The Most Tempting Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever

Tempting Chocolate Chip Cookies

I simply cannot get enough of these cookies.  Chef Todd (Thrive Life‘s in house chef) first made them a few months ago during an advisory board meeting.  He made us a bunch of snacks actually, all of which were tasty.  But all I wanted was more cookies.  I restrained myself though, and I think I only had four each day over the course of the three days of meetings.  Seriously!  That took real restraint with these cookies.

I have never in my entire life tasted cookies this amazing. They are tasty, scrumptious, delicious, delectable…truly lip-smacking.  I could go on.  It is the texture that really makes these incredible…amazingly soft, chewy, and dense.

Worlds Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

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A few weeks after those meetings, I was over at THRIVE Life picking up an order.  Chef Todd was in the kitchen so my girls and I stopped in to visit.  He was creating a chocolate shake recipe using the new hot chocolate mix.  He gave my girls a “taste test” (it was really a HUGE cup full) and they loved it.  So did I.  Tasted just like a Wendy’s Frosty.

But I digress…back to the cookies.  I asked Chef Todd for the recipe not really expecting him to give it to me.  I was just sure it had to be some sort of top secret recipe he wanted to keep to himself…maybe just to keep us coming back to our board meetings.  (-:

But he gave it to me!  In fact, it wasn’t even his recipe.  It was actually a recipe created by his assistant, Stephanie.  And guess what her secret ingredient was?  Pudding!  Yeah, pudding powder!  I was so excited to get home and try the recipe.

Stephanie’s original recipe calls for powdered eggs, but not powdered butter.  The first time I made them, I did just what she said: I used powdered eggs and real butter.   I half expected them not to turn out…afraid that their deliciousness had more to do with Chef Todd and Stephanie’s talents than the actual recipe.  But they turned out just perfectly.  All 40 cookies or so were gone within two days at our house.

Then, I decided to find out how they’d turn out made with 100% shelf stable ingredients.  So I switched out the real butter for powdered butter.  I was sure the texture would be significantly different (more fluffy) as that is what happens when I switch out powdered for real in my other cookies recipes.  But, the texture stayed exactly the same!  It was shocked.  The taste was a little different.  They were still good…great actually. No one would ever complain about having to eat them, nor would they ever have a clue they were made with powdered butter and eggs.  But if you taste both cookies side by side, there is a slight flavor difference, and I prefer the real butter.  But I’m thrilled to know that I will still be able to enjoy my new favorite cookies even when/if I no longer have access to real butter!

Worlds Best Chocolate Chip Cookies in a Can

Update: In April 2014 Chef Todd released an all new bakery line.  One of the items in that line includes these cookies in a can!  All you have to do is add butter (the back of the can says to add water too…but trust me, just add the butter with no water).  They turn out perfect every time!  But if you want to make them from scratch, you still can.  Just use the recipe below:

The Best, Most Addicting Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever
Author: Misty
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 3 dozen cookies
  • 1 cup butter at room temp (or 1 1/2 cups [url href=”” target=”_blank”]powdered butter [/url] mixed with 4 T. water)
  • 1/4 cup [url href=””]white sugar[/url]
  • 1 cup [url href=””]brown sugar[/url]
  • 3 medium eggs (or 3 Tbsp. [url href=””]Thrive whole egg powder[/url] and 6 Tbsp. water)
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 small (6-7 oz total 3-35 oz each) vanilla pudding packets (dry)
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 2 1/4 cup [url href=””]white flour[/url]
  • 1-2 cups chocolate chips
  1. Preheat oven to 350.
  2. Cream together butter and sugars until light and fluffy.
  3. Mix in eggs, vanilla, pudding packets, and baking soda until just incorporated.
  4. Mix in flour, then chocolate chips.
  5. Bake 12 to a cookie sheet for 8-10 minutes or until they just begin to brown.
Calories: 111 per cookie Fat: 9 g per cookie
The dough will feel very dry…overly so. Just trust me. They will turn out! Oh, and these cookies don’t spread much, so if you want a nice round cookie, don’t just drop the dough on the pan. Make it into the shape you want your eventual cookie to be!

Want More Food Storage Recipes?

If you’d like more (family approved) 100% food storage recipes, I have a recipe book that you can find here or by clicking on the image below.


Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

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