72 Hour Kit Ideas Week #20: Baby / Kids


This post is full of tips for adding baby and kid supplies to your 72 hour kit.

Want even more help?Build a robust, personalized 72 hour kit one week at a time over 26 weeks

I also have a 70 page ebook that will help you build a personalized 72 hour kit for your family one step at a time.

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Baby / Kids and 72 hour kits

I feel it is very important to be extremely well prepared if there are children in you household.  So, I am suggesting you take 1 week every 6 month (this week!) to go back over your 72 hour kit and make sure it has what you would need to provide for your kids (if you have them).  Even if you don’t have them you may want to throw in a few of these items as you may need to help displaced children.  Here are a few suggestions:

  • Water that is quick & easy to access; maybe even something that seems a little “fun,” like these aqua blox since they look like juice boxes.
  • Drink mix to make stored water more palatable.  Remember, young kids don’t realize they can die from dehydration.  They just won’t drink if it doesn’t taste right.
  • Food you are sure they will eat.  Freeze dried fruit in pouches, candy, raisins, squeezable fruit or applesauce pouches, trail mix etc.
  • Baby food in your infant eats it or just crush your freeze dried fruit and add water to create healthy, preservative free baby food!
  • Baby Formula
  • Sippy cups and /or bottles
  • Pacifiers / Binkies if your kids use them
  • Baby spoons
  • Lots of wipes / napkins
  • Clothes that are just a bit too big for them now so they will last until you rotate again
  • Good shoes: again, a bit too big is better than too small!
  • Something comforting for nighttime: a piece of a favorite blanket, a mini-stuffed animal etc.
  • Infant front / back carrier.
  • Diapers & wipes and / or pullups: again, a bit too big is better than too small!
  • Burp Cloths
  • Child friendly meds: pain killers, allergy meds etc.
  • Flashlights they know how to use and can physically hold / handle
  • Toys & Entertainment (discussed in detail last week)
  • A child leash / line of sorts.  You won’t be able to carry your children and all your stuff and it could be very difficult to keep track of them (especially if you have 4 four and under like me!).  I don’t use a leash everyday, but I would in such a situation.
  • Instant milk powder (milk is a HUGE comfort food for my kids).  Thanks to reader Jennifer for reminding me about this!
  • Laminated ID cards for each child with an out of state contact number (often during emergencies, you will not be able to make local calls.  So, if someone finds your kids, they can call Grandma, and Grandma can call you!)

Other ideas?  Leave a comment below!




Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

91 thoughts on “72 Hour Kit Ideas Week #20: Baby / Kids”

  1. I am a mom to a 22 month old and am expecting #2 in about a month. Do you include these things in your pack or are they in a separate pack? I know my toddler can carry a mini backpack, but I don’t foresee it being able to hold everything!

  2. When my kids were little I made “ID” cars for them that I attached to their car seats & boosters. If I were ever in a car accident and unable to communicate these cards provided info on them contact info ,allergy info, doctor’s phone number and a photo. I actually kept a version of it under they got their drivers license and had their own ID. YOu can buy self laminating pouches at Walmart or Target so you don’t have to have a laminator. Thanks for your site!


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