How Much Money Will I Make as a THRIVE Life Consultant?

How much money do THRIVE Life (formerly Shelf Reliance) Consultants make?

This is probably the most often-asked question I get, and the answer is both simple and complicated (and yes, I’ve got some “real numbers” for you at the bottom of this post).

Simple answer: However much they want!

More complicated answer: There are THRIVE Life consultants that earn a full-time income and those that earn just a few dollars each month.  There are a few things that determine how much you will earn, all of which you have control over.  So, ultimately, each consultant decides how much they want to earn.

#1: Effort and Attitude

THRIVE Life consultants hard work
Rising line graph

Anyone can be successful in this business if they have a positive attitude and are willing to work hard.  I absolutely mean that.  I am sure of it. I have a team of hundreds of consultants and without fail, those that are “successful” are those who look at the bright side and consistently work at their businesses.  But interestingly, that is where their similarities end.  Other than that, “successful” consultants come from all walks of life.  It is their ability to consistently work on their businesses, not give up, and see the bright side of things that propel them to success: just like in any other aspect of life!

#2: Time

THRIVE Life consultants earnings over time
Money generated over time

As a THRIVE Life consultant, you have the potential to earn a serious full-time income.  You can potentially earn hundreds of thousands a year.  But just like any other job/career with that type of potential, if that is your goal, it will take time.  Doctors, lawyers, business owners, etc, all spend YEARS in schooling/training/internships, etc, before they start earning any money.  As a THRIVE Life consultant, you will also need to realize that serious financial rewards take time, experience, and consistent effort.  You will NOT make a full-time income in month number one!  But at the same time, you can easily pay back your start-up cost in month one!  (That’s something doctors, lawyers, and most other business owners can’t say.)

#3: Team Building

THRIVE Life consultants team building
Discussing company targets

As a THRIVE Life consultant, you can choose to (1) simply sell the product, or you can choose to (2) sell the product AND support, train, and teach others who would like to sell the product.  If you choose just to sell the product, you will likely never earn a full-time income, though you can still earn a significant part-time income.

If you choose to support, train and teach others who would like to sell the product, then your income potential is unlimited.


Real Numbers

I know that many of you reading this post did so hoping for some “real-life” numbers. Well, I’ve got some for you!

Average Party Sales

The average sales per party (a.k.a. class/event) for all consultants in the company hover right around $900.

So, on average, consultants earn around $90 for every party/class that they do.  If you were to do just one event per week (about three-five hours a week start to finish), you’d make around $350-$400 a month just from your own personal sales.

That is around $22 an hour. That is pretty good in my opinion, and that doesn’t even count the free & discounted food you are earning too.

In addition, most experienced consultants have higher party averages, so over time, as you gain experience, this number will increase.

The Q

Also, at each party/event, you will likely enroll customers on the THRIVE Q.  You will be paid for doing that as part of your party/event commission (the $90), but you will also be paid each month that Q ships out again. So, as you have more parties, you will create more Qs and earn commission on them automatically each month, even if you need to “take a month off” from doing parties/events.

Here Are Some Company Averages

These averages are based on rank, but most of you probably have no idea what I mean when I say “rank,” right? A consultant’s rank is based on both their own sales and the sales of their  “team.”  For consultants who work hard and consistently, rank advancements come naturally over time.

For your benefit, I’ve included an “estimated” time of when a new consultant who is serious about their business might expect to hit a certain rank. By serious, I mean they work on their business every week consistently.

But please understand that while the average earnings at each rank are accurate as of March 2013, the time frame I give is completely my opinion based on my own personal experience with my own teammates. There are consultants who have gone through the ranks quicker (or slower) than this.

Mentor:  $314/month on average

In my opinion, it typically takes a hard-working consultant two-four months to hit the rank of a mentor.  I hit mentor in my third month as a consultant and made $283 that month.

Director: $797/month on average

In my opinion, it typically takes a hard-working consultant three-six months to hit the rank of director.  I skipped director in my advancement.  I had no team until my fifth month, so I stayed with a mentor for a while. It doesn’t hassle me that much.

Executive: $1161/month on average

In my opinion, it typically takes a hard-working consultant five-ten months to hit the rank of executive.  I hit executive in my sixth month as a consultant after I started building a team, and I earned $1105 that month.  I went straight from mentor to executive.

Silver Executive: $2366/month on average

In my opinion, it typically takes a hard-working consultant nine-fifteen months to hit the rank of the silver executive.  I hit silver executive in my tenth month as a consultant, and I earned $2106 that month.

Gold Executive: $3,334/month on average

In my opinion, it typically takes a hard-working consultant 12-20 months to hit the rank of the gold executive.  I hit gold executive in my 16th month as a consultant, and I earned $5942 that month.

Platinum:  $11,313/month on average

In my opinion, it typically takes a hard-working consultant 18-30 months to hit the rank of the platinum executive.  I hit platinum executive in my 24th month as a consultant, and I earned $7986 that month.

Beyond (highest check):  $38,000

There are no ranks beyond Platinum, but obviously your business & team can/will continue to grow.  There are consultants who have been at Platinum for over two years now (I’ve only been at Platinum for about seven months at the writing of this article in July 2013).

The highest monthly check any Platinum had earned as of March 2013 was $38,000.  These are consultants who have been consistently working on their businesses for nearly four years.  That is an incredible income!  And the company is young!  As these consultants (and I) keep working, our income will only continue to grow.

More Information

I hope that answers any questions you may have about how much you can realistically earn as a THRIVE Life consultant!  If there is something else you’d like to know, leave a comment and I will get back to you!

In addition, if you do decide to become a consultant, THRIVE Life will provide you will a fantastic tool: a commission calculator that can help you see not only how much you can make, but exactly what you need to do each month to get there.  It will help you set financial goals/time frames that work for you and your life!

If you are interested in becoming a THRIVE Life consultant, you can learn more here: 

Becky is a wildlife enthusiast and pet and livestock care expert with a diploma in canine nutrition. With over a decade of experience in animal welfare, Becky lends her expertise to Simple Family Preparedness through insightful info about pets, livestock, bee keeping, and the practicalities of homesteading.

55 thoughts on “How Much Money Will I Make as a THRIVE Life Consultant?”

  1. Hi, has Australia got sales reps? How do I get a sample so I can try and then start a business selling this product.
    If you could please send me some information on this I would appreciate it.

    • The highest monthly check that any Platinum has ever earned is $38k?! I’m a member of a company called IM Academy and our highest ranks get paid $750k a month and they just announced a $1mil a month rank coming. Plus what we make trading since IM Academy shows you how to many 5 streams of income not just 1. ForEx, High Frequency Trading, crypto, e-commerce/dropping shipping and business owner. Thrive costs $499 to start up. IMA is $235-325. Plus 4 of the current top 10 network marketers in the world belong to IMA. Hit me up on IG to learn more @AlohaAshleyyy

    • Yes and no Chelle! I actually grew so fast I had to choose between that and this blog, as both are full time jobs. I chose this blog and have stopped actively building a team – by my own choice, not because of the program itself. I still love and highly recommend the product often on my site. But I couldn’t keep up with the growth of my team and keep this site healthy. But my situation is unique!

    • Do you still want to become le-vel thrive promoter? I can help you out!!


      Text me with your name and e-mail. Also please explain what you are wanting thrive for so I can find the right dft patch for you, because there are many different types with different purposes.

  2. I am very interested in selling thrive. I go to school full time, while my fiance works so I can go to school. I would love to be able to make some extra money just to help him out.

  3. Do you know if there are currently any consultants in Missouri and if so, where are they located.? I’d like to go visit with one if I could. Thanks ~

  4. Hello! I’m curious about samples also, because I want to promote but it’s hard when I don’t have a personal experience to share with others. I do believe in this product but I need to see for myself. If you know of anyone in my area or who could be willing to spare a couple days worth that would be amazing! I live in Mebane, NC

    • Hi Megan! I don’t send out free samples anymore (it just got to be too expensive), but I do earn 50% off product as a consultant. I’m happy to share some of that with you. If you’d like, I can give you up to $100 in product for $50 (50% of retail, not the current sale price). Let me know!

  5. Hi. I was wondering if I can get some free samples and more information on the products. I live in Ellington, Ct. Thanks

    • Hi Sue! I don’t send out free samples anymore (it just got to be too expensive), but I do earn 50% off product as a consultant. I’m happy to share some of that with you. If you’d like, I can give you up to $100 in product for $50 (50% of retail, not the current sale price). And what questions specifically do you have about the product? You can find lots of info here.

  6. Hi Misty, great article. I am new to Thrive, just received my first Taste of Thrive box. I am wondering if you are still selling Thrive and if so how are you doing now 3 years on since writing this article. I am thinking of possibly becoming a consultant (although I am not exaggerating when I say I don’t know even of a few people here where I am to even host a party as I am new to this area.) I don’t know of a consultant in my area to talk to as I signed up under a “prepper” website. look forward to reading more.

    • Hey Pauline! I am still selling Thrive and still doing quite well. My focus has shifted to selling my own educational products though. But even though Thrive isn’t the center of my business anymore, I still earn a part time income just from them and did well enough to win their most recent vacation competition. It is a solid opportunity. And although most peole do start with family / friends, you can’t build a full business with that. You could do some expos / shows and get leads that way and be just fine! Enjoy your Taste of Thrive!

  7. Hey Misty! I am very interested in becoming a Thrive consultant! Do you know if there are any consultants in the Syracuse/Utica/ Rome/New Hartford, New York area or in the 315 telephone area code that I could contact for mentoring? I can’t seem to get through to customer service by phone or through “chat”. Thanks in advance for any help you can give!

  8. I just started with Thrive, I would eventually like to host parties once I learn more about the company , I already have people asking me different questions but I can’t answer them because I myself don’t know. If you know of anyone who can teach me directly that lives in my area I would greatly appreciate it. I live in Dallas, TX.

    Thank you in advance.

    • Hi Sabrinq! Your enroller / trainer should be able to answer all your questions. They committed to do so when you enrolled under them! You can find their contact information when you log into the back office ( over to the left!

    • Hi Jessica! The least expensive kit is actually $129, but yes, you could tie that purchase to your first party / class and earn $12.90 back in free product. Is that what you are asking?

  9. Hi Misty! I am wanting to host a party and I live in Allen, TX. Do you know if there is anybody in my area that I could have come teach me how to do a class and understand how to sign people up?


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