your family.

Creating such a kit can be overwhelming and financially difficult to do all at once. But through this series, I’ve broken it down for you into 26 small steps! You can see all the steps here. Just take one small baby step each week and in 6 months you will have a well stocked, personalized kit!

You can even go through the series a few times over a year or two adding just the most basic supplies the first six months and then a few more “extra” supplies each time you cycle through it again.

Want even more help?Build a robust, personalized 72 hour kit one week at a time over 26 weeks

This series is also available as an e-book. Purchasing the e-book gives you a few additional benefits over just reading the free series:

  • Additional details and tips
  • The ability to print the entire book!
  • Pictures of my own kit showing just how I pack each week.
Download “Your Own 72 Hour Kit Plan” E-Book Now!

Last Week:

I hope all of you were able to gather all your important documents into one place last week!

Week#18: Religious Needs

I am very religious and I know that in the event of a disaster and emergency situation, I would want all the comfort and peace I could find.

If you are also religious, I encourage you to give thought this week to those things that are a part of your religion that are of significant importance and will bring comfort to you. Your mental and emotional health during a time of crisis will directly affect your ability to care for yourself and your family physically. It is important.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Many call us “Mormons” or “LDS” (short for Latter Day Saint). However, I recognize that not all of you have the same beliefs. The things that you choose to bring for religious purposes will vary. I will list ideas below that work for my faith in the hopes that they may spark ideas of things you may want to include even if you are of a different faith. I will then list items / ideas left by my blog readers of different faiths. Please understand that this list is not meant to be all inclusive (there are so many religions out there), but simply to spark ideas.

Ideas for Any Religion:

  • Scriptures. For me, this includes a paperback King James Bible and a Book of Mormon.
  • Phone numbers and addresses of religious leaders in your area.
  • Religious music on a small device.
  • Small cards with devotionals, scriptures or pictures on them.

Ideas for Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:Friend

  • Blessing Oil Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints use this oil when a member of the church who holds the priesthood gives a blessing of healing (Like Christ did in the Bible).
  • Copy of your Patriarchal Blessings. These are written blessings that many LDS members receive as youth from a Patriarch who holds the priesthood. They are blessing of direction and help for life.
  • Friend Magazine. This is a religious children’s magazine published by the LDS Church.
  • Temple Recommend.
  • Baptismal records / membership record number

Ideas Listed in the Comments on my Website by Members of Other Religions:

  • Rosary Beads / Rosary.
  • Holy Water.
  • Candles.
  • Last rites kit.
  • Crucifix.
  • Chalice.
  • Pure grape juice boxes and Wasa crackers (for communion in certain religions).
  • “Sick Call” Cross.
  • Frankincense and Myrrh (incense).
  • A devotional book.

What we have done in our family:

We have a paperback New Testament and a Book of Mormon, blessing oil, copies of our patriarchal blessings, our temple recommend numbers and two friend magazines. We have phone numbers of our religious leaders in our important documents folder.

How About You?

Are you religious? Do you feel it is important to include such items in your kit? If so, what will you include?

Skip to:

Week #17: Important Documents Week #20: Entertainment Week #1: Packaging Your Kit Series Into: Survival Kit Series, A Week by Week Approach



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Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

133 thoughts on “72 Hour Kit Ideas Week #18: Religious Needs”

  1. Misty,
    This is a wonderful series you have going. I found you on Pintrest, like so many others, and am very glad that I did. I have six children, so being prepared is very difficult and previously I had no idea where to start. Thanks to this blog series, I know better now where to start and what to do. Thank you.

    I’m glad that you mentioned a piece on religion. While I am not a Christian, (I am Pagan), my children are. It is a great idea to keep a copy of the Bible and I also like the idea of the puzzles on Popsicle sticks. I do the puzzles anyway as they keep my smaller, impatient children busy while at the doctor’s office or on the go. This is a great post and I am glad that I stumbled upon it.

  2. I am not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but I really respect that your church puts a high value on being prepared. I plan to learn as much as I can about preparedness, and get myself and my family prepared for all possible emergencies, and then take what I learn and share it with members of my own faith. Thank you for your website and all of the helpful information you post. I’m almost finished reading each weekly blog, adding to my master list. Then I’ll go back and create my 72 hour kits and continue to work on my home preparation, as well. I’m excited to be moving forward with this project.

  3. I would like to suggest that if your family’s religion requires communion, you might be caught without. We are member s of the Church of Christ. I think it would be a good idea for my family to add a couple of pure grape juice boxes (fruit of the vine) if we can find them, and some Wasa crackers (unleavened bread) to our kit in case we would be caught out on a Sunday.

    • Thank you Amy! Wonderful point! I’m so glad there are readers here of other faiths so I can be sure to include things important to all. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I will add your suggestions when I hit this post in a few weeks!

  4. Misty – Great site! Thank you for sharing your time and talents with the world!
    I just read over our items to include in your “religious” emergency pack. You might consider re-wording the last item – ‘rosary beads’. I realize you were trying to be open to other’s religious needs, however it may be confusing to non-members because members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do not carry or use rosary beads. I don’t want to be or sound critical at all, because what you are doing here is amazing! I could only hope to have half the talents you have! You are definately one of those people who got 5 talents and you are using them to double your portion! Thank you! TKT

    • Thanks Tammy. You are very kind. There are many talents I’m not yet even working on! haha

      I know we don’t use rosary beads, but MANY of my readers do! Although I am LDS, many of my readers are not. In the comments (and through other emails), many mentioned things they would include in their packs and that was one that was mentioned a few times. I have met many, many people of other faiths who are simply fabulous and I want to encourage them to include things that bring them comfort in their packs.

      I’m not sure what is confusing, so maybe you could help me out. I state that some are things I have and some are things from other faiths. Are you suggesting I leave things from other faiths out entirely or maybe put them in a different section? Do you think the way I”ve got it is encouraging LDS to have rosary beads? I guess I’m ‘just not sure exactly what you are getting at. I’d love some clarification as this is a sensitive topic and I want to do my best to be unoffensive and kind to all!

  5. We have several Bibles around the house but I do keep a mini in my van glove compartment…you never know when you may want it or need to give it to somebody. 🙂

  6. Faith is so important! It is everything to me (& my family) to have Jesus as my Saviour and honor His wishes and commandments. Thank you so much for emphasizing this important aspect.

  7. Congrats to Linda K! I keep my purple bag with my set in it (King James Bible, Book of Mormon/Doctrine and Covenants/Pearl of Great Price) close at all times. I also keep all of my teaching material given me by the missionaries in there. Another item that is included in my list of important religious items to take in the event of an evacuation is my smaller red leather bound King James Version Holy Bible that was given to me at the age of 6 by my Grandfather. He was a Methodist preacher so I grew up in an entirely different church/faith than the one I am now. I would want it with me for sentimental value.

  8. I’m so glad I found you through Pinterest! I have six 72 hours kits sitting in my master bathroom tub just waiting for the gumption to get them completed. Now that I have (almost) all your steps lined out for him I’m ready to get rolling tonight. Starting back at step one and making sure everything is in order.

    I loved the idea about having a copy of our Patriarchal blessings in there. It would be a great source of strength during a trying time. I planned on making some puzzles from church pics and Popsicle sticks for the kids to play with at Conference this weekend and now that I’ve read this post I think I’ll toss a couple in their 72 hour kits when we’re done this weekend.

  9. I hadn’t thought about adding religious items to my preps. But it’s a great idea. Thanks so much! I love coming here every week to see what’s new.

  10. Great ideas. Most I never thought of. I am a Christian and my faith is important to me. I appreciate your beliefs and your commitment. Still think your site is the absolute best.

  11. thanks misty! lots of helpful info here. i got out of the habit of checking each week and now i’m excited to go back and do the weeks i’ve missed.

  12. i just found your site through pinterest. thanks for such a great site. i wish i had more time to browse right now, but i’ve bookmarked you to go back tonight and start reading from week #1.

    thanks again,


  13. What a great series! I found your blog through Pinterest, and will have to catch up on weeks I’ve missed. Don’t yet have a survival kit created, but I will be starting this week!

  14. We have purchased a waterproof Bible and we have some Biblical coloring books for our toddler. I want to include a CD player with some of my favorite singers and songs, but probably need to copy them so that I don’t have to part with my music now…I should probably add some books as well but got to consider the weight of books…I do have some small devotions, book marks, and scripture cards that wouldn’t take a lot os space. Now I have some good ideas!

  15. I just sent a message to everyone on my facebook about this website!! It’s such an awesome, informative website!! Thanks for all your hard work!!

  16. Misty — You are amazing!! I love all of this information.
    After reading this post on religious items, I couldn’t help but think that it would be wise to have the contact information (phone and address) for your bishop, home teachers, and visiting teachers as well as those that you and your spouse visit and home teach in your kit. I don’t know if other religions work the way ours does, but In the event of a disaster and you had to leave your home, members would be trying to contact you.

  17. I found you through Pinterest and LOVE your site. I just started working on survival kits and your site has been so helpful.

    I added a Bible, my daughter’s favorite devotion book and a picture of Jesus.

  18. I just discovered your site. i am sharing it with family and frinds. great site! I plan to update my storage by adding some diapers and wipes. I have 2 kids in diapers plus they can be used as first aid bandages. I will also add a book of mormon. thanks for the ideas.

    • Melinda,
      Welcome! You will find more and more helpful information on this site then anywhere else. When you have time try and go back and start with week 1. You will be hooked….

        • Thanks! I really just Love this site and talk about it and about food storage all the time. I think everybody should do this…. Im really just Greatful that there are people like you in this world that pass on this information to others. Thanks

  19. I never thought I would use Pinterest, but my wife showed me the Important Documents post from last week and I just read through the past 23 weeks! I have been wanting organize all of the items I keep together, but never took time to do it. Very helpful! (now I’m addicted) Thanks for the info.

  20. I have a small bible and my rosary beads. Faith is a big part of Survival. No matter what religion you are. I think you have to beleive in something……

  21. I love your site. I have been having a god time reading all your preparedness posts. I was recently made the Emergency Prepardness Coordinator in my ward and need all the ideas and help I can get.
    I’m going to have to go all the way back to week one and get this started in my own house. We have emergency kits… but I don’t think I’ve touched them in years.
    Thanks for all the information.

  22. i know i mentioned before how much i am loving this site… but each time i check it out i am reminded how much i really do love it! 🙂

    i have a book of mormon and copies of our patriarchal blessings, but have never thought to add oil! such a fabulous idea!


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