Emergencies aren’t just about localized weather events or job losses but can be much more personal. And what’s more personal to a girl than her period? Consider a DIY First Period Emergency Kit for your preteens to have stored in their locker or backpack for just such times.
Why A Period Emergency Kit Is Necessary?
I bet many of us can say that puberty was one of the worst phases of our lives. The shame, the uncertainty, the ridicule — all leaving us feeling like we were the biggest losers in the world, even though every other kid was going through the same thing. And it’s even worse when we are young, inexperienced, and are going through it alone.
Not all of us were graced with moms who were open and forthcoming about this aspect of our lives. Not all of us have moms who can be relied upon to share this information. I’m sharing it for those who can’t ask, those who don’t have someone to ask, and you might need to move along if this is a ‘trigger subject’ for you. Considering that this is a subject that affects 50%+ of the world’s population, a DIY Period Emergency kit is definitely something women need to think about for themselves and their daughters, and frankly, Dads, you do, too!
Tip: Let your daughter pick out a cute, opaque, cosmetic pouch to put this in, which she can then store in her backpack, purse, or locker.
How to Create a DIY Period Emergency Kit for Girls?
Learn these ideas on how to make your own emergency kit that is useful during your periods.
1. Deodorant
Because puberty does weird things to a body, a small travel-sized deodorant (or deodorant wipes) is good for a refresher during the day when yours just gives out. If you, like me, make your own deodorant, you can keep some in a small travel container like this.
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2. Pads or Tampons
Keep a couple of her choice of menstrual products in a baggie. For those just starting, a panty liner is usually sufficient. However, you should still keep a few pads and tampons in your period emergency kit because you know she’ll want to change often, just because. More and stronger methods can be stored as the needs arise.
If you are so inclined and want to combine this with a homemaking skill, learn how to make your own pads. Or introduce her to the idea of a menstrual cup (you’d still want the backup kit, just in case).
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3. Hydrogen Peroxide
This was a tip my mother-in-law told me years ago. I use a travel-sized, pump hairspray bottle that is dark in color.
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Fill it with hydrogen peroxide to spray on any stained area of undergarments and clothes to help stains from setting. Rinsing the garment under cold water is always best, but it’s not discreet and might leave you with wet clothes to deal with.
4. Wipes
A travel-size package of wipes (flushable if preferred) for discreet cleanup.
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It’s also good for quick cleanup after gym class or recess if there’s just no time for a shower or if she is just too embarrassed to take a shower.
5. Underwear
It’s helpful to have a change of underwear or two just in case.
6. Change of Pants
Shorts or other bottoms depending on the weather and situation, again, just in case.
7. Hand Warmers
Since many schools don’t allow students to medicate or treat themselves, some girls find it embarrassing to go to the nurse’s office to ask for help. Or, you just might not be in a place where that help is available. Inexpensive hand warmers might be just the thing.
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It’s a quick, easy, portable heating pad. It’s a bit awkward, but it can be done.
8. Pain relievers
Since most schools do not allow students to self-medicate, you have to decide what to do for your own child. I cannot tell you to go ahead and include a small package of pain relief in her emergency kit. Travel-sized packages are discreet and easy to tuck in a pocket.
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If nothing else, make sure the school nurse has a note allowing your child to ask for a pain reliever when she may need it.
9. Loose Change
If your school offers machines in the restrooms for menstrual products, or if she is out on a field trip or away from home, having a dollar or two in quarters can help save an awkward situation.
10. Hair Clips and Ties
This is not an emergency so much as sometimes you just feel yucky and you need to pull up your hair. It just helps.
11. Mints and Chocolate
Nothing like freshening your breath when nothing else feels fresh as a daisy.
Also, as Remus Lupin tells Harry Potter, “Here. Eat it. It’ll help.” Chocolate makes you feel better, but did you know that dark chocolate does offer a bit of pain relief?
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12. Extra bag
Keep an extra bag, whether a zip-top bag, a grocery bag, or the like to be able to keep soiled clothes in to bring home, and keep from getting everything else wet or stained. A cute wet/dry bag can keep things more discreet.
What Is In Your Emergency Period Kit?
Of course, this period emergency kit can be used for girls of any age, to keep in a car, a backpack, a desk drawer, or wherever you spend time. It’s always good to be prepared. Are there things that you or your daughters found helpful for this kind of emergency?
Tip: This makes a great scouting project for girls!
To learn even more about long-term preparedness for personal hygiene for girls and women, click HERE.
Last update on 2024-09-15 at 06:14 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Hey girls! Honey is here. One week back I got my period kit from Those5days. Those are long in size, rashes free and it was very comfortable during heavy flow days. I was also got a 10% discount from the coupon code that I have applied from Saveplus. Just go for it!
Hey, Honey! Thanks a lot for the info and for sharing!
This was so helpful! I am 10 years old and my mom helped me using this site!
Hello there, Zoe! That’s wonderful news! Thanks a lot for reading and don’t forget to thank your mom too! She’s definitely a hero!