THRIVE Scrambled Egg Mix vs Whole Egg Powder

Powdered Eggs in Baking

I’ve been using Whole Egg Powder in my baking for years!  It works perfectly in my cookies, yeast breads, and cakes.  Whole powdered eggs cost just over $1  dozen so I actually use them exclusively in baking as they save me money over using fresh eggs from the grocery store.

Eggs (1)

For those of you scared to try them, I would highly suggest that you give it a shot in your baking!  I really think you will be pleasantly surprised!  I actually owned whole powdered eggs for about 2 years before I got up the courage to try them.  They just sat in my freezer (they keep longer there) staring at me each and every day.  Finally, one day I was out of eggs and had to make a dessert for a church function: a cake actually.  I had 3 kids 2 yrs old and under at the time and they were all sleeping.  I did not want to wake everyone to head to the grocery store.  So, I decided to be brave, say a little prayer and use my powdered eggs.  The cake turned out great!  I thought:  “Well, maybe that is just because it was for a church function and God needed them to turn out.  I’m sure powdered eggs would ruin my favorite cookie recipe!”  So, I made a batch of cookies with them the next day and they were perfect!  And the best party: I could eat the cookie dough b/c there were no raw eggs!  Party smile


One quick tip:

Make sure that if a recipe calls for 1 large egg, that you use 1 large powdered egg.  For example, with the THRIVE Whole Egg Powder, 1 T powder + 2 T water = 1 medium egg.  If you use just one T. powder, you won’t have enough egg!  So, use a heaping T. instead.  Other brands may be similar.


Scrambled Eggs

Unfortunately,  as much as I loved whole powdered eggs in baking, I could never honestly say that whole powdered eggs made great scrambled eggs.  People would ask me all the time and I had to respond: “Well, they are edible.  Better than other brands I’ve tried and are a bit better when you add some milk.”  But I just couldn’t give them a full-fledged thumbs up!

Enter THRIVE Scrambled Egg Mix!  This is a new product that THRIVE Life (formerly Shelf Reliance) introduced at the convention and I was intrigued.  Could powdered eggs really taste good when used to make scrambled eggs?  Really?  I decided to give them a shot.

The Powders:

I made four batches of scrambled eggs with the scrambled egg mix, whole powdered eggs, and instant milk.  I know that I like to add milk to my fresh scrambled eggs and that always improved the taste of scrambled eggs made with the whole egg powder in the past so I thought I’d give it a try.  So, 2 T. of each type of egg on the left and 2 T of the egg plus 1 T. milk on the right.  As you can see, the scrambled egg mix is much darker in color.  The Whole Eggs were a much finer powder:


THRIVE Scrambled vs Whole Eggs1


Mixing them up:

I added 4 T. water to each one and whisked them up.  It took quite a while to really “whisk” the whole powdered eggs, but the scrambled eggs mix dissolved almost instantly!


THRIVE Whole vs Scrambled Eggs2


Cooking them:

Then I cooked them up.  The only difference here was that the Whole eggs were a bit more difficult to keep from sticking to the pan.  But you can hopefully also notice a difference in color and texture once cooked.  The whole eggs were more of an “off” color, a bit more “crumbly” and not nearly as fluffy as the scrambled egg mix.


THRIVE Whole vs Scrambled Eggs3


The Taste Test:

And the final test was the taste test!  I ate some of each and had my kids try some of each.  Hands down, the Thrive Scrambled Egg mix won!  And it was better without the milk!  The eggs were the right texture and taste for scrambled eggs!  Amazing!


Most Importantly:

One very important thing you should know about THRIVE’s Scrambled Egg mix:

It contains no ingredients other than eggs!

Seriously!  No preservatives, no additives at all!

Other Mixes:

Here is a list of ingredients I found in some other scrambled eggs mixes available on the market:

  • milk
  • soybean oil
  • modified food starch
  • salt
  • xanthan gum
  • citric acid
  • butter flavor
  • maltodextrin
  • annatto
  • turmeric
  • vegetable oil
  • corn oil
  • color

Here is the ingredient list on from the THRIVE Scrambled Egg Mix label:

  • Whole Eggs
  • Yolk
  • Dried Egg Whites

Incredible!  You can find THRIVE Scrambled Eggs here.  And to be completely transparent, yes, I earn a small commission if you purchase them through that link, but that did not affect my review here at all.  As is always true on this site, I won’t recommend something I would use myself!  Read more about that here: Disclosure.


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Powdered scrambled eggs are extra tasty, but are they worth the extra cost over whole powdered eggs? Well, it depends...

Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

10 thoughts on “THRIVE Scrambled Egg Mix vs Whole Egg Powder”

  1. I haven’t tried the Thrive eggs, but I have a can of another brand (August Farms), and there’s a weird smell to them that I can actually taste in the finished product when I’m baking. I just opened the can, although I’ve had it a few years. Do you only keep it in the freezer after you open it, or do you also keep your sealed cans there too? Also, their recommendation for amounts is 2 1/2 T egg powder to the same amount of water. That’s different than what you said also, so maybe that makes a difference. I really want to like and use powdered eggs, but that taste is really off-putting. What do you think the problem is?

    • I don’t keep my sealed cans there and I have not tried Augason Farms eggs, though I have tried other brands and been fine. As for the measurements, it will vary by company depending on how they process their eggs. So, follow what is on the can!

  2. With the THRIVE whole egg powder the expiration date on mine says that it expired in March 2016. Do you think in your opinion that it may still be ok if it was stored in a cool place?

  3. How long will all the different eggs store? What are shelf lives of bakery items, such as roll, biscuit mixes, brownies, cake & etc? Thanks LaRene Grover

    • Hey LaRene!

      The shelf life will vary depending on who you buy them from, but typically 5-10 years sealed and then 6-12 months opened. I keep my opened eggs in the freezer and they last a lot longer than that. And are you asking what the shelf life is of those things you make with powder eggs? They would be the same as if you made them with fresh eggs!


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