72 Hour Kit Ideas Week #12: Medicines

Welcome!Week #12 in a step by step 72 hour kit series. Makes building a robust, personalized 72 hour kit affordable and do-able!

Welcome to week #12 in the “72 Hour Kit Ideas: A week by week approach” series.

This series is all about making it simple and do-able to get a 72 hour kit put together for you and your family.

Creating such a kit can be overwhelming and financially difficult to do all at once. But through this series, I’ve broken it down for you into 26 small steps! You can see all the steps here. Just take one small baby step each week and in 6 months you will have a well stocked, personalized kit!

You can even go through the series a few times over a year or two adding just the most basic supplies the first six months and then a few more “extra” supplies each time you cycle through it again.

Want even more help?Build a robust, personalized 72 hour kit one week at a time over 26 weeks

This series is also available as an e-book. Purchasing the e-book gives you a few additional benefits over just reading the free series:

  • Additional details and tips
  • The ability to print the entire book!
  • Pictures of my own kit showing just how I pack each week.
Download “Your Own 72 Hour Kit Plan” E-Book Now!

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Last Week

I hope you were able to add to the first aid supplies in your kit last week.

Week #12: Medicine

Even if you don’t take daily prescription meds, there are some “meds” you may consider including in your kit. Remember that “illnesses” that may seem small during everyday life (such as a headache or a cold) will be far more difficult to deal with in a disaster situation.

You will want to be your best self in every way possible, especially if you are a parent! This week, add medicines you feel are important for your family to your kit.

While many meds are important, prescription meds can be essential and life sustaining. If there are meds you must take on a regular basis be sure you have a supply of them in your kit.  This post: The Ultimate Guide to Prescription Meds for Self-Reliant Families from Lesslie (a Nurse and the Busy B Homemaker) is the absolute BEST I’ve ever seen on the topic of stocking prescription meds.  Go read it!

Ideas / Options:

Other than prescription meds that you already know you need, consider the list below as you decide what to keep in your kit for your family. You may consider putting a 3 day supply of some meds in a small zip pouch (like the ones you can find at craft stores) with a label to save on space!

  • Infant / children’s pain relief (with appropriate dropper if needed)
  • Children’s Benadryl (for allergic reactions)
  • Cold Meds
  • Allergy Meds / Antihistamines
  • Hydro-cortisone
  • Antacid tablets
  • Various types of pain relief (including Midol if you use / need it)
  • Anti-diarrhea meds and Laxatives (when under severe stress the digestive system doesn’t always function so well!)
  • Syrup of Ipecac OR Activated Charcoal (to induce vomiting from poisoning) DO NOT use both. I prefer Activated Charcoal
  • High blood pressure meds (Your blood pressure will be higher during times of stress. If you have high blood pressure, include some!)
  • Insulin if necessary
  • Inhaler / asthma meds
  • Birth Control
  • Cranberry Pills (for urinary tract infections)
  • Ear Drops
  • Essential Oils (if you know how to use them)
  • An Epi-Pen (if someone in your family needs one)
  • Copies of eyeglass or contact prescriptions

What we have done in our family:

We have most of what is listed above. We do not need any prescription meds, blood pressure meds or insulin / asthma meds. We do not have a laxative or ear drops. I would like to get some cranberry pills, but have not yet.

How About You? /

Leave me a comment and tell me what you will be adding to your kit. Why? How are you going to “beef up” the supplies in your basic kit?

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Week #11: First Aid Week #13: Personal Care & Hygiene Week #1: Packaging Your Kit Series Into: Survival Kit Series, A Week by Week Approach
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Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

115 thoughts on “72 Hour Kit Ideas Week #12: Medicines”

  1. Thanks for the great article. I need to add more of all the things you listed, plus more of my acid reflux medicine.

  2. I will be adding small tins of essential oils. Many can be used in place of otc drugs. I like nature’s pharmacy the best.

  3. Since the last time we added meds. Ive discovered D mannose powder.
    It works better and faster tgan cranberry pills, however it is more expensive but worth it. Its also safe for kids as its a powder so you can adjust rhe dosage for them. I dicovered it since I couldnt give my three year old adult pills. It is basically just the sugars if the cranberry which is what is effective for utis.

  4. We’ve got a lot of medications but I seemed to have forgotten one essential item. Thanks to your blog, it reminded me that we need to put essential oils in our kits.

  5. One thing I have done is use PVC pipe in various sizes to store things, including medicine. With all the different connectors and ways to cap off the pipe it makes an ideal waterproof container as well as when pipe is empty makes an emergency water carrier. They are light weight, will not crush or rip open in your pack, and have a variety of uses.

  6. Don’t forget that you can always dose up children’s medications in to adult doses to help save space in your pack. Also if you are looking for another medication for an allergic reaction would be to include Pepcid. It will work long than Benadryl but not as fast.

  7. My son’s doctor said 2 of his patients were arrested for meds not in original containers; one carried his in an organizer, the other added hers to an acetaminophen bottle. I can’t speak for other states but in Kentucky police can’t detain you if you prove you have a prescription. My pharmacy will verify ours, but they aren’t open 24/7.

    Counting my pain patch and 2 inhalers, my son and I are on 14 prescriptions, some controlled substances, plus several OTCs. Original containers would take a lot of room in a backpack! I take meds 4x/day, so I carry some all the time. I asked my pharmacist to print extra labels for my purse. You could put these in your survival kit, but it wouldn’t hurt to have them in your purse for EMTs in case of an accident.

  8. I noticed you have Midol listed. I just thought I’d add that Midol, or the store brand equivalent, is just a pain reliever with an added fluid pill. It’s great for reducing swelling and works wonders on tooth pain. Something even guys should consider having in their kit!

  9. Was wanting to get ideas about the prescription meds. I live in a Hurricane Zone and both of my children are on controlled substance prescriptions (not obtainable without dr. and can only get one month supply at a time) i have tried keeping one pill out each month the try to build up a supply but something usually happens such as scatter brained mom forgetting to pick of the script so i end up using them. any other ideas?

  10. I also pack blood clotter. A little extreme I know but I’ve already used it on my husband once for a knife wound at home so I’m sure it would be handy in the pack:)

  11. Unseasoned Meat tenderizer-bug bite treatment- Make a think paste and rub firmly in bug bite. Reduces pain, swelling and itching.

    100% Vanilla for burns- soak on burn for as long as possible. Have soaked fingers in bowls of vanilla, soaked cotton balls in vanilla and held in place with band aid. Need to do as soon as the burn occurs. May sting at first as it draws out the heat. Have used many times on very serious burn and have avoided blisters and scars. Many times can’t even find where the burn was the next day.

  12. On of my children recently developed a food intolerance (most of us would call it an allergy). Thankfully it can be managed with diet and medicine that is available over the counter, so I’m just going to have to to stock up on the meds and purge a few items from my pantry.

  13. This week the only thing I need to add is some cold medicine. I have basically everything else. My husband will be going in for an eye appointment soon, and he will likely be getting new glasses. When that happens, his old ones will get put in his bag.

  14. I need to update my meds, I’m sure a lot of them are out of date. I’m so happy to have this blog to remind me of that stuff! I just added tea tree oil and grapeseed extract for general use. I added cranberry pills after the last cycle of the posts, and I ended up using them in the mean time. They definitely work!

    I would like to get a little first aid book to add to the kit. Are there any you would suggest?

  15. This week I realized that I need to add Nystatin to our kits. My daughter gets a diaprer yeast infection every time we go on vacation. That is the last thing I want to deal with during an emergency.

  16. My family doesn’t use any prescription meds so I didn’t have to worry about that this week. I was also pretty stocked up already on over the counter stuff (cold, cough drops, anti-nausia, pain meds, act) from couponing. Many of these I get for free or very close to it from strategic couponing so I had plenty of extra for my kit.

    One thing I did add to my kit this week was a box of contacts and copies of my eye prescriptions. I would hate to forget extra contacts if we had to evacuate quickly.

  17. I recently read that veterinary supplies can be substituted for some traditional prescription antibiotics.

    Here is a list of antibiotics you may want to consider adding to your first aid/medical supplies if you can get them from your Dr. If you cannot, the list includes their veterinary equivalents that are available at most pet stores:

    Amoxicillin 250mg/500mg (FISH-MOX, FISH-MOX FORTE)
    Ciprofloxacin 250mg/500mg (FISH-FLOX, FISH-FLOX FORTE)
    Metronidazole 250mg (FISH-ZOLE)
    Doxycycline 100mg (BIRD-BIOTIC)
    Sulfamethoxazole 400mg/Trimethoprim 80mg (BIRD-SULFA)
    Azithromycin 250mg, 500mg (AQUARIUM AZITHROMYCIN)
    Clindamycin 150mg/300mg (AQUARIUM CLINDAMYCIN)

    According to doomandbloom.net: “All of the above, with the exception of Amoxicillin and Ampicillin, are acceptable in those with Penicillin allergies. With the above antibiotics in your medical supplies, you’ll be able to treat 90% of the bacterial diseases that will appear on your doorstep in times of trouble, even some forms of Anthrax.”

    • Thanks for the list! I am allergic to penicillin, and I worry about that when looking at the veterinary equivalents in the stores. This is very helpful. 🙂

  18. Came across this blog on Pinterest and love it! My husband thinks I am a bit crazy for starting our 72 hour kits, but when I ask him how happy he will be if something happens and we have our kits, he does admit that it will be nice. He even brought me $3 in 1’s last week for our kits…..I think he is getting into it. Anyway, we are not on Week #14: Meds yet (still doing food), but love the suggestions and have subscribed to the blog and love all the great info!! Thanks for sharing!! Would love to win these tools!! 😉

  19. I’m pretty set for meds. My mom is a pharmaceutical rep so we have a TON of samples. I do need to add Activated Charcoal and copies of our meds and eyeglass prescriptions.

    Just a thought, I know you are still learning about essential oils, but I would love to learn about what to add to our kits and how to use them. I book suggestion for reference would be awesome as well. Might be a good guest post.

    Another thought so I don’t forget about it…..I think I’m going to add a pack or two of cigarettes to my kit. We don’t smoke, however, in an emergency situation the cigarettes will have a lot of bargaining power and I could trade for something I need.

    • I will be doing a post on bargaining and yes, that is one very valuable item.

      As for the essential oils etc, I think I will go the guest post route, but I’m looking for just the right person. Giving medical advice is a scary thing with a lot of risk, so I want to make sure I get someone completely qualified. But I am working on it and it WILL happen!

  20. I still need to get some ipecac and a few other small things. I have also put small pills (such as benadril, ibuprophen and so forth) into capsules (I can fit 3-4 in each capsule). That way it takes up alot less room and I can keep my meds organized. I can then keep the bigger bottles in my longer term kits. These capsules fit much better in my pack this way. I just open the capsule and take one pill out as needed and then put the capsule back together and put it in my first aid kit in my back pack.
    I have also put ceyenne pepper in capsules for things such as shock, heart attack and to help stop bleeding and pain associated with cuts. Did the same for bentonite clay and activated charcoal for bug bites, stings, or food poisoning. Makes a lot less mess than storing a bottle or plastic bag full of each. I have used these several times while camping.

  21. We don’t take any meds really, I do still need to get some charcoal for poison and spider bites though. I may bum a cigarette from someone who smokes, to have for insect stings.

      • If you take some of the tabacco wet it a little, not sopping, and stick it on the sting and put a bandaid over it and leave it there. It takes away the pain, itch, and swelling. I swell up pretty bad to sweat bees of all things. One sweat bee sting and my entire finger would swell. Not life threatning but not pleasant. This is what my mom always did and it always helped. I’m sure benedryl would as well but why take meds for something that really doesnt need it. If your allergic really bad by all means take the meds.

  22. We will definitely be adding an extra pack, probably an attachable lunchbox size, to our main pack that will house the nebulizer, an a/c converter for use in the car, and all of my daughter’s asthma med stockpile in it. And for our son we will be adding some eczema remedies—namely calendula oil. Raw local honey is also a wonderful thing to keep with our kits as it works for so many things, from wounds to asthma to skin conditions! If I could bring our bees with us I would!

  23. Eye drops are essential. You can buy some Thera-Tears, which come in a foil pack and have five one use tubes in the pack. I am forever getting something in my eyes, or they get really dry.


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